Line Item service - GDALI


This page describes the Line Item Service for a Guaranteed Delivery Augmented Line Item (GDALI). While a GDALI uses the same line item service and endpoint as other types of line items (for example, Line Item Service - ALI), there are a number of required fields that have to be configured properly to get the expected GDALI behavior.

To create a GDALI, you must set the line_item_subtype field to "gd_buying_imp" or "gd_buying_exclusive", and associate the line item with a seamless insertion order via the insertion_orders array. For more information, see Insertion Order Service.

A line item defines your financial relationship with an advertiser, including budget, revenue type, and inventory targeting.

A GDALI is typically used for direct-sold business when an arrangement has been secured from a buyer with a committed impression volume, and is designed to:

  • Deliver budget in full across its flight dates.
  • Deliver budget evenly across its flight dates.
  • Optionally compete in the auction with other demand, such as RTB/Open Exchange, while guaranteeing the original delivery goal.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
(line item JSON)
Add a new GDALI.
(line item JSON)
Modify an existing GDALI.
View all of an advertiser's line items.
GET,2,3 View multiple line items by ID using a comma-separated list.

Helpful Query String Filters:
You can filter for line items based on when they first and last served. This is particularly useful when you are approaching your object limit and need to identify line items that can be deleted from the system. For more details, see First Run and Last Run below.
GET Search for line items with IDs or names containing certain characters.
Delete a line item.

Warning: Deleting a line item will also delete all of its impression trackers and clicktrackers. The deletions are permanent and cannot be reverted. Although deleted objects continue to be available in reporting, you will no longer have visibility into their specific settings (e.g., revenue budget, tracking, cost budget, and targeting).

JSON fields


Migration Notes in the table are provided for users who are migrating from legacy line items to GDALIs.

  • NO CHANGE indicates a field that remains the same between legacy line items and GDALIs.
  • ACTION REQUIRED indicates a field that is new for GDALIs and requires configuration.
  • UNSUPPORTED indicates a field that is not used for GDALIs and should not be used.


Field Type (Length) Description
id int The ID of the line item.
Required On: PUT, in query string.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
code string (100) A custom code for the line item. The code may only contain alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores or dashes. The code you enter is not case-sensitive (upper- and lower-case characters are treated the same). No two objects at the same level (e.g., insertion orders or line items) can use the same code per advertiser. For example, two line items cannot both use code "XYZ", but a single insertion order and its child line item can.
Default: null
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
name string (255) The name of the line item.
Required On: POST
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser to which the line item belongs.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
state enum The state of the line item. Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
Default: "active"
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
line_item_type enum Note: When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the line_item_type field may be omitted and will default to "standard_v2".
The type of line item.
Default: "standard_v2"
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the line_item_type field may be omitted and will default to "standard_v2".
line_item_subtype enum The line item subtype. For GDALIs, the value for this field must be one of the following:
- "gd_buying_imp": Guaranteed delivery line item with impression delivery goal. Eligible only for transacting on managed supply.
- "gd_buying_exclusive": Guaranteed delivery line item with exclusive delivery goal (also referred to as "share of voice" or "SOV"). Eligible only for transacting on managed supply.

- This field is only applicable for augmented line items (i.e., "line_item_type" = "standard_v2"). Any other value will not display or accept a line_item_subtype.
- By defining line_item_subtype, the user may omit the following fields/arrays in the request payload:
  - line_item_type
  - bid_object_type
  - delivery_model_type
  - supply_strategies
- If the user provides conflicting line_item_subtype and fields/arrays outlined above, we'll prefer the line_item_subtype and ignore other fields on the call.
- The line_item_subtype field (and associated fields/arrays listed above) cannot be changed after the line item is created.

Required On: POST
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
By defining line_item_subtype, the user may omit the following fields/arrays in the request payload:
- line_item_type
- bid_object_type
- delivery_model_type
- supply_strategies
If the user provides conflicting line_item_subtype and fields/arrays outlined above, we will prefer the line_item_subtype and ignore other fields on the call.
The line_item_subtype field (and associated fields/arrays listed above) cannot be changed after the line item is created.
start_date timestamp Do not use this field. Instead, use the start_date and end_date fields within the budget_intervals array to designate when the line item should run.
Default: null (immediately)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
end_date timestamp Do not use this field. Instead, use the start_date and end_date fields within the budget_intervals array to designate when the line item should run.
Default: null (indefinitely)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
timezone enum The timezone by which budget and spend are counted. For details and accepted values, see API Timezones.

Note: For ALIs, be sure to use this field (and not the one in the budget_intervals array) to set the line item's time zone.

Default: "UTC" or advertiser's timezone
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
For ALIs, be sure to use this field (and not the one in the budget_intervals array) to set the line item's time zone.
ad_types array of strings The type of creative used for this line item. Possible values:
- "banner"
- "video" (includes audio types as well)
- "native"

One or more values are supported. This value determines how auction items are tracked for the line item's buying strategy, paying strategy, forecasting, creative association, and targeting options.

Note: All creatives associated to a line item must have the same ad type, which should match the ad_types selected here.

Default: "banner"
Required On: POST/PUT
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
"ad_types": [ "banner" ]
discrepancy_pct double Deprecated.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
publishers_allowed string Deprecated. Use the values of the supply_strategies array to set the supply types (e.g., RTB/Open Exchange, Deals, Managed).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
revenue_value double The amount paid to the network by the advertiser.

Note: Depending on what you set the revenue_type field to, this field must be set to the actual value of that revenue type (e.g. flat_fee, cpm, or the desired viewable CPM).

Required On: POST/PUT
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
revenue_type enum The way the advertiser has agreed to pay you (also called Booked Revenue). Possible values are listed below.
- "cpm": Select this value if you are being paid flat payment for 1000 impressions (CPM)
  - For Viewable CPM, set revenue_type to "cpm", the revenue_value field to the Viewable CPM value, the revenue_auction_event_type field to "view" the revenue_auction_event_type_code field to "view_display_50pv1s_an" and "revenue_auction_type_id" to 2. Only measured viewable impressions will be counted, according to the Xandr viewability measurement, using the IAB definition.
- "flat_fee": A flat payment that the advertiser will pay you on a specified allocation date. That date can be daily or at the end of the flight. If you pay managed publishers a percentage of your revenue, their share will be paid out on the allocation date, after which the line item will no longer be editable.

Note: The flat fee will not be booked on the allocation date unless the line item has served at least 1 impression. If you define a revenue_type of flat_fee you must specify a value for flat_fee_type.
Required On: POST
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
Viewable CPM revenue type has a new API configuration. For details, see Auction Event below.
goal_type enum Not currently supported for guaranteed delivery line items.
Default: "none"
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
goal_value double Deprecated. Use valuation object instead.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
last_modified timestamp Read-only. The time of last modification to this line item.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
click_url string (1000) The click URL to apply at the line item level.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
currency string (3) The currency used for this line item. For a list of supported currencies, see the Currency Service.

Warning: Once the line item has been created, the currency cannot be changed.

Tip: As a best practice, align currency to the billing currency in order to achieve the best possible local currency experience.

Default: Default currency of the advertiser
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
require_cookie_for_tracking boolean Indicates whether you want to serve only to users who use cookies, in order to do conversion tracking (because Xandr conversion attribution is cookie-based) and frequency capping.

Note: This flag is only enforced when a conversion pixel and/or frequency/recency cap has been applied, so setting true will not require cookies for a line item that has no conversion pixels and/or frequency capping.
- true indicates you will not serve to non-cookie users.
- false indicates you will serve to non-cookie users and accept no conversion attribution or frequency/recency capping for those users.

Default: true
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
profile_id int You may associate an optional profile_id with this line item. A profile is a generic set of rules for targeting inventory. For details, see the Profile Service.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
member_id int ID of the member that owns the line item.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
comments string Comments about the line item.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
remaining_days int Not currently supported for guaranteed delivery line items.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
total_days int Not currently supported for guaranteed delivery line items.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
manage_creative boolean Must be set to true (creatives are managed at the line item level).
Default: true
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
"manage_creative": true
advertiser object Read-only. An object describing the advertiser with which this line item is associated. For details, see Advertiser below.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
labels array The optional labels applied to the line item. Currently, the labels available are: "Trafficker" and "Sales Rep". For details, see Labels below.

Note: You can report on line item labels with the Network Analytics and Network Advertiser Analytics reports. For example, if you use the "Trafficker" label to specify the name of the trafficker responsible for each line item, you could run the Network Analytics report filtered by "trafficker_for_line_item" to focus on the line items that a particular trafficker is responsible for, or grouped by "trafficker_for_line_item" to rank the performance of your traffickers.

Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
broker_fees array Deprecated. Broker fees are only eligible with legacy Insertion Order, Line Item, and Campaign objects.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
GDALIs do not support Broker Fees.
pixels array of objects The conversion pixels used to track CPA revenue. Both post-click and post-view revenue may be specified. You may only attach 20 pixels to a line item. If you need to attach more, speak with your Xandr Implementation Consultant or Support. For more details, see Pixels and the example below for a sample of the format.
Default: null
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
insertion_orders array of objects Objects containing metadata for the insertion orders this line item is associated with. For more information, see Insertion Orders below.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
goal_pixels array of objects Do not use this field.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
imptrackers array of objects Read-only. The third-party impression trackers associated with the line item. For more details, see Impression Tracker Service.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
clicktrackers array of objects Read-only. The third-party click trackers associated with the line item. For more details, see Click Tracker Service.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
valuation object Not currently supported for guaranteed delivery line items.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
creatives array of objects The creatives that are associated with the line item. For more details, see Creatives below.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
budget_scheduling_settings object The budget_scheduling_settings is a parent object that defines budget and scheduling settings. The underspend_catchup_type field is currently the only existing field of this object. For more details, see Budget Scheduling Settings below.
budget_intervals array of objects Use this array for defining budget and flight dates. For more details, see Budget Intervals below.

Warning: GDALIs only support a single budget interval.
If you use budget_intervals, the following fields should not be used on the line-item object:
- lifetime_pacing
- lifetime_budget
- lifetime_budget_imps
- enable_pacing
- lifetime_pacing_span
- allow_safety_pacing
- daily_budget
- daily_budget_imps
- lifetime_pacing_pct

Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
This array replaces budgeting and flight dates from legacy line items. Use this array for defining budget and flight dates.

Warning: GDALIs only support a single budget interval.

See array of objects.
lifetime_budget double Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: null (unlimited)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
lifetime_budget_imps int Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: null (unlimited)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
daily_budget double Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: null (unlimited)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
daily_budget_imps double Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: null (unlimited)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
enable_pacing boolean Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: null
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
allow_safety_pacing boolean Deprecated. This field may not be set.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
lifetime_pacing boolean Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: null
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
lifetime_pacing_span int Deprecated. This field may not be set.
Default: null (3 days)
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
lifetime_pacing_pct double Do not use this field. Instead, use the budget fields within the budget_intervals array.
Default: 100
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
See the budget_intervals array.
payout_margin double The payout margin on performance offer line items.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
insertion_order_id int The ID of the current active insertion order (when applicable). Must append include_insertion_order_id=true to return this field in a GET call. For details, see the Insertion Order Service.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
stats object Deprecated. The stats object has been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016). Use the Report Service to obtain statistical information instead.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
all_stats array Read-only. To show Rapid Reports for all available intervals (today, yesterday, the last 7 days, life time), pass all_status=true in the query string of a GET request.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
first_run timestamp Read-only. The date and time when the line item had its first impression, refreshed on an hourly basis. This value reflects the UTC time zone. To include this information in a GET response, pass flight_info=true in the query string. For details about how to filter line items based on when they first served, see First Run and Last Run below.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
last_run timestamp Read-only. The date and time when the line item had its last impression, refreshed on an hourly basis. This value reflects the UTC time zone. To include this information in a GET response, pass flight_info=true in the query string. For details about how to filter line items based on when they last served, see First Run and Last Run below.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
expected_pacing double Deprecated.

Caution: The stats object and Quickstats have been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
total_pacing double Deprecated.

Caution: The stats object and Quickstats have been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
has_pacing_dollars enum Deprecated.

Caution: The stats object and Quickstats have been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
has_pacing_imps enum Deprecated.

Caution: The stats object and Quickstats have been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
imps_pacing_percent int Deprecated.

Caution: The stats object and Quickstats have been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
rev_pacing_percent int Deprecated.

Caution: The stats object and Quickstats have been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
alerts object Not currently supported for guaranteed delivery line items.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
inventory_type enum Deprecated. Use the values of the supply_strategies array to set the supply types (e.g., RTB/Open Exchange, Deals, Managed).
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
Use the values of the supply_strategies array to set the supply types (e.g., RTB/Open Exchange, Deals, Managed).
supply_strategies array of objects Note: When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the supply_strategies field may be omitted.
Guaranteed delivery line items will always be set to "managed": true and all other strategies will be set to false.

An array containing several boolean fields used to designate which inventory supply sources you would like to target. The values of this object's boolean fields supersede the setting of the inventory_type field and once set will cause the inventory_type field to be permanently locked and ignored. Values in this object include:
- "managed": boolean
- "rtb": boolean
- "deals": boolean
- "programmatic_guaranteed": boolean

For more details, see Supply Strategies below.
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the supply_strategies field may be omitted.
Guaranteed delivery line items will always be set to "managed": true and all other strategies will be set to false.
The supply_strategies array replaces the inventory_type field previously defined on the legacy campaign.
creative_distribution_type enum When multiple creatives of the same size are trafficked via a line item, this field's setting is used to determine the creative rotation strategy that will be used. Allowed values:
- even: Even rotation is handled automatically by our system. Also select this if you want creative rotation to be handled at the splits level.
- weighted: Creative rotation is based on a user-supplied weight.
- ctr-optimized: The creative in the size bucket with the highest CTR delivers the most. The default.
Default: "even"
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
prefer_delivery_over_performance boolean Not currently supported for guaranteed delivery line items.
Default: false
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
viewability_vendor string This field determines what provider measures the viewability of the ad unit. The only value that is currently valid is "appnexus".
Default: "appnexus"
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
This field defaults to appnexus; appnexus is the only value that is currently valid.
is_archived boolean Read-only. Indicates whether the line item has been automatically archived due to not being used. Once set to true, the value can't be changed and the only calls that can be made on the line item object are GET and DELETE.

Note: ALIs and GDALIs do not support this feature.
If a line item is automatically archived, its profile will also be archived and the only calls that may be made on either of those objects are GET and DELETE. In addition, once archived, the line item may not be associated with any insertion orders.

Default: false
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
Auto-archival is not currently supported by augmented line items.
archived_on timestamp Read-only. The date and time on which the line item was archived (i.e., when the is_archived field was set to true).

Note: ALIs and GDALIs do not support this feature.
Default: null
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
partner_fees array Currently unsupported by guaranteed delivery line items. For details, see Partner Fee Service.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
GDALIs do not support Partner Fees.
delivery_goal array For guaranteed delivery line items, the most important performance indicator is that the line item delivers its budget in full and evenly across its flight dates. To achieve these ends, these line items have an associated delivery_goal. These line items will deliver their impression or percentage goals evenly across their flight dates. This array specifies exactly what the line item's goals are.
For more details, see Delivery Goal below.
Default: null
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
priority int For a line item targeting managed inventory (supply_strategies managed is true), since you have already paid for inventory, there is no need to input a buying strategy. However, you can set the line item's priority to weight the line item against other direct line items within your account.
Default: 5
Migration Notes: Priority was previously specified within a campaign object; GDALIs define the priority on the line item object.

Note: The Microsoft Monetize UI sets the default value for impression guaranteed lines to 14, and 19 for exclusive. The default value for all line items created via the API is 5.
auction_event object An object describing the auction event at which the line item should record. GDALI's only support impression-based auction events.
For details, see Auction Event below.

Note: Omitting the auction_event object (or setting to null) will automatically set this object to it default impression-based value.
Default: null
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
Omitting the auction_event object (or setting to null) will automatically set this object to it default impression-based value.
bid_object_type enum Note: When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the bid_object_type field may be omitted and will default to "creative".

The bid object type of the line item (e.g. "creative" or "deal").
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the bid_object_type field may be omitted and will default to "creative".
custom_models Currently unsupported by guaranteed delivery line items. For details, see the Splits Service on how to associate splits to GDALIs for creative targeting use cases.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
deals Currently unsupported by guaranteed delivery line items. For details, see Deal Line Item API Setup Guide.
Migration Notes: UNSUPPORTED
delivery_model_type Caution: When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the delivery_model_type field may be omitted.
The type of delivery model (e.g. "guaranteed" or "exclusive").
Migration Notes: ACTION REQUIRED
When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the delivery_model_type field may be omitted.
flat_fee object A flat payment that the advertiser will pay you on a specified allocation date. That allocation date can be daily or at the end of the flight. If you pay managed publishers a percentage of your revenue, their share will be paid out on the allocation date, after which the line item will no longer be editable.

Note: The flat fee will not be booked on the allocation date unless the line item has served at least one impression. For more information, see Flat Fee below.

Required On: POST/PUT, if revenue_type is "flat_fee".
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
flat_fee_type string Flat fees can be paid out daily or on the flight end date. Available values are:
- one_time: The fee will be paid on the final allocation date. The associated revenue_value is the value to be paid on that date. The flight cannot be longer than one month.
- daily: The fee will be paid daily. The associated revenue_value is the daily fee, not the fee for the entire flight.
Default: one_time
Required On: POST/PUT if revenue_type is "flat_fee".
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE
roadblock object The roadblock settings for the line item. For details, see Roadblock below.
Migration Notes: NO CHANGE

Warning: Only page-level "partial" roadblocks are supported by GDALI.

budget_intervals objects

"budget_intervals": [
"start_date": "2020-02-03 00:00:00",
"end_date": "2020-02-29 23:59:59",
"lifetime_budget": null,
"lifetime_budget_imps": 1000000,
"daily_budget_imps": null,
"daily_budget": null,
"enable_pacing": false,
"lifetime_pacing": false,
"lifetime_pacing_pct": null

Supply strategies

The supply_strategies object is used to designate which supply source you wish to target when buying inventory.


When "line_item_subtype" is set to gd_buying_imp or gd_buying_exclusive, the supply_strategies field may be omitted.


The values of this object's boolean fields supersede the setting of the inventory_type field. Once any of these fields are set to true on an ALI, the inventory_type field will be ignored and unsettable for that line item. If you attempt to make a PUT call on the value of the inventory_type field after one or more of these fields have been set to true, the following error message will be generated: "inventory_type cannot be updated once supply_strategies has been set".

Field Type Description
managed boolean Designates whether you wish to target managed inventory. This only includes inventory managed by your network.
rtb boolean Designates whether you wish to target inventory on the Open Exchange. This includes all third-party inventory not managed by your network that has been enabled for reselling (including external supply partners such as Microsoft Advertising Exchange and Google Ad Manager).
deals boolean Designates whether you wish to target deal inventory. This includes any deals which you are are eligible to bid on.
programmatic_guaranteed boolean Designates whether you wish to target a programmatic guaranteed deal with this line item. If this is set to true, then the rtb, managed, and deals fields must be set to false.

Target managed inventory

$ cat LI-supply-strategies.json

    "line-item": {
      "supply_strategies": {
          "managed": true,
          "rtb": false,
          "deals": false,
          "programmatic_guaranteed": false

Delivery goal

The delivery_goal array contains information about the delivery goal attached to the GDALI. GDALIs will attempt to deliver against impression or percentage goals.

In order for GDALIs to serve, there are a number of different validations that have to be performed. The validations change depending on the type of delivery goal (see type field below).

Field Type Description
id int The unique, automatically generated ID of this delivery goal.
type string The type of delivery goal. Allowed values:
- "impressions": GDALIs with impression goals will attempt to serve the specified number of impressions evenly across their flight dates. If the delivery goal type is "impressions", lifetime budget must be set at the line item level.
- "percentage": Currently, the percentage goal is only available for "exclusive" GDALIs.

Note: If the delivery goal type is "percentage", the line item cannot have a budget.
disallow_non_guaranteed boolean When true, this line item will always serve over non-guaranteed line items participating in the same (managed) auction.

Note: For exclusive delivery type, we recommend setting this field to true to ensure delivery. For impression guaranteed line items, setting this field to true may impact competition in the auction, which could impact yield.
percentage int If the type of delivery goal is "percentage", this is the actual percentage at which the GDALI will serve. Allowed values are integers 0 <= n <= 100. If the delivery goal's type is "impressions", this field must be null.
reserved boolean This is a required field. When true, this line item has inventory "reserved" for it; in other words, the line item is set to purchase a guaranteed number or percentage of impressions on a seller's inventory during its flight.

Note: You will not be able to set a GDALI's state to "active" unless this field is set to true.
guaranteed_delivery_version int Deprecated. This field is no longer in use.

Apply a delivery goal to an exclusive guaranteed line item

$ cat LI-exclusive-delivery.json

    "line-item": {
      "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_exclusive",
      "delivery_goal": {
          "type": "percentage",
          "percentage": 100,
          "disallow_non_guaranteed": true,
          "reserved": true

Apply a delivery goal to an impression guaranteed line item

$ cat LI-imp-delivery.json

    "line-item": {
      "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_imp",
      "delivery_goal": {
          "type": "impressions",
          "disallow_non_guaranteed": false,
          "reserved": true

Flat fee

The flat_fee object contains the following fields.

Field Type Description
lat_fee_status enum Read-only. The status of the flat fee disbursement. Possible values: "pending", "processing", "allocated", or "error".
flat_fee_allocation_date timestamp The date when the flat fee revenue is scheduled to be allocated to publishers.
Example: "2019-06-08 00:00:00".
This value will be null if the flat_fee_type is daily.
flat_fee_adjustment_id int Read-only. The ID for any adjustments required to this flat fee.

Apply a daily $100 flat fee to a line item

$ cat LI-daily-flat-fee.json

    "line-item": {
      "revenue_value": 100,
      "revenue_type": "flat_fee",
      “flat_fee_type”: “daily”,

Apply a one-time flat fee to a line item

$ cat LI-one-time-flat-fee.json

    "line-item": {
      "revenue_value": 10,
      "revenue_type": "flat_fee",
      "flat_fee_type": "one_time",
      "flat_fee": {
          " flat_fee_allocation_date": "2020-12-01 00:00:00"

Budget schedule setting

The budget_scheduling_settings contains the following field.

Field Type Description
underspend_catchup_type enum Dictates how Xandr's system deals with an underdelivered daily budget. Use the "evenly" value if you'd like the unspent portions of your budget to be spent evenly throughout the rest of flight, or "ASAP" if you'd like the unspent budget to be spent as soon as possible.
Possible values: "evenly" or "ASAP" (default).


The roadblock object contains information to enable the delivery of two or more creatives to the page in unison. Roadblocks can be applied only for managed inventory and can't be enabled when you're working with third-party inventory.

GDALIs support "page-level" roadblocks, where one impression is recorded for the full set of creatives delivered for the roadblock. Impressions are recorded based on delivery of the master creative; if the master creative doesn't serve, no impression will be recorded. Budgets are based on master impressions delivered, exclusive of companion delivery.


The master_width and master_height fields must be defined for roadblock line items. The master creative is the creative with a size matching the master_height and master_width specified in the roadblock object. If more than one creative matches that size, the system will choose one as the master.

Video roadblock line items are identified by the slot position and not the ad size master_width and master_height of the master creative. This is because the ad size is set to 1x1 for all videos.

To serve a roadblock, one creative for each size must be eligible to serve on the page. All creatives will serve if ad slots are available. If more than one creative per size exists, creatives will rotate through a single ad slot. There can be more ad slots available than there are creatives to fill them.

For more on roadblocking, see Target Your Inventory with Roadblocking.

Field Type Description
type enum The type of roadblock. For GDALIs, this value must be either:
- null: (default) There is no roadblocking set at the line item level.
- partial_roadblock: Enables roadblocking on the line item. The line item serves when at least one creative of each size fits an eligible ad slot.
master_width int The width of the master creative. This value is required when roadblock type equals partial_roadblock. Note: For all video ad types, the width must be set to 1.
master_height int The height of the master creative. This value is required when roadblock type equals partial_roadblock. Note: For all video ad types, the height must be set to 1.
slot_type string The slot position of the master creative. Possible values are: "AD_POD_FIRST" (First Slot), "AD_POD_LAST" (Last Slot), "INTRO_BUMPER", "OUTRO_BUMPER".

Apply a partial roadblock to a line item

$ cat LI-roadblock.json

    "line-item": {
      "roadblock": {
          "type": "partial_roadblock",
          "master_width": 300,
          "master_height": 600
          "ad_types": "banner"

Apply a partial roadblock to a line item with video ad type

$ cat LI-roadblock.json

    "line-item": {
      "roadblock": {
          "type": "partial_roadblock",
          "master_width": 1,
          "master_height": 1,
          "ad_types": "video",
          "slot_type": "AD_POD_FIRST"


You can use the Advertiser Service to create or view advertisers.

Field Type Description
id int The unique identifier for this advertiser.
name string The name of the advertiser associated with the unique ID above.


You can use the read-only Label Service to view all possible labels for line items, advertisers, insertion orders, and publishers. This service also allows you to view the labels that have already been applied to your objects.

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the label. Possible values: 7, 8, 11.
name enum Read-only. The name of the label.
Possible values: "Trafficker" or "Sales Rep".
value string (100) The value assigned to the label. For example, for the "Sales Rep" label, this could be a name such as "Michael Sellers".

Apply a trafficker label to a line item

$ cat LI-trafficker.json
    "line-item": {
      "labels": {
          "id": 7,
          “value”: “Michael Sellers”


Each object in the pixels array includes the following fields:

Field Type Description
id int The ID of the conversion pixel.
state enum The state of the pixel. Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
post_click_revenue double The post click revenue value for the pixel. This field can only be set when the line item's revenue_type field has been set to cpa (as a result, this field can't be used with augmented line items).
post_view_revenue double The post view revenue value for the pixel. This field cab only be set when the line item's revenue_type field has been set to cpa (as a result, this field can't be used with augmented line items).
name string Read-only. The name of the conversion pixel.
trigger_type enum Read-only. The type of event required for an attributed conversion.
Possible values: "view", "click", or "hybrid".

Insertion orders


Insertion Orders for Guaranteed Delivery Augmented Line Items (GDALI)

For an insertion order to be associated with a Guaranteed Delivery Augmented Line Item (GDALI), the insertion order must:

  • Be a Seamless Insertion Order (legacy insertion orders are not compatible).
  • Have budget_type set to impression.
  • Not contain more than one budget_intervals array.
  • Have unlimited budget (set via the budget_intervals array).

Insertion orders not matching the above may only be associated to non-guaranteed line items.

The above criteria is also required for programmatic guaranteed line items (PGLI). An insertion order with the above settings may also be associated to non-guaranteed line items.

Associating a profile_id (e.g., frequency capping or setting additional targeting) on the insertion order object may result in unexpected forecasting or delivery for PGLIs and GDALIs. It is recommended not to use profile_id for insertion orders intended for the use with GDALIs.

Field Type Description
id int The unique ID of the insertion order.
state enum The state of this insertion order: "active" or "inactive".
code string An optional custom code used to identify this insertion order.
name string The name of this insertion order.
advertiser_id int The unique identifier of the advertiser associated with this insertion order.
budget_type enum The budget type of the insertion order.
timezone enum The timezone that this insertion order is associated with. For a list of allowed values, see API Timezones.
last_modified date The date at which this insertion order object was last updated.
currency enum The currency type associated with this insertion order. For a list of supported currencies, see the Currency Service.

Note: For best results, set the currency on the parent insertion order. For more information, see Insertion Order Service.
budget_intervals array of objects The metadata for the budget intervals from the associated insertion order. Budget intervals enable multiple date intervals to be attached to an insertion order, each with corresponding budget values. For more information, see Insertion Order Service.

Auction event

The following fields are contained within the auction_event object.


  • Guaranteed delivery line items only support impression and view-based auction events.
  • Omitting the auction_event object (or setting to null) results in the line item tracking revenue/payment based on impression events.
  • Do not supply values for the fields within this object that end in _code or _id. Only supply values for the fields in the auction_event object that end in _type. The object will return the fields ending in _code and _id, but they will be ignored on POST and PUT calls.

For Viewable CPM, set:

  • revenue_auction_event_type field to "view"- Use this value when your Revenue Type is Viewable CPM. Only measured viewable impressions will be counted, according to the Xandr viewability measurement, using the IAB definition.
  • revenue_auction_event_type_code field to "view_display_50pv1s_an" - Use this value when your Revenue Type is Viewable CPM.
  • revenue_auction_type_id to 2 - Use this value when your Revenue Type is Viewable CPM.
Field Type Description
revenue_auction_event_type string This field is used in conjunction with the settings of the revenue_type field. Options are:
"impression": Use this value when your Revenue Type is CPM, Dynamic CPM or Cost Plus Margin.
revenue_auction_event_type_code string This field is used in conjunction with the settings of the revenue_type field. Options are:
"impression": Use this value when your Revenue Type is CPM, Dynamic CPM or Cost Plus Margin.
revenue_auction_type_id int This field is used in conjunction with the settings of the revenue_type field. Options are:
1: Use this value when your Revenue Type is CPM, Dynamic CPM or Cost Plus Margin.
kpi_auction_event_type string Not currently supported by GDALIs.
kpi_auction_event_type_code string Not currently supported by GDALIs.
kpi_auction_type_id int Not currently supported by GDALIs.
kpi_value double Not currently supported by GDALIs.
payment_auction_event_type string Not currently supported by GDALIs.
payment_auction_event_type_code string Not currently supported by GDALIs.
payment_auction_type_id int Not currently supported by GDALIs.

Set $4 Viewable CPM revenue to a line item

$ cat LI-viewable-cpm.json
    "line-item": {
      “revenue_type”: “cpm”,
      “revenue_value”: 4
      "auction_event": {
          "revenue_auction_event_type": “view”,
          "revenue_auction_event_type_code": “view_display_50pv1s_an”,
          "revenue_auction_type_id": 2


Each object in the creatives array includes the following fields. To obtain information for "id" or "code" fields you can use the Creative Service.

Field Type Description
is_expired boolean Read-only. If true, the creative is expired. If false, the creative is active.
is_prohibited boolean Read-only. If true, the creative falls into a prohibited category on the Xandr platform.
width int Read-only. The width of the creative.
audit_status enum Read-only. The audit status of the creative. Possible values: "no_audit", "pending", "rejected", "audited", or "unauditable".
name string Read-only. The name of the creative.
pop_window_maximize boolean Read-only. If true, the publisher's tag will maximize the window. Only relevant for creatives with format "url-html" and "url-js". If pop_window_maximize is set to true, then neither height nor width should be set on the creative.
height int Read-only. The height of the creative.
state enum Read-only. The state of the creative.
Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
format enum Read-only. The format of the creative file.
Possible values: "url-html", "url-js", "flash", "image", "raw-js", "raw-html", "iframe-html", or "text".
is_self_audited boolean Read-only. If true, the creative is self-audited.
id int The ID of the creative. Either id or code is required when updating creative association.
code string The custom code for the creative. Either id or code is required when updating creative association.
weight int A user-supplied weight that determines the creative rotation strategy for same-sized creatives managed at the line item level. To use this field, the value of creative_distribution_type must be "weighted".
Allowed value: An integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000.
ad_type string Read-only. The creative ad type.
Possible values: "banner", "video", and "native".

Note: All creatives associated to a line item must have the same ad type, which should match the ad_types selected for the line item.
all_budget_intervals boolean Indicates whether the creative will serve during all budget intervals, including all future budget intervals.
Possible values are:
- True (the default)
- False
If true, custom_date_ranges in the creatives array and creatives in the budget_intervals array must be set to null. Conversely, if you want to use custom date ranges and/or creatives, all_budget_intervals must be set to false.
custom_date_ranges array of objects The date ranges setting the periods when the creative will serve.
If specified:
- all_budget_intervals must be set to false
- You must also specify the creative IDs in the creatives field of the budget_intervals array.
For more information, see Custom Date Ranges below.

Custom date ranges

The custom_date_ranges array sets the date ranges during which a creative will serve.

Dates must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

The date ranges must all meet the following specifications:

  • They cannot include any dates before the start or after the end of any budget intervals defined for this line item.
  • Both start and end dates are required.
  • Date ranges must be at least an hour long.
  • End dates cannot be later than 2038-01-19 00:00:00.
Field Type Description
start_date timestamp The start date of the custom date range. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (hh:mm:ss should be hh:00:00).
end_date timestamp The end date of the budget interval. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (hh:mm:ss should be set to hh:59:59).

Schedule a creative to serve during a custom budget interval

$cat line-item-with-custom-budget-intervals

    line_item: {
        budget_intervals: [
                start_date: 2/1/2020,
                end_date: 3/1/2020,
                lifetime_budget: 2000,
                id: 8888,                                  
                creatives: null
        creatives: [
                id: 56789,
                weight: 1,
                all_budget_intervals: true,                 
                custom_date_ranges: null                                                   
                id: 12345,
                weight: 2,
                all_budget_intervals: false,                
                custom_date_ranges: [
                        start_date: 2/5/2020 00:00:00,      
                        end_date: 2/10/2020 00:00:00                     
        creative_distribution_type: weighted

Budget intervals

When creating a new guaranteed delivery line item, ensure that the start_date and end_date of each of its budget_intervals array objects fall within one of the budget intervals defined on the parent insertion order (insertion orders are associated with line items via the insertion_orders array in the Line Item Service).


  • Although budgets of any size may be configured on the line item, setting a lifetime budget with an equivalent daily impression budget of 1,000 impressions or less may result in the line item spending its lifetime budget prior to its designated end date.
  • If the parent insertion order's budget_type field has been set to "impression" and the line item's auction_event field has been set to Viewable CPM, only the viewable impressions count against both line item and insertion order budgets.
  • The parent_interval_id (in the budget_intervals array) has been deprecated and its value will be ignored.

Also consider the following when using the budget_intervals array:

  • A guaranteed delivery line item must not contain more than one budget_intervals array.
  • Impression guaranteed line items ("line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_imp") require a value be set for lifetime_budget_imps, as well as lifetime_pacing set to true. All revenue budget fields must be set to null. Setting daily_budget_imps in addition to lifetime_budget_imps may impact delivery; best practice is to only set the lifetime_budget_imps field.
  • Exclusive line items ("line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_exclusive") must omit all budget fields, or set to null.

Each object in the budget_intervals array contains the following fields.

Field Type (Length) Description
id int The ID of the budget interval.
start_date timestamp The start date of the budget interval. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (hh:mm:ss should be hh:00:00).
end_date timestamp The end date of the budget interval. Format must be YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (hh:mm:ss should be set to hh:59:59). Must not be null for guaranteed delivery line items. For delivery to work best, your budget intervals should have a duration of at least 4 hours.
timezone string The timezone by which budget and spend are counted. For a list of acceptable timezone values, see API Timezones.
parent_interval_id int Deprecated. The value of this field will be ignored. Instead, use the start_date and end_date fields of this array to define when the line item should run.
lifetime_budget double The lifetime budget in revenue for the budget interval. The revenue currency is defined by the currency field on the insertion_order object.

Note: If you also set the lifetime_budget_imps field in this array, whichever budget is exhausted first will cause spending to stop. A GDALI should only have lifetime_budget_imps defined.
lifetime_budget_imps double The lifetime budget in impressions for the budget interval.

- If you add line items to this insertion order, any spend already associated with those line items before they are added to the insertion order is NOT counted against the lifetime budget of the insertion order. Only spend that occurs while the line item is a child of the insertion order is counted.
- If you also set the lifetime_budget field in this array, whichever budget is exhausted first will cause spending to stop. A GDALI should only have lifetime_budget_imps defined.
- When a line item is enabled for roadblocks, only master creative imps will count against lifetime_budget_imps.
lifetime_pacing boolean If true, the line item will attempt to pace the lifetime budget evenly over the budget interval. If true, you must set lifetime_budget or lifetime_budget_imps.
lifetime_pacing_pct double A double integer between-- and including-- 50 and 150, used to set pacing throughout a budget interval. Possible values can be any double between 50 and 150 on the following scale:
- 50: Pace behind schedule.
- 100: Pace evenly.
- 150: Pace ahead of schedule.

Note: It's recommended to set this field to 105. By default, the value will be set to 100.
daily_budget double The daily budget in revenue for the budget interval. The revenue currency is defined by the currency field on the insertion_order object.

- If you add line items to this insertion order, any impressions associated to those line items when they are added to the insertion order are NOT counted under the lifetime budget of the insertion order. Only impressions that occur while the line item is a child of the insertion order are counted.
- If you also set the daily_budget_imps field, whichever budget is exhausted first will cause spending to stop. Best practice is to only set one of these fields.
daily_budget_imps double The daily budget in impressions.

Note: If you also set the daily_budget field, whichever budget is exhausted first will cause spending to stop. Best practice is to only set one of these fields.
enable_pacing boolean If true, then spending will be paced over the course of the day. Only applicable if there is a daily_budget.
creatives array Specifies the creatives associated with this budget interval. In order to serve, creatives must also be specified in the line item creatives field and all_budget_intervals must be false.

Apply budget interval to a line item

$ cat LI-budget-intervals.json
    "line-item": {
      "budget_intervals": {
          "start_date": “2020-08-01 00:00:00”,
          "end_date": “2020-08-31 23:59:59”,
          "timezone": "UTC",
          "lifetime_budget_imps": 150000,
          "lifetime_pacing": true



The stats object has been deprecated (as of October 17, 2016). Use the Report Service to obtain statistical information instead.

First run and last run

To include the first_run and last_run fields in a GET response, pass flight_info=true in the query string. You can also filter for line items based on when they first and last served, as follows:

Retrieve only line items that have never served

Pass {{never_run=true}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ''


You can use {{never_run=true}} in combination with other filters, but note that it will always be an OR relationship. For example, if you pass both {{never_run=true}} and {{min_first_run=2012-01-01 00:00:00}} in the query string, you will be looking for line items that have never served OR line items that first served on or after 2012-01-01.

Retrieve only line items that first served on or after a specific date

Pass {{min_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only line items that first served on or before a specific date

Pass {{max_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only line items that first served within a specific date range

Pass {{min_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS&max_first_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00&max_first_run=2012-08-01 00:00:00'

Retrieve only line items that last served on or after a specific date

Pass {{min_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only line items that last served on or before a specific date

Pass {{max_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00'

Retrieve only line items that last served within a specific date range

Pass {{min_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS&max_last_run=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}} in the query string.

curl -b cookies -c cookies ' 00:00:00&max_last_run=2012-08-01 00:00:00'

Fields of the type date can be filtered by nmin and nmax as well. The nmin filter lets you find dates that are either null or after the specified date, and the nmax filter lets you find dates that are either null or before the specified date.


View a line item

To view a specific line item, we must pass in the line item and advertiser IDs via the query string.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "line-item": {
            "id": 12954413,
            "code": null,
            "name": "Test-GDALI",
            "advertiser_id": 3872575,
            "state": "inactive",
            "start_date": null,
            "end_date": null,
            "timezone": "UTC",
            "discrepancy_pct": 0,
            "publishers_allowed": "all",
            "revenue_value": 1,
            "revenue_type": "cpm",
            "goal_type": "none",
            "goal_value": null,
            "last_modified": "2020-10-05 00:05:36",
            "click_url": null,
            "currency": "USD",
            "require_cookie_for_tracking": true,
            "profile_id": null,
            "member_id": 958,
            "flat_fee_type": null,
            "comments": null,
            "remaining_days": null,
            "total_days": null,
            "manage_creative": true,
            "budget_set_per_flight": true,
            "creative_distribution_type": null,
            "line_item_type": "standard_v2",
            "bid_object_type": "creative",
            "prefer_delivery_over_performance": false,
            "priority": 5,
            "enable_v8": true,
            "viewability_vendor": "appnexus",
            "is_archived": false,
            "archived_on": null,
            "delivery_model_type": "guaranteed",
            "waive_deductions_when_disallowed": false,
            "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_imp",
            "advertiser": {
                "id": 3872575,
                "name": "GDALI Testing Advertiser"
            "flat_fee": null,
            "supply_strategies": {
                "managed": true,
                "rtb": false,
                "deals": false,
                "programmatic_guaranteed": false
            "deals": null,
            "delivery_goal": {
                "id": 2246279,
                "type": "impressions",
                "disallow_non_guaranteed": false,
                "percentage": null,
                "reserved": true,
                "guaranteed_delivery_version": null
            "labels": null,
            "broker_fees": null,
            "pixels": null,
            "insertion_orders": [
                    "id": 4971824,
                    "state": "active",
                    "code": null,
                    "name": "Test-Seamless-IO-GDALI",
                    "advertiser_id": 3872575,
                    "start_date": null,
                    "end_date": null,
                    "timezone": "UTC",
                    "last_modified": "2020-10-02 11:17:21",
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "budget_intervals": [
                            "id": 9974698,
                            "object_id": 4971824,
                            "object_type": "insertion_order",
                            "start_date": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
                            "end_date": null,
                            "timezone": "UTC",
                            "code": null,
                            "lifetime_budget": null,
                            "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
                            "daily_budget_imps": null,
                            "daily_budget": null,
                            "enable_pacing": false,
                            "lifetime_pacing": false,
                            "lifetime_pacing_pct": null
                    "political_content": null
            "goal_pixels": null,
            "imptrackers": null,
            "clicktrackers": null,
            "campaigns": null,
            "valuation": null,
            "creatives": null,
            "budget_intervals": [
                    "id": 9980002,
                    "object_id": 12954413,
                    "object_type": "campaign_group",
                    "start_date": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
                    "end_date": "2020-10-31 23:59:59",
                    "timezone": "UTC",
                    "code": null,
                    "parent_interval_id": null,
                    "creatives": null,
                    "lifetime_budget": null,
                    "lifetime_budget_imps": 150000,
                    "lifetime_pacing": true,
                    "enable_pacing": true,
                    "lifetime_pacing_pct": 105
            "custom_models": null,
            "inventory_discovery": null,
            "incrementality": null,
            "auction_event": null,
            "custom_optimization_note": null,
            "roadblock": null,
            "budget_scheduling_settings": null,
            "ad_types": [
            "user_info": null,
            "partner_fees": null,
            "product": null,
            "in_demo_measurement": null,
            "lifetime_budget": null,
            "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
            "daily_budget": null,
            "daily_budget_imps": null,
            "enable_pacing": null,
            "allow_safety_pacing": null,
            "lifetime_pacing": null,
            "lifetime_pacing_span": null,
            "lifetime_pacing_pct": null,
            "inventory_type": "direct"
        "count": 1,
        "dbg_info": {
            "warnings": [

            "version": "1.0.56",
            "output_term": "line-item"

View all of an advertiser's line items


If an advertiser has only one line item, it will be returned via the {{line-items}} JSON array.

$ curl -b cookies ''
    "response": {
        "count": 3,
        "line-items": [
            { ..."id": 12954413,...},
            { ..."id": 4983291,...},
            { ..."id": 4983258,...}

Update a line item end date

In this example, we are updating the end date of a line item.

$ cat line_item_end_date_update.json

    "line-item": {
        "budget_intervals: [
                "end_date": "2020-12-31 23:59:59"

curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @line_item_end_date_update.json ""

Update a line item reserve property to true

In this example, we are updating the reserve property of a line item to true. For more details, see Delivery Goal.

$ cat line_item_reserve.json
    "line-item": {
        "delivery_goal: {
            "reserved": true

curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @line_item_reserve.json ""

Create a GDALI with impression delivery model and CPM revenue type

  1. Create a GDALI JSON (you'll need an existing insertion order ID and advertiser ID).

    $ cat gd_imp_cpm
    "line-item": {
        "name": "Test-GDALI",
        "advertiser_id": "3872575",
        "insertion_orders": [{"id": 4971824}],
        "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_imp",
        "state": "inactive",
        "priority": 14,
        "ad_types": [
        "timezone": "UTC",
        "budget_intervals": [
            "start_date": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
            "end_date": "2020-10-31 23:59:59",
            "timezone": "UTC",
            "lifetime_budget_imps": 150000,
            "lifetime_pacing": true,
            "lifetime_pacing_pct": 105
        "currency": "USD",
        "revenue_type": "cpm",
        "revenue_value": 1,
        "delivery_goal": {
          "type": "impressions",
          "disallow_non_guaranteed": false,
          "reserved": true
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint using this GDALI JSON and the appropriate advertiser_id.

    $ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @gd_imp_cpm.json ''
        "response": {
            "status": "OK",
            "count": 1,
            "id": 12954413,
            "start_element": 0,
            "num_elements": 100,
            "line-item": {
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                "end_date": null,
                "timezone": "UTC",
                "discrepancy_pct": 0,
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                "goal_value": null,
                "last_modified": "2020-10-01 17:31:15",
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                "require_cookie_for_tracking": true,
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                "archived_on": null,
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                "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_imp",
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                    "id": 3872575,
                    "name": "GDALI Testing Advertiser"
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                "supply_strategies": {
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                    "rtb": false,
                    "deals": false,
                    "programmatic_guaranteed": false
                "deals": null,
                "delivery_goal": {
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                "incrementality": null,
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                "ad_types": [
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                "enable_pacing": null,
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                "lifetime_pacing": null,
                "lifetime_pacing_span": null,
                "lifetime_pacing_pct": null,
                "inventory_type": "direct"
            "dbg_info": {
                "warnings": [
                "version": "1.0.56",
                "output_term": "line-item"

Create a GDALI exclusive line item with daily flat fee revenue

  1. Create a GDALI JSON (you'll need an existing insertion order ID and advertiser ID).

    $ cat gd_exclusive_flat
    "line-item": {
        "name": "Test-flat fee-GDALI",
        "advertiser_id": "3872575",
        "insertion_orders": [{"id": 4971824}],
        "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_exclusive",
        "state": "inactive",
        "priority": 14,
        "ad_types": [
        "timezone": "UTC",
        "budget_intervals": [
            "start_date": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
            "end_date": "2020-10-31 23:59:59",
            "timezone": "UTC"
        "currency": "USD",
        "revenue_value": 100,
        "revenue_type": "flat_fee",
        “flat_fee_type”: “daily”,
        "delivery_goal": {
          "type": "percentage",
          "percentage": 100,
          "disallow_non_guaranteed": true,
          "reserved": true
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint using this GDALI JSON and the appropriate advertiser_id.

    $ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @gd_exclusive_flat.json ''
        "response": {
            "status": "OK",
            "start_element": 0,
            "num_elements": 100,
            "line-item": {
                "id": 13024486,
                "code": null,
                "name": "Test-flat fee-GDALI",
                "advertiser_id": 3872575,
                "state": "inactive",
                "start_date": null,
                "end_date": null,
                "timezone": "UTC",
                "discrepancy_pct": 0,
                "publishers_allowed": "all",
                "revenue_value": 100,
                "revenue_type": "flat_fee",
                "goal_type": "none",
                "goal_value": null,
                "last_modified": "2020-10-01 17:10:31",
                "click_url": null,
                "currency": "USD",
                "require_cookie_for_tracking": true,
                "profile_id": null,
                "member_id": 958,
                "flat_fee_type": "daily",
                "comments": null,
                "remaining_days": null,
                "total_days": null,
                "manage_creative": true,
                "budget_set_per_flight": true,
                "creative_distribution_type": null,
                "line_item_type": "standard_v2",
                "bid_object_type": "creative",
                "prefer_delivery_over_performance": false,
                "priority": 14,
                "enable_v8": true,
                "viewability_vendor": "appnexus",
                "is_archived": false,
                "archived_on": null,
                "delivery_model_type": "exclusive",
                "waive_deductions_when_disallowed": false,
                "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_exclusive",
                "advertiser": {
                    "id": 3872575,
                    "name": "GDALI Testing Advertiser"
                "flat_fee": {
                    "flat_fee_status": "pending",
                    "flat_fee_allocation_date": null,
                    "flat_fee_adjustment_id": null
                "supply_strategies": {
                    "managed": true,
                    "rtb": false,
                    "deals": false,
                    "programmatic_guaranteed": false
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                "pixels": null,
                "insertion_orders": [
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                        "code": null,
                        "name": "Test-Seamless-IO-GDALI",
                        "advertiser_id": 3872575,
                        "start_date": null,
                        "end_date": null,
                        "timezone": "UTC",
                        "last_modified": "2020-10-01 11:17:21",
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                                "object_id": 4971824,
                                "object_type": "insertion_order",
                                "start_date": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
                                "end_date": null,
                                "timezone": "UTC",
                                "code": null,
                                "lifetime_budget": null,
                                "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
                                "daily_budget_imps": null,
                                "daily_budget": null,
                                "enable_pacing": false,
                                "lifetime_pacing": false,
                                "lifetime_pacing_pct": null
                        "political_content": null
                "goal_pixels": null,
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                "campaigns": null,
                "valuation": null,
                "creatives": null,
                "budget_intervals": [
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                        "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
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                "inventory_discovery": null,
                "incrementality": null,
                "auction_event": null,
                "custom_optimization_note": null,
                "roadblock": null,
                "budget_scheduling_settings": null,
                "ad_types": [
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                "partner_fees": null,
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                "in_demo_measurement": null,
                "lifetime_budget": null,
                "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
                "daily_budget": null,
                "daily_budget_imps": null,
                "enable_pacing": null,
                "allow_safety_pacing": null,
                "lifetime_pacing": null,
                "lifetime_pacing_span": null,
                "lifetime_pacing_pct": null,
                "inventory_type": "direct"
            "count": 1,
            "dbg_info": {
                "warnings": [
                "version": "1.0.68",
                "output_term": "line-item"

Create a GDALI roadblock line item

  1. Create a GDALI JSON (you'll need an existing insertion order ID and advertiser ID).


    The impression budget for GDALIs with roadblocks enabled represents master creative delivery only.

    $ cat gd_roadblock
    "line-item": {
        "name": "Test-Roadblock-GDALI",
        "advertiser_id": "3872575",
        "insertion_orders": [{"id": 4971824}],
        "line_item_subtype": "gd_buying_imp",
        "state": "inactive",
        "priority": 14,
        "ad_types": [
        "timezone": "UTC",
        "budget_intervals": [
            "start_date": "2020-10-01 00:00:00",
            "end_date": "2020-10-31 23:59:59",
            "timezone": "UTC",
            "lifetime_budget_imps": 150000,
            "lifetime_pacing": true,
            "lifetime_pacing_pct": 105
        "currency": "USD",
        "revenue_type": "cpm",
        "revenue_value": 1,
        "roadblock": {
            "type": "partial_roadblock",
            "master_width": 300,
            "master_height": 600
        "delivery_goal": {
          "type": "impressions",
          "disallow_non_guaranteed": false,
          "reserved": true
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint using this GDALI JSON and the appropriate advertiser_id.

    $ curl -b cookies -X POST -d @gd_roadblock.json ''
        "response": {
            "status": "OK",
            "count": 1,
            "id": 12971164,
            "start_element": 0,
            "num_elements": 100,
            "line-item": {
                "id": 12971164,
                "code": null,
                "name": "Test-Roadblock-GDALI",
                "advertiser_id": 3872575,
                "state": "inactive",
                "start_date": null,
                "end_date": null,
                "timezone": "UTC",
                "discrepancy_pct": 0,
                "publishers_allowed": "all",
                "revenue_value": 1,
                "revenue_type": "cpm",
                "goal_type": "none",
                "goal_value": null,
                "last_modified": "2020-10-05 15:04:17",
                "click_url": null,
                "currency": "USD",
                "require_cookie_for_tracking": true,
                "profile_id": null,
                "member_id": 958,
                "flat_fee_type": null,
                "comments": null,
                "remaining_days": null,
                "total_days": null,
                "manage_creative": true,
                "budget_set_per_flight": true,
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                "priority": 14,
                "enable_v8": true,
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                "archived_on": null,
                "delivery_model_type": "guaranteed",
                "waive_deductions_when_disallowed": false,
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                "advertiser": {
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                    "name": "GDALI Testing Advertiser"
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                "supply_strategies": {
                    "managed": true,
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            "dbg_info": {
                "warnings": [
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                "output_term": "line-item"