Moat Video Viewability Setup - API

You can amplify your video viewability metrics by tapping into a third-party video viewability data provider like Moat. This document will guide you through the process of updating a video creative to include Moat's reporting. For steps to link an existing account with Moat or to create one from scratch, see the Moat Video Viewability Measurement Setup page in the UI.

Update a video creative

The steps below explain how to update a video creative.

Step 1. Include the following array in your JSON file

"thirdparty_viewability_providers": [
        "thirdparty_provider_id": 1

Step 2. Make a PUT call to the creative VAST service with your updated JSON file

curl -b -c "Authorization:$TOKEN" "" -X PUT -d @myvideocreative.json
  "creative-vast": {
    "id": "46629877",
    "thirdparty_viewability_providers": [
        "thirdparty_provider_id": 1

JSON fields

Field Type Description
thirdparty_viewability_providers array This array includes a collection of third party video viewability providers that will draw data on the given hosted video creative.
thirdparty_provider_id int This ID specifies which data provider will be granted access to historical data on this hosted video creative.

Third-party provider ID

Provider Name ID

Remove third-party providers

To remove third-party providers from your hosted video creative, set the field thirdparty_providers to null. Then make a PUT call to the Creative Service to update your creative.

curl -b -c "Authorization:$TOKEN" "" -X PUT -d @myvideocreative.json
  "creative-vast": {
    "id": "46629877",
    "thirdparty_viewability_providers": null


If you wish to permanently remove this creative you can make a DELETE call pointed to the specific creative as outlined in the example below.

curl -b -c "Authorization:$TOKEN" "" -X DELETE