Multi-buyer deals API setup

The content of this page is intended to supplement the Deal Service and Deal Buyer Access Service documentation.

Multi-buyer deals use a combination of three new objects:

  • buyer_seats - Array of seat name/IDs of buyers who can target this deal (see Buyer Seats below)
  • buyer_bidders - Array of bidder name/IDs of buyers who can target this deal (see Buyer Bidders below)
  • buyer_members - Array of Xandr member name/IDs of buyers who can target this deal (see Buyer Members below)

Multi-buyer deals must be implemented using deal line items (Deals v2). The buyer_bidders object is only supported using Deals v2 (even if only one buyer is used). If the buyer_seats object is used for multiple buyers (whether in buyer_seats or across other buyer objects), it must be implemented with Deals v2.


Deals v1 can support one buyer seat in the buyer_seats object. Additional buyer seats must be implemented using Deals v2 (for more information, see Create a Deal Line Item).

JSON fields

The tables below outline the JSON fields required for setting up the Multi-buyer deals API.

For multi-buyer deals, you are required to include at least one of the following JSON fields in a POST: buyer, buyer_bidders, buyer_members, or buyer_seats. For single-buyer deals, you must include either buyer or buyer_seats in a POST.

Field Type (Length) Description
buyer object The buying bidder and member who can target this deal. For single-buyer deals, a deal will only ever use the buyer field or the buyer_seats field, not both. The buyer field is not used in multi-buyer deals. For more details, see Buyer below.
Required On: POST
buyer _bidders object The buying bidder who can target this deal. For more details, see Buyer Bidders below.
buyer _members object The Xandr member ID of the buyer who can target this deal. For more details, see Buyer Members below.
buyer _seats object The seat ID (the unique advertiser ID from their DSP) of the buyer who can target this deal. A deal will only ever use the buyer field or the buyer_seats field, not both. For more details, see Buyer Seats below.


The buyer object is not used in multi-buyer deals. The buyer object can be set on a POST, but cannot be updated with a PUT. If you want to change the buyer, you need to create a new deal.

The buyer object contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
id int The member ID of the buyer.
Required On: POST
bidder_id int Read-only. The bidder ID of the member. For buyers, this will always be 2.
name string Read-only. The member name of the buyer.

Example of the buyer object

"buyer": {
                "bidder_id": 2,
                "bidder_name": "",
                "id": 9155,
                "name": "Hearts & Science (AT&T)"
"buyer_seats": null

Buyer bidders

The buyer_bidders object is used in multi-buyer deals. The buyer_bidders object can be set on a POST, and can be updated with a PUT. When a seller is enabled for multi-buyer deals, the buyer_bidders object can be set in combination with buyer_seats and buyer_members.

The buyer_bidders object contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
bidder_name string Read-only. The name of the bidder.
id int The bidder ID of the buyer. The bidder ID is 2.
Required On: POST

Example of the buyer_bidders object

"buyer_bidders": [{
        "bidder_id": 1,
        "bidder_name": "Example Bidder"

Buyer members

The buyer_members object is used in multi-buyer deals. The buyer_members object can be set on a POST, and can be updated with a PUT. When a seller is enabled for multi-buyer deals, the buyer_members object can be set in combination with buyer_seats and buyer_bidders.

The buyer_members object contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
bidder_id int Read-only. The bidder ID of the member. For Microsoft Invest buyers, this will always be 2.
bidder_name string Read-only. The name of the bidder.
id int The member ID of the buyer.
Required On: POST
name string Read-only. The member name of the buyer.

Example of the buyer_members object

"buyer_members": [{
        "bidder_id": 1,
        "bidder_name": "Example Bidder",
        "id": "456",
        "name": "Example Buyer Member"

Buyer seats

The buyer_seats object is used in multi-buyer deals. Deals with seats can be set up using the buyer_seats object via the API. When setting up a new deal via the API, use the buyer_seats object, and the API will be populated with this object.

Use the Microsoft Invest buyer's member ID in the code and bidder_id=2 field. New deals with external DSP's can also be set up with buyer seat IDs. You can check which external DSPs are using buyer seat IDs here.

Some things to note:

  • For sellers not enabled for multi-buyer deals, a deal can be set up with either buyer or buyer_seats, where buyer is a member, and buyer_seats is a seat.
  • When a seller has buyer seat deals enabled, all deals with will be set up using buyer_seats (when the deal is set up using, deals with the buyer field can still be set up using API).
  • When the deal is with a single buyer, it can be set up with either buyer or buyer_seats, where buyer is a member, and buyer_seats is a seat.
  • Code is the seat code, in other words, the "seat ID" that the buyer will typically give. Since seat codes are only unique to a given bidder ID, you can expect to see some of the same seat codes across various DSPs. Because seat codes are only unique to a given bidder_id, providing a code and bidder_id are mandatory when creating a new deal.

The buyer_seats object contains the following fields:

Field Type Description
bidder_id int The bidder ID of the member.
Required On: POST
bidder_name string The name of the bidder.
code string The identifier for the buyer seat.
Required On: POST
name string The name of buyer seat.

Example of the buyer_seats object

"buyer": null,
"buyer_seats": [
                    "bidder_id": 2,
                    "bidder_name": "",
                    "code": "9155",
                    "name": "Hearts & Science (AT&T)"

Multi-buyer deal example

Add a multi-buyer deal

$ cat new_multibuyer_deal.json
    "deal": {
        "name": "Xandr Test Deal",
        "active": false,
        "start_date": "2020-12-01 00:00:00",
        "end_date": "2020-12-31 23:59:59",
        "buyer_seats": [{
            "code": 958,
        "buyer_members": [{
            "id": 1088
        "buyer_bidders": [{
            "id": 129
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @new_multibuyer_deal.json ''
    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "id": 234,
        "start_element": 0,
        "num_elements": 100,
        "deal": {
            "active": false,
            "ask_price": 0,
            "auction_type": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Standard Price"
            "buyer": null,
            "buyer_bidders": [
                    "bidder_name": "Platform Services Test Bidder",
                    "bidder_supports_hashed_user_ids": true,
                    "guaranteed_deals_support": "Enabled",
                    "id": 129
            "buyer_members": [
                    "bidder_id": 82,
                    "bidder_name": "The Trade Desk",
                    "bidder_supports_hashed_user_ids": true,
                    "guaranteed_deals_support": "Enabled",
                    "id": 1088,
                    "name": "The Trade Desk, Inc."
            "buyer_seats": [
                    "bidder_id": 2,
                    "bidder_name": "",
                    "bidder_supports_hashed_user_ids": false,
                    "code": "958",
                    "guaranteed_deals_support": "Enabled",
                    "name": "AppNexus Services Network"
            "code": null,
            "currency": "USD",
            "description": null,
            "end_date": "2020-12-31 23:59:59",
            "floor_price": 0,
            "id": 123,
            "name": "Xandr Test Deal",
            "package_id": null,
            "payment_type": "default",
            "priority": 5,
            "profile_id": null,
            "seller": {
                "bidder_id": 2,
                "id": 2378,
                "name": "Member 2378"
            "start_date": "2020-12-01 00:00:00",
            "type": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Open Auction"
            "use_deal_floor": true,
            "version": 2