Digital Platform API - Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings - Audience Profile report

The Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings (DAR) - Audience Profile Report gives you insight into your line item's impressions and the demographies they're coming from. Audience demographic measuring must be enabled for your line item to utilize this report.

For instructions on retrieving a report, please see Report Service or the example below.

Time frame

The report_interval field in the JSON request can be set to one of the following:

  • custom
  • last_7_days
  • last_14_days
  • month_to_date
  • last_30_days
  • quarter_to_date
  • last_100_days
  • last_365_days
  • year_to_date

Data retention period

Data retention period for this report is 365 days. Data in this report has a daily time granularity and lifetime retention. This report also displays data under the U.S. Eastern time zone.


To run a report for a custom time frame, set the start_date and end_date fields in your report request. For more details about these fields, see Report Service.


Column Type Filter? Example Description
insertion_order_id int Yes 553515 ID of the insertion order.
advertiser_id int Yes 4919231 ID of the advertiser.
line_item int Yes 13731149 ID of the line item. string Yes "My Line Item" name of the line item.
ymd date Yes 2021-05-02 The year, month, and day of the last available day for data.
member_id int Yes 14545978 ID of the member.
country_code string Yes "DE" - Germany The corresponding code for a country/region where impressions for your line item occurred.
demographic_group string Yes "male 25-29" A demographic group sorted by sex and age range.
platform string Yes "desktop", "mobile", or "connected device" Filter for the type of device used.
nielsen_campaign_ref string No "scm1521250" The Nielsen campaign reference ID.
start_agg_date date No 2021-04-26 The date on which Nielsen first started collecting data.
country_name string No "United States" Country/region where the impression was recorded.


Column Type Example Formula Description
population int 11080000 N/A Based on census-provided data, the number of people in the country/region included in a given demographic
total_imps int 132297 N/A The total number of impressions your line item has made.
on_target_imps int 10588 On Target Impressions = Impressions Seen by Target Demographic ÷ Total Impression Count for your Line Item The number of impressions served to your desired demographic group that are within your selected reporting dimensions.
imps_share double 5.910942802935819 Impressions Share (%) = Demographic Impressions ÷ Total Number of Impressions Across all Demographic Groups × 100 Based on the line item's total impression count, the percentage that served to your targeted demographic.
imps_index double 51.47677411571988 Impressions Index = Impression Share (%) ÷ Demographic-Specific Population × 100 A targeting success score based on how the line item's impressions are divided across all demographics.
on_target_pct double 5.678014273984716 On Target Percent (%) = Impressions Seen by Target Demographic ÷ Total Impression Count for your Line Item × 100 The percentage of impressions served to your targeted demographic.
population_share double 7.7502 Population Share (%) = Demographic Population ÷ Population of all Demographics × 100 Percentage of people within a demographic relative to the total population.
audience_share double 23.64 Audience Share (%) = Row Level Audience Count ÷ Campaign Total Audience Count × 100 The percentage share of the total audience a line item has reached within a certain demographic group. This measurement is rounded to two decimal places.
audience_reach double 0.00067472306143 Audience Reach (%) = Unique Audience ÷ Demographic Population × 100 The percentage of the population reached within a given demographic.
unique_audience int 132297 N/A The total of unique individuals in the audience that your line item has reached
audience_index double 152.4298 Audience Index = Audience Share (%) ÷ Population Share (%) × 100 A targeting success score based on audience share. This is always a whole number.
ave_frequency double 10.271604938271604 Average Frequency = Impressions ÷ Unique Audience The average number of times a unique audience member viewed your line item's creatives.
grp (Gross Rating Points) double 0.0084979838709677 GRP = (% of Population that Saw the Ad at Least Once × Number of Times the Average Viewer Saw the Ad) × 100 The amount of times your line item actually reached your selected demography audience.


Create a JSON formatted report request

The JSON file should include the report_type of "video_indemo_audience_profile", as well as the columns (dimensions and metrics) and report_interval that you want to retrieve. You can also filter for specific dimensions, define granularity (year, month, day), and specify the "format" in which the data should be returned ("csv", "excel", or "html"). For a full explanation of fields that can be included in the JSON file, see the Report Service.

$ cat video_indemo_audience_profile

POST the request to the reporting service

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @video_indemo_audience_profile ''

GET the report status from the report service

Make a GET call with the Report ID to retrieve the status of the report. Continue making this GET call until the execution_status is "ready". Then use the report-download service to save the report data to a file, as described in the next step.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
         "created_on":"2021-05-25 19:19:53",
         "url": "report-download?id=b97897a7864dd8f34e7457226c7af592"

GET the report data from the report download service

To download the report data to a file, make another GET call with the Report ID, but this time to the report-download service. You can find the service and Report ID in the url field of the previous GET response. When identifying the file that you want to save to, be sure to use the file extension of the "format" that you specified in your initial POST.


If an error occurs during download, the response header will include an HTTP error code and message. Use -i or -v in your call to expose the response header.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies '' > /tmp/video_indemo_audience_profile.csv