Microsoft Invest - Universal pixel rule conditions

The topics below discuss the universal pixel rule conditions along with examples.

Available conditions

Condition Type Condition Elements Description Comparisons Keyword
View any page View any page Whenever the pixel is loaded this will be true. n/a n/a
URL - View a domain
- View a path
- View a Qstring
- View a URL
The referrer URL on the call to universal pixel. - contains
- doesn't contain
- equals
- doesn't equal
The string that will be matched on the selected URL component with the selected operator.
Standard Events - Page View
- Landing page
- Item view
- Add to cart
- Initiate checkout
- Add payment info
- Purchase
- Lead
There can only be a single event per action on universal pixel. You will see no loads if you combine two event conditions with an AND operator. n/a n/a
Parameters - Item ID
- Item name
- Item type
- contains
- doesn't contain
- equals
- doesn't equal
The string that will be matched on the selected parameter with the selected operator.
Parameters - Event Value - greater than
- greater than or equals
- less than
- less than or equals
- equals
- doesn't equal
The value parameter will be compared to a single value entered in on the condition


Include users who Example URL
View a complete URL like ""
View a URL with a domain of "Microsoft Advertising" and
View a URL with "careers" in the path
View a URL with "software" in the query string