Android SDK release notes


New Feature

Improvement/Bug Fixes

  • 7390161 Fixed Banner autorefresh when OnAdFailed() occurs.
  • 7390147 Fixed OMID AdEvents error messages on autorefresh.



This marks the final minor release within SDK v8.x. Looking ahead, SDK v9.0 will be our next major release. As previously announced, we will discontinue the practice of releasing source code updates for iOS and Android Mobile SDKs on Github. It's important to note that this is not a deprecation of our SDKs; rather, it pertains to the open-source aspect as we transition our Android and iOS Mobile SDKs to private repositories. There will be no disruptive changes from v8.x to v9.0, although it's worth noting that any future functional enhancements will be exclusively developed within the v9.x series.

New feature

Improvement bug fixes

  • 6273738 - Fixed HTML ad that automatically open image resources in an external browser.


New feature

  • 6029394 Added support for setting content language in Ad Request. New API introduced in SDKSettings setContentLanguage(String contentLanguage)
  • 6014990 Changed Internal Error to Network error for applicable cases and provided additional failure message

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • 6015110 Upgraded OMSDK from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9 (Microsoft namespace)

Mediation partner updates

  • 5622337 Upgraded Facebook Audience Network SDK from 6.13.7 to 6.16.0


New feature

  • 5664325 Added new parameters to SDKSettings.init() for flexibility in pre-fetching webviews. This can improve app launch performance

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • 5663106 Upgraded OMSDK from 1.4.2 to 1.4.8

Mediation partner updates

  • 5622329 Upgraded Google AdMob SDK from 21.3.0 to 22.3.0
  • 5622334 Upgraded Smart Ad Server SDK from 7.17.0 to 7.23.0


New features

  • MS-5349 Enabled lazy loading for banner native rendering

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5371 Added additional information for INVALID_REQUEST code error messages


New features

  • MS-5206 Added support for setting player size and getting video creative width and height for BannerVideo. New API introduced in BannerAdView - setPortraitBannerVideoPlayerSize(AdSize), setLandscapeBannerVideoPlayerSize(AdSize), setSquareBannerVideoPlayerSize(AdSize), getBannerVideoCreativeWidth(), getBannerVideoCreativeHeight()

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5295 Fixed ad rendering issue on scrolling/recyclerview
  • MS-5332 Update to AAID fetch logic


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5321 Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in XandrAd.init()


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5199 Upgrade Gradle Plugin from 5.4.1 to 8.0.2
  • MS-5306 Fixed NullPointerException while using loadAdFromVAST for Video

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-5297 Upgraded Facebook Audience Network SDK from 6.12.0 to 6.13.7


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5237 Moved request / response details to debug level log
  • MS-5060 Fixed media buttons in full screen Banner Outstream Video
  • MS-5258 Fixed NullPointerException for Interstitial ad media type


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5106 & MS-5143 Banner load time performance improvements
  • MS-5228 Fix for MRAID related performance issue (Android SDK Initialization v8.0)
  • MS-5229 Added missing equals/hashcode for ANUserId (Github #78)


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5208, MS-5215 Upgraded OMSDK from 1.3.31 to 1.4.2

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-5210 Upgraded Google AdMob SDK from 20.6.0 to 21.3.0


Improvement/Bug fixes

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-5195 Upgraded Facebook Audience Network SDK from 6.5.0 to 6.12.0


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5080 Enable support for high impact media type creatives in BannerAdView


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5050 Bug fixes, minor improvements and some memory leaks fixes as listed below.
    • Used updated API for fetching UserAgent
    • Destroyed WebView after fetching UserAgent (< JELLY_BEAN_MR1)
    • Fixed Memory Leak in AdSessionContext
    • Fixed Memory Leak in VisibilityDetector
    • Removed callbacks after destroy()
    • Removed check for APIs over HONEYCOMB (as current minSdkVersion is 14)
    • Removed usage of ScheduledExecutorService for single AdRequest
    • Stopped async response for cancelled Ad request
    • Used Application context for fetching ConnectionManager to avoid leaks
    • Updated ProGuard rules



We have completed the removal of the APIs referenced in the 7.21 release. Please note there are breaking changes to some of our APIs, particularly for our init methods which is required for ad calls to be successful- XandrAd.init(). See our 8.0 integration guide, as well as our SDK initialization guide for further details.

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-5011 Updated impression counting methodology. Please see our new Impression Counting Methodology Guide.
  • MS-5054 Fixed ANR issue related to visibility detector
  • MS-5007 Removed all discontinued mediation adapters
  • MS-5014 Upgraded to OMSDK v1.3.31



This will be the last major release in SDK v7.x series. The next major release will be SDK v8.0 which will include some breaking changes as proposed in Intent to Implement's listed below along with other changes.

  1. Xandr SDK v8.0 Removal Notice for Deprecated APIs (Github #71)
  2. Xandr will be moving toward counting "Viewable Impressions - for Direct-Sold Inventory" (Github #72)

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-4793 Added permission for AD_ID to fetch AAID on Android 13+
  • MS-4999 Removed the RendererID-deprecation notice
  • MS-5008 Added onAdImpression callback for the Banner and Interstitial Ads (Android SDK Ad Units)

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-4871 Upgraded Google Play Services Ads SDK from 20.1.0 to 20.6.0
  • MS-4870 Upgraded Smart Ad Server SDK from 7.10.0 to 7.17.0
  • MS-4872 Discontinued support for Facebook SDK mediation Adapter



We intend to remove all the deprecated APIs listed below in Xandr SDK v8.0. If you are using any of the below APIs we request to migrate to their equivalent. Do reach out to Xandr Customer Support Portal on questions or concerns.

Class Method(s)
ANNativeAdResponse isOpenNativeBrowser(), openNativeBrowser(boolean openNativeBrowser)
VideoAd getOpensNativeBrowser(), setOpensNativeBrowser(boolean opensNativeBrowser), setExternalUid(String externalUid), getExternalUid(), getCreativeId()
ANMultiAdRequest getExternalUid(), setExternalUid(String externalUid)
BannerAdView loadAdOffscreen(), getOpensNativeBrowser(), setOpensNativeBrowser(boolean opensNativeBrowser), getExternalUid(), setExternalUid(String externalUid), getCreativeId(), getAdType(),setAllowNativeDemand(boolean enabled, int rendererId)
InterstitialAdView loadAdOffscreen(), getOpensNativeBrowser(), setOpensNativeBrowser(boolean opensNativeBrowser), getExternalUid(), setExternalUid(String externalUid), getCreativeId(), getAdType()
NativeAdRequest getOpensNativeBrowser(), setOpensNativeBrowser(boolean opensNativeBrowser), getExternalUid(), setExternalUid(String externalUid), getRendererId(), setRendererId(int rendererId)
NativeAdResponse getCreativeId() , setCreativeId(String creativeId)
SDKSettings useHttps(boolean useHttps), isHttpsEnabled(), setExternalUserIds(Map<ANExternalUserIdSource,String> externalUserIds), getExternalUserIds(), setAllowUsingSimpleDomain(boolean allow)
Clog clogged (Variable)
ANExternalUserIdSource (enum)

Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-4705 Memory leak caused by AdWebView (Github #57)
  • MS-4880 Exposed API for exiting from full screen banner video (API for Exiting Banner Video from Fullscreen)
  • MS-4953 Added support for passing Publisher/Extended User Id via ANSDKSetting.setUserIds(List<ANUserId> userIdList). (User ID(s) Mapping on Android)
  • MS-4972 Fixed issue with the increase in sdk size while building apk
  • MS-4982 Added Android 11+ support for sdk related package visibility

Deprecated APIs

  • setExternalUserIds and getExternalUserIds methods in SDKSettings class and ANExternalUserIdSource enum are deprecated, use setUserIds and getUserIds in SDKSettings class and ANUserId class instead


Improvement/Bug fixes


  • MS-4916 Rendering issue with certain video creatives
  • MS-4933 NullPointerException thrown for empty tags in server response
  • MS-4943 NullPointerException thrown in RequestManager for certain scenarios


Improvement/Bug fixes

  • MS-4911 Addressed an issue (introduced in 7.18) with native impression tracking that prevented certain native creatives from firing multiple impression trackers.
  • MS-4847 Improved impression tracking methodology for Native Ads, trackers to be fired on Render (Android SDK)


  • MS-4758 Issue with expandsToFitScreenWidth for Lazy Load Banner
  • MS-4879 ConcurrentModificationException in UTAdRequest


New features

Bug fixes


  • MS-4811 Issue with MAR.stop() api when used with enabled background threading (Github #58)
  • MS-4850 Memory Leak caused by VisibilityDetector


New features

  • MS-4838 TTL SDK expiry listener logic for Index Exchange
  • MS-4840 TTL SDK expiry listener logic for for InMobi

Bug fixes


  • MS-3471 Memory Leak in InterstitialAdView
  • MS-4831 Intermittent issue when loadLazyAd is called from background thread
  • MS-4832 NullPointerException being thrown in certain MRAID implementations (Github #66)
  • MS-4833 NullPointerException being thrown while firing the Impression trackers in certain scenarios
  • MS-4834 Issue with too many broadcast receivers getting registered, leading to performance degradation


Bug fixes


  • MS-4705 Memory leak caused by AdWebView (Github #57)
  • MS-4809 NullPointerException while processing the AdResponse (Github #64)
  • MS-4810 Performance issues while firing Impression tracker (Github #63)
  • MS-4811 Issue with ANMultiAdRequest.stop() (Github #58)
  • MS-4823 Issue caused by ANBackgroundThread initialization with Multi Ad Requests


New feature

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-4779 Upgraded Google Play Services Ads SDK from 19.7.0 to 20.1.0
  • MS-4781 Upgraded Facebook SDK from 6.2.0 to 6.5.0
  • MS-4783 Upgraded Smart Ad Server SDK from 7.6.1 to 7.10.0

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4766 Updated Open Measurement SDK to v1.3.20
  • MS-4794 Disabled autoplay for HTML5 Banner Video Ads
  • MS-4796 Fixed an issue with Ad text being sent with unescaped single quotes (Github #61)
  • MS-4797 Disabled autoDismissDelay when the Interstitial Ad is interacted (Github #62)


New feature

  • MS-4684 Added flexibility to not fetch User Agent and AAID when calling SDKSettings.init() to improve app launch performance
  • MS-4711 Exposed API in Native Custom element to support clickUrl and clickFallbackUrl for Native Ad (Listen to Native Ad Events on Android)

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4746 Fixed an issue with Google Mediation adapter not sending multiple values for the same key
  • MS-4747 Added initialization check before fetching Bidder Token from Facebook SDK


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4716 Blocked selection of non-supported 3GPP video type for rendering


New feature

  • MS-4693 Added support for Cookieless domain requests


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4704 Added support for OMID containerGeometry and onScreenContainerGeometry for Instream & OutStream Video Ads
  • MS-4727 Added support for custom assets in Native Assembly Renderer


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4685 Added API to disable tracking cookies during auction.
  • MS-4714 Added improvements to Ad Expiry events for Native Ads.
  • MS-4699 Added Accept-Language parameter in the HTTP header for Ad Request.


New feature

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4671 Added minimum threshold of 100ms for callSetMraidRefreshFrequency
  • MS-4679 Fixed ad load issue (Github #59)

Deprecated APIs

  • setExternalUid and getExternalUid methods in NativeAdRequest, VideoAd, BannerAdView, and InterstitialAdView classes are deprecated, use setPublisherUserId and getPublisherUserId in SDKSettings instead (User ID(s) Mapping on Android)


New feature

  • MS-4388 Support to disable passing device IDs in bid requests

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-4663 Upgraded Google AdMob SDK from 19.5.0 to v19.7.0

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-3911 Fetch SDK Version Dynamically in ad request


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4622 Fixed an Ad load issue with Last Look (Second Price)


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4598 Fixed an issue with BannerAdView that was causing Ads to be reloaded when BannerAdView was toggled on and off screen
  • MS-4620 Added null check for adListener for LazyLoad (Github #55)


New feature

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-4591 Upgraded Facebook SDK to v6.2.0
  • MS-4493 Upgraded Google AdMob SDK to v19.5.0

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4598 Fixed issue for BannerAdView with ReactNative FlatList


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4575 Updated getCreativeHeight() and getCreativeWidth() to return mediation creative ad size


New feature

Mediation partner updates

  • MS-4418 Discontinued support for Amazon, inMobi, Millennial Media and Mopub adapters (Github Intent to Implement #52)
  • MS-4419 Facebook SDK v6.1.0
  • MS-4423 SmartAd Server SDK v7.6.1
  • MS-4499 Google AdMob SDK v19.4.0

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4550 Updated GDPR logic. Now priority will be given to IAB TCF2.0 strings


New feature

  • MS-4232 Added support for executing the Ad request on background thread (Background Threading on Android)
  • MS-4361 Added onAdImpression callback for the Native Ads (Listen to Native Ad Events on Android)
  • MS-4463 Support for Open Measurement SDK Open RTB Signals
  • MS-4473: Added support for forcing creative Ids in Ad request for test/debug purposes

Mediation partner upgrade

  • MS-4499 Google AdMob SDK v19.3.0


Improvements/Bug fixes

MS-4464 Fixed crashes with OMID in v7.5


New features

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4233: Updated Open Measurement SDK to v1.3.7
  • MS-4360: Ad ResultCode is now a class instead of enum - this fixes issue with result codes getting overridden for concurrent Ad requests


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4440: Fixed issue with empty TCF 2.0 purpose consent string


New feature

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4231 Added support to respect timeout set in Console
  • MS-4284 Implemented support for MRAID 3.0 audioVolumeChange event
  • MS-4290 Added support to get Custom Keywords in the JavaScript layer via ANJAM
  • MS-4337 Added support to disable Banner demand for BannerAdView
  • MS-4381 Fixed MRAID re-sizing issue
  • MS-4404 Fixed GDPR reset method to clear Purpose Consent


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4342 Fixed issue with User Agent string not being passed for Native Ad requests


New feature

  • MS-4266 Enable OMID SDK support for "friendly obstructions"

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4294 Fixed Ad Load block when used with MAR
  • MS-4287 Support MAR instance initialization without Publisher ID


Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4200: Support IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework v2.0
  • MS-4267: All network calls will be made only using secure endpoint


New feature

  • MS-3956 Added ANAdResponseInfo to return associated data with Ad response
  • MS-4075 Added Client Side Rendering for FB mediated Ads.

Mediation partner upgrade

  • MS-4209 Google AdMob SDK v18.3.0

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-3581 InApp Browser Redesign
  • MS-3882 Added option to include "publisher_id" in Ad request
  • MS-4166 Fixed VideoAd OMID session tracker firing bug


New features


New features

Bug fixes

  • MS-4127 Implemented ssl error handling (Github #48)
  • MS-4051 Added error code to identify frequent ad refresh
  • MS-4095 Updated OMID partner name
  • MS-4086 Fixed OMID Pause multiple calls during application background state


New features

  • MS-4019: Added new API to get SDK Version in SDKSettings.

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-4079: Fixed incorrect percentageInView when OMID geometryChange event is called.


New features

Mediation partner upgrades

  • Smart Server SDK v7.2.0
  • FacebookAd SDK v5.5.0 (has breaking changes, please look at Mediation Docs - Mediate with Android SDK, for updated integration instruction)
  • Google AdMob SDK v18.2.0

Improvements/Bug fixes

  • MS-3976: Fixed escape character breaking VideoAd load
  • MS-3989: Upgraded to OMSDK v1.2.19
  • MS-4060: Added getCurrentAppOrientation support for MRAID


Mediation partner upgrades

  • Mopub SDK v5.8.0
  • InMobi SDK v8.2.0
  • GooglePlay SDK v18.1.1
  • SmartAdServer SDK v7.1.1

Bug fixes/Improvements

  • Open Measurement SDK is now supported only on phones running Android Kitkat and above (MS-3962, MS-3978, Github #43)


Bug fixes/Improvements

  • MS-3958: Added Security check to see if it's a valid HTTP URL before loading it.


New features

  • MS-3778: Added new API to get Video Orientation for BannerVideo and Video Ads

Mediation partner upgrades/changes

  • Removed support for following mediation Adaptor
    • AdColony SDK
    • AdMarvel SDK
    • Chartboost SDK
    • Vdopia SDK
    • Vungle SDK
    • Yahoo SDK

Bug fixes/Improvements

  • MS-3790: Fixed viewability issue


New features

  • MS-3730: Support Rendering for Banner Native ads

Mediation partner upgrades/changes

  • MS-3814: Updated the deprecated APIs of the Google mediation adapter

Bug fixes/Improvements

  • MS-3800: Added new API to enable publishers to configure skip options for video player


New features

  • MS-3712: Resize BannerAd API for Mediation ads
  • MS-3789: Ability to customize Video Player Options

Mediation partner upgrades

  • MS-3803: Upgraded Google AdMob adapter SDK v17.2.0

Bug fixes/Improvements

  • MS-3784: Improved Open Measurement Event(Session Finish) for BannerAds
  • MS-3790: Fixed rendering issue with Banner creative
  • MS-3807: Removed unused themes (Github #41)
  • MS-3809: Fixed disk read violation issue (Github #40)
  • MS-3812: Fixed crashes with Interstitial Ads


New features

  • MS-3720: Open Measurement SDK support for Native Ads


Bug fixes

  • MS-3763: Do not allow BannerAdView/InterstitialAdView to load an Ad if initialized with ApplicationContext.(ActivityContext is required)


New features

  • MS-3220: Added Countdown Timer to Interstitial Ads

Bug fixes

  • MS-3755: Fixed Assertion Error that occurred while initializing Settings


Mediation partner upgrades/changes

  • Updated Google AdMob adapter to support UnifiedNativeAd and MediaView requirements
  • Upgraded Smart Server SDK v7.0

Bug fixes

  • MS-3375: Force load mraid.js locally to fix MRAID 3.0 viewability issue
  • MS-3577: Hide WebChromeClient's custom view if destroy is called on Banner
  • MS-3607: Fixed an issue with BannerAd's where AdWebView was getting garbage collected too soon preventing onAdLoaded from getting called.


New features

  • Universal Tags version 3, including support for Native ad objects
  • Support for Native Video
  • Open Measurement SDK support for video ads (MS-3388)

Mediation partner upgrades

  • Remove support for Rubicon SDK (MS-3682)

Bug fixes

  • Catch "Out of Memory" exceptions (MS-3192, MS-3582)
  • Resolve problems with Interstitial display caused by use of Flavors (MS-3668)


New features and Bug fixes

  • MS-3606: Updated Smart Adapter to v6.10

  • MS-3495: Updated Google Play Ad Adapter (AdMob & DFP) to v16.0.0

  • MS-3634: Added new APIs that expose additional description (desc2) and main image size for Native Ads

  • MS-3439: Added the option to send content_url string in Google Mediation requests; use key: content_url

  • MS-3583: Ability to pass second_price value to Google DFP Banner Ads.

    *Beta release - please contact your Account Manager for more information about this feature.


  • MS-3401: Added an API for enabling/disabling the location access to the creative.
  • MS-3406: Updated the Mobile Vast Player.


  • MS-3470: Fixed NullPointerException in OM Banner HTML Ad Session
  • MS-3457: Fixed NullPointerException in AdFetcher observed in v4.10


  • MS-3199: Added impression count api for Mediated Native creatives
  • MS-3444: Added api to restrict allowed media types for Banner Ad
  • MS-3292: Fixed NullPointerException in BannerAdView, observed with v4.8.1
  • MS-3411: Fixed memory-leak with AdWebView
  • MS-3427: Changed the default values for shouldLoadIcon and shouldLoadImage to false


  • MS-3234: Open Measurement SDK Support for HTML Banner Ad's
  • MS-3354: Fix for duplicate adLoad when loaded offScreen


  • MS-3083 -- Native for Banner Ad View
  • MS-3115 -- Function to set external user id in the SDK for user syncing
  • MS-3279 -- Expose click-through URL for banner, native, interstitial & video
  • Update Facebook SDK to v4.28.2.


  • MS-3262,MS-3272 - WebView loadUrl NPE fix.
  • Update InMobi SDK to v7.1.0


  • MS-3221 - GDPR support for SDK
  • MS-3188 - Android Interstitial Crash.


  • MS-2113 -- Support autocollapse of interstitials
  • MS-3178 -- Implement exposureChange event


  • MS-3024 -- MultiFormat Banner + Video.
  • MS-3096 -- getCreativeId() new API for BannerAdView, InterstitialAdView, VideoAd and NativeAdResponse
  • MS-3179 -- Fixed NullPointerException in RequestManager



  • MS-3087 -- Pre-Roll Placement Video Completion Tracker Not Firing Consistently
  • MS-3172 -- Typecasting issue in getAdPlayElapsedTime()



  • MS-3097 -- Instream Video new API's to provide info on the video creatives loaded & playing


  • MS-3081 Fixed memory leak issue with Native SDK and Mediation Adapters
  • MS-3089 Fixed NullPointerException in continueWaterfall
  • MS-3090 Fixed Millenial Media SDK crashes due to receiving callbacks in background thread
  • Update Facebook SDK to v4.26.1.


  • MS-3079 Milennial Media SDK causing app crashes in Android
  • MS-2862 Support newly added standard fields on the native creative object


  • MS-3070 Upgraded AdMob and fixed Memory leak issue with ad expiry handler in admob mediation
  • Updated Rubicon to 6.3.2
  • Updated Facebook to 4.26.0


  • MS-2964 migrate from /mob to /ut/v2 endpoint in SDK
  • MS-2898 Request with size bigger than the available space should be possible


  • Update AdColony SDK to v3.1.2
  • MS-3018 setResizeAdToFitContainer fails when BannerAdView width/height is 0


  • Update Facebook SDK to v4.24.0.


  • Support for VPAID.
  • MS-2986 Fix MRAID case where request for portrait orientation resulted in reverse portrait.
  • MS-3012 Crash in one-off cases of Android v4.3 where evaluateJavaScript() is not properly supported.
  • MS-3013 Crash where internal utility failed to return proper result.


  • MS-2999 Renamed mraid.js to avoid conflicts with other SDK's in the app.
  • MS-3011 Fixed Fatal crash IllegalArgumentException in android v4.x
  • Added debug options for Instream SDK
  • Updated Mediated SDKs Rubicon SDK updated to 6.3.0


  • MS-2853 Updated ANJAM to update position on the fly
  • MS-2957 Fixed a crash with setOrientationProperties in MRAID
  • Fixed ut/v2 custom keywords
  • Updated Mediated SDKs Facebook SDK update to 4.20.0


  • MS-2826 Mobile Instream SDK
  • MS-2914 Removed provider information from Admarvel mediation adapter AndroidManifest.xml
  • Updated Mediated SDKs InMobi SDK update to 6.1.0


  • MS-2839 Fixed Anjam and sdk communication for creative served in iframe
  • MS-2841 Add a "ping" feature to the SDK without anjam.js injection
  • MS-2840 New mediation adapter, SmartAdServer Banner and Interstitial for Android
  • MS-2852 Added support for placements that accept both native and banner creatives 1x1 for Native.
  • Updated Mediated SDKs MillennialMedia SDK update to 6.3.1 GooglePlay SDK update to 10.0.1

RC 2.15.1

  • MS-2789 Removed registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks from Google Banner Mediation.
  • MS-2794 Removed deprecated methods setAdHeight and setAdWidth from BannerAdView
  • MS-2819 Support multiple sizes on BannerAdView. New API introduced setAdSizes(ArrayList<AdSize> adSizes).
  • MS-2831 Fixed SDK crashes.

RC 2.15

  • MS-2581 Added HTTPS support for SDK. New API introduced SDKSettings.useHttps(true).
  • MS-2708 Fixed bugs in MutableContextWrapper implementation.
  • MS-2710 Removed dependency on Legacy Apache library and moved to
  • MS-2730 Fixed context leak in loadAdOffscreen implementation.
  • Updated Mediated SDKs
    • AdColony SDK update to 2.3.6
    • Amazon SDK update to 5.8.1
    • Chartboost SDK update to 6.5.1
    • FaceBook SDK update to 4.15.0
    • GooglePlay SDK update to 9.4.0
    • InMobi SDK update to 5.3.1
    • MillennialMedia SDK update to 6.3.0
    • MoPub SDK update to 4.8.0
    • Vungle SDK update to 4.0.2
    • Yahoo Flurry SDK update to 6.4.2

RC 2.14

  • MS-2631 Support for new AdSizes in FaceBook banner mediation
  • MS-2586 WebView security improved.
  • MS-2539 Added onAdCollapse event for Ad dismiss using back button.
  • MS-2125 MoPub Native mediation has now been fixed.
  • MS-2017 ANJAM JS improved postMessage handling.
  • MS-2011 AdWebView context updated with MutableContextWrapper.
  • MS-1890 MRAID JS improved event firing.
  • Updated Mediated SDKs
    • FaceBook SDK update to 4.14.1

RC 2.13

  • MS-2332 Fixed interstitial FullScreen videoplayer issue
  • MS-2383 MRAID CustomClose
  • MS-2324 Prepend viewport to HTML ads
  • MS-2382 MRAID number validation changes.
  • Thirdparty cookies are now enabled on AdWebview.
  • Updated Mediated SDKs
    • FaceBook SDK update to 4.12.1

RC 2.12

  • MS-2319 Allowed creative to trigger MRAID open click through even when MRAID not enabled in SDK.
  • MS-2290 Handled VideoEnabledWebChromeClient crash
  • MS-2289 Fixed resizeToFitContainer expanding too much logic.

RC 2.11

  • MS-2242 Added Facebook AdChoices icon and url to the nativeElements

    Also added NativeAd object of Facebook,InMobi and Yahoo to the nativeElements object

  • Gradle Release Automation

  • MS-2307 Full Screen interstitial orientation support.

  • Updated Mediated SDKs

    • FaceBook SDK update to 4.11.0
    • GooglePlay SDK update to 9.0.0
    • MillennialMedia SDK update to 6.1.0
    • MoPub SDK update to 4.6.1
    • Vungle SDK update to 3.3.5
    • Yahoo Flurry SDK update to 6.3.1

RC 2.10

  • Fix gradle build settings
  • MS-2136 Dismiss interstitial on click
  • MS-2034 Resize Ad for BannerAdview

RC 2.9.1

  • MS-2101 Bug fix in AdWebView
  • MS-2016 Fixed the AdSize issue in onLayout method of BannerAdview

RC 2.9

  • MS-1813 AdMarvel Integration - Banner and Interstitial ads
  • MS-2030 AdMob Integration - Native ads
  • MS-1819 Rubicon Integration - Banner ads
  • MS-2046 Handle RejectedExecutionException to fix a one-off crash
  • MS-2047 Handle PackageManagerException when System Webview gets updated while using the app
  • Updated Mediated SDKs
    • Facebook 4.9.0 - banner, interstitial, native
    • InMobi 5.2.0 - banner, interstitial, native
    • MoPub 4.3.0 - banner, interstitial (Removed the native mediation temporarily due to incompatibility issues)
    • GooglePlay 8.4.0 - banner, interstitial, native

RC 2.8

  • MS-1702 Support for requesting ads with inventory code and member id
  • MS-1745 Update unit tests for inventory code and member id
  • Supported networks:
    • AdColony 2.3.0, interstitial, native
    • Amazon 5.6.20, banner, interstitial
    • Chartboost 5.5.3, interstitial
    • Facebook 4.7.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Google Play services 7.8.0, only depend on the ads library now, DFP/AdMob banner, interstitial
    • InMobi 5.0.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • MM Media 6.0.0, banner, interstitial
    • MoPub 3.13.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Vdopia lw1.5, banner, interstitial
    • Vungle 3.3.2, interstitials
    • Yahoo Flurry 6.1.0 banner, interstitial, native

RC 2.7.1

  • MS-1688 InMobi mediation adapters upgraded to support InMobi SDK 5.0.0
  • MS-1669 MoPub SDK update to 3.13.0
  • MS-1424 Millennial Media mediation adapters upgraded to support MMSDK 6.0.0
  • Supported networks:
    • AdColony 2.3.0, interstitial, native
    • Amazon 5.6.20, banner, interstitial
    • Chartboost 5.5.3, interstitial
    • Facebook 4.7.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Google Play services 7.8.0, only depend on the ads library now, DFP/AdMob banner, interstitial
    • InMobi 5.0.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • MM Media 6.0.0, banner, interstitial
    • MoPub 3.13.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Vdopia lw1.5, banner, interstitial
    • Vungle 3.3.2, interstitials
    • Yahoo Flurry 6.1.0 banner, interstitial, native

RC 2.6

  • MS-1627 Bug fix for concurrency modification in RequestParams
  • MS-1629 Bug fix for using comma as decimal points when user sets certain languages
  • MS-1619 Bug fix for DFP banner impression logging
  • MS-1592 Bug fix for InterstitialAdView not passing back onAdCollapsed
  • Supported networks:
    • AdColony 2.3.0, interstitial, native
    • Amazon 5.6.20, banner, interstitial
    • Chartboost 5.5.3, interstitial
    • Facebook 4.7.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Google Play services 7.8.0, only depend on the ads library now, DFP/AdMob banner, interstitial
    • InMobi 4.5.5, banner, interstitial, native
    • MM Media 5.4.0, banner, interstitial
    • MoPub 3.11.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Vdopia lw1.5, banner, interstitial
    • Vungle 3.3.2, interstitials
    • Yahoo Flurry 6.1.0 banner, interstitial, native

RC 2.5

  • MS-1512 NPE fix in AdRequest
  • MS-1426 Change interstitial timeout from 60 seconds to 4.5 minutes
  • MS-1383/1494 Pro-guard settings fix
  • MS-1391 fix gradle build issue
  • Supported networks:
    • AdColony 2.2.2, interstitial, native
    • Amazon 5.6.20, banner, interstitial
    • Chartboost 5.5.3, interstitial
    • Facebook 4.5.1, banner, interstitial, native
    • Google Play services 7.8.0, only depend on the ads library now, DFP/AdMob banner, interstitial
    • InMobi 4.5.5, banner, interstitial, native
    • MM Media 5.4.0, banner, interstitial
    • MoPub 3.11.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Vdopia lw1.5, banner, interstitial
    • Vungle 3.3.1, interstitials
    • Yahoo Flurry 6.0.0 banner, interstitial, native

RC 2.4

  • MS-1370 AdColony totation fix
  • MS-1307 AdFetcher refactor
  • MS-1326 AdWebView bug fix to support Android lollipop webview
  • MS-1320 Yahoo Flurry mediation, banner, interstitial, native, version 5.6.0
  • Supported networks:
    • AdColony 2.2.2, interstitial, native
    • Amazon 5.6.20, banner, interstitial
    • Chartboost 5.3.0, interstitial
    • Facebook 4.4.1, banner, interstitial, native
    • Google Play services 7.5.0, only depend on the ads library now, DFP/AdMob banner, interstitial
    • InMobi 4.5.5, banner, interstitial, native
    • MM Media 5.4.0, banner, interstitial
    • MoPub 3.9.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Vdopia lw1.5, banner, interstitial
    • Vungle 3.3.1, interstitials
    • Yahoo Flurry 5.6.0 banner, interstitial, native

RC 2.3.1

  • MS-1350 fix native ad response expiration time

RC 2.3

  • MS-1225 Legacy AdMob/DFP adapter update
  • MS-1135 AdColony In-feed video phase 1
  • Removed SDK unnecessary dependency on google play services
  • Supported networks:
    • AdColony 2.2.2, interstitial, native
    • Amazon 5.6.20, banner, interstitial
    • Chartboost 5.4.1, interstitial
    • Facebook 4.2.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Google Play services 7.5.0, only depend on the ads library now, DFP/AdMob banner, interstitial
    • InMobi 4.5.5, banner, interstitial, native
    • MM Media 5.4.0, banner, interstitial
    • MoPub 3.8.0, banner, interstitial, native
    • Vdopia lw1.5, banner, interstitial
    • Vungle 3.3.0, interstitials

RC 2.2

  • MS-1145 Separate invalid networks based on media type
  • MS-1110 Chartboost interstitial mediation
  • MS-953 InMobi native, banner, interstitial mediation
  • MS-952 Detect user interaction on webview
  • MS-1075 Vungle interstitial video mediation
  • MS-1074 AdColony interstial mediation
  • MS-1076 1080 Vdopia mediation, banner and interstitial

RC 2.1

  • MS-857 MS-920 MS-866 AN native response, click handling, cookie management
  • MS-874 offline impression tracking
  • MS-914 MoPub native ad adapter
  • MS-915 update mediated SDKs, MoPub 3.2.0->3.3.0, Facebook 3.20->3.22, Amazon 5.4.192->5.4.325, GooglePlay->6.5.876
  • MS-890 Bug fix for Facebook native adapter
  • MS-927 Mraid compliance creative and bug fixes
  • MS-657 Clean up many lint warnings
  • MS-808 Remove runtime instance checks, overhaul old interstitial ad queue with new class-based model
  • MS-859 Release SDK on Maven
  • MS-782 closeButtonHandler made static to avoid potential memory leaks, cleaned up gradle lint
  • MS-763 Cleaner string building to minimize memory use
  • MS-826 If the impbus ever were to return malformed initcb/resultcb URLs, the SDK now fails gracefully on them
  • MS-790 Fix lint error in HTTPGet

RC 2.0

  • MS-885 Facebook adapter exception handling
  • MS-751 by default the android SDK now uses a modal dialog box loading animation during conversion loading.
  • MS-846 Removed color attribute from XML interstitial setup because of conflicts with google lollipop libs
  • MS-855 refactor of AdFethcer and AdView
  • MS-876 Add onActivityResume/Pause/Destroy to AdView, to be called by dev
  • MS-876 Fix DFP memory leak
  • MS-880 update mediated SDKs, Mopub 3.0.0->3.2.0, Facebook 3.18->3.20, Amazon 5.4.78->5.4.192, GooglePlay->6.1.11
  • MS-842 native api public interface
  • MS-855 location_precision change

RC 1.20

New public APIs

  • AdView.setLoadsInBackground(boolean): Controls the SDK's behavior when an ad is clicked. The default behavior (true) is to load the landing page in the background until the initial payload finishes loading and present a fully rendered page to the user. Setting this to false will cause the in-app browser to immediately become visible to display the un-rendered landing page. Note that setting to false when an ad redirects to the app store may cause the in-app browser to briefly flash on the screen.
  • AdView.destroy(): Whenever a view's activity or fragment is destroyed the developer must call the destroy() method of the view. This must be done in the UI thread.
  • Settings.setLocationDecimalDigits(int digitsAfterDecimal): This method will ensure that any location information is rounded to the specified number of digits after the decimal. The nominal resolution of digits after the decimal to distance is 2 digits to ~1 km , 3 digits to ~100m , 4 digits to ~10m.
  • BannerView.setAdAlignment(enum AdAlignment): Override the alignment of the ad within its container. The default alignment is CENTER. Use this method to align to top left, top center, top right, center left, center, center right, bottom left, bottom center, or bottom right.
  • BannerView.transitionAnimation(): Add an optional animation for banner transitions. By default, the animation feature is disabled. The developer may choose from 4 transitions with optional animation direction and transition time.

3rd Party SDK updates

  • Mopub 3.0.0
  • Amazon 5.3.22
  • Google Play 5.0.89
  • FB AudienceNetwork 3.18

Bug fixes

  • Added proguard settings for Google Play, MoPub, Facebook and Millennial. These rules should be in the main applications proguard-rules.txt file.
  • Minimum API level bumped to 9.
  • Stability fixes to catch infrequent exceptions.
  • Handle a backwards/forward time synchronization gracefully.


To enable Amazon monetization your app must call, somewhere in its initialization path:
