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Native assembly renderer for Android

The native assembly renderer simplifies the use of Banner Native so that it behaves like a Banner. That is, you can set Native banners to act like web display banners. The renderer simplifies the process of generating Native display and allows Xandr users to implement Native advertising without requiring developers to rebuild their apps with changes or new formats.

Previously, developers had to manage native assets in the UT response by using the AN Native Response class in the Mobile SDK. Now the renderer_url in the UT response can be processed and combined with the resources necessary to display native assets in a web view. This generates an AN MRAID container view that is ready to display the moment it is loaded.


Currently this feature is available only in Banner Native.

Request API for native assembly renderer

Renderer is only available in BannerNative. For a BannerNativeAd, a Client Developer can enable enableNativeRendering by setting the Allow Native to YES in the BannerAdRequest. The response will be processed in the same manner as a BannerAd.

The following fields must be set:

Field Value
AllowNativeDemand YES/true
enableNativeRendering YES/true
public void enableNativeRendering(boolean enabled);



Response API for native assembly renderer

Banner's Delegate is being used to handle Banner-Native RendererAd

public void onAdLoaded(AdView adView)


public void onAdLoaded(AdView adView){
        //Ad Received Successfully

Tracker management

Impression trackers are automatically handled by the SDK in the same manner as HTML banner ads. Click trackers should be setup via the renderer console and be managed in the renderer itself.