Set up mobile in-app video mediation


Mediation is available only to Microsoft Monetize Ad Server customers.

This page describes how to set up a video mediation network for mobile in-app inventory.

For engineering instructions on how to fetch and display instream video ads using the SDK, see Show Instream Video Ads on Android and Show Instream Video Ads on iOS.


VAST tags only

At this time, we can only serve VAST tags through in-app video mediation. Please make sure you request VAST (not VPAID) tags from your network partners.

Step 1: Configure mediation networks

The setup of a video mediation network is simple - just navigate to the Mediation > Networks page and follow these steps.

  1. Press the New button.

  2. Select Custom Video Network in the Network drop down.

  3. Under Currency, set the network's currency if different from your seat's default currency.

  4. Change the Network Name to reflect the particular network or partner you are working with.

  5. Set the Brand of the network. If working with a network or partner that doesn't fit to one brand, select Unknown brand.


    If we don't have an existing brand for a video demand source, it can be created. Please talk to your Microsoft Advertising representative

  6. Press Save.


    Report Sync Not Supported

    The Report Sync feature is not supported for Mobile In-App Video Mediation.

Step 2: Configure mediation bids

A mediation bid allows you to set how much you expect the mediated network will pay for a video impression on a particular placement, thereby allowing the mediated network to compete for the impression against RTB demand in the Microsoft Advertising auction.

To setup a mediation bid you need to have the average bid price you want to use and a third party URL, which can call the mediated network appropriately. If the URL can accept a cachebuster, please insert the Microsoft Advertising ${CACHEBUSTER} macro so we can insert a randomly generated number and make each URL call unique.


The mediated URL field will accept any Microsoft Advertising creative macro.

To create a bid navigate to Mediation > Bids and follow these steps:

  1. Click Create Bid.
  2. Click the Edit button next to Inventory to target your bid to specific publisher(s), placement group(s) or placement(s). The targeting you choose depends highly on your object hierarchy. For example, if you want to setup one bid per placement you'll want to target individual placements; however if you want one bid to target multiple placements it may be easier to target placement groups.
  3. Click the Edit buttons next to Geography or System to further refine when this mediated bid will compete for an impression.
  4. Under the Bids section select the network you created previously.
  5. Once selected you will be able to add the network's VAST URL. Replace any dynamic values in the VAST tag with the appropriate creative macro.
  6. Bid Name is displayed in the mediation dashboard (accessed from the Mediation tab) so use a descriptive name. As an example, a good format would be "<network> - <inventory> - <geography> - video" like "MyVideoNetwork - Story Page - US - video".
  7. Set the Bid CPM to the average eCPM that this mediated video network generates for this particular combination of inventory, geography, and system. You should check this via the mediated network's reporting system and update your Bid CPM regularly to make sure it closely represents how much the network will receive for filling the impression.
  8. Add any desired targeting under the Advanced Settings section.


The Response Timeout field on the bid setup is not currently used by client-side mediation. The placement/member-level settings are used instead.