Microsoft Monetize - Underspend budget rollover

Underspend Budget Rollover is a feature available for Microsoft Monetize that allows buyers to transfer unspent budget from a completed flight to a new flight. It will save the buyer's time from complex budget calculations and manually updating future flights.

A flight has an underspent budget when its delivered impressions or revenue is less than their budgeted impressions or revenue. The buyer has the following flexible options to correct the underspend:

  • Extend: Buyer can update the underspent flight's end date to a future date, so that the flight will continue to serve.


    If you select this option, you won't be able to overlap flight dates, as this feature won't allow you to extend to intersect with any other flight date.

  • Rollover: Buyer can add a flight's unspent budget to a current or future flight.

Budget rollover procedure

  1. Go to the line item's SMW grid view for your advertiser. Here, you will see the new Underspend icon in the Flight Budget Delivery column.

  2. Select the underspend line item from the LI list. This will take you to the exact flights that has underspent budget.

  3. Edit the line item. You will find a Rollover button with details about how much budget was underspent on each underspent flight.

  4. Click on the Rollover button. This will take you to the Rollover Underspend screen.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If you have an active or future flight, then select Rollover. You will find a dropdown that has all the flights for your line item. Select the flight from the dropdown to which you want the budget to be rolled over. For example, you can roll over a budget of $1,259.73 from Flight 2 to Flight 4.
    • If you don't have any active or future flights, then select Extend. You will find an End Date field. Update this field to a future date and continue your budgeting.
  6. When a flight is rolled over or extended and the modal has been submitted, the line item screen updates the relevant flight's budget or end date.


    When a line item is updated and re-rendered, the total budget might not reflect the underspend changes.