Video players

This page describes the Microsoft Advertising video player offerings, as well as ideal use cases and limitations of each player.

Instream versus outstream video

Instream video refers to video advertising for which publishers provide their own players (usually to house their own content).

Outstream video refers to video advertising that is dependent on a player provided as part of the video placement architecture which has zero footprint and expands as needed to host an ad on the page.

This page concerns the various player options we provide for outstream video (including outstream mediation) when players are not hosted by the publisher.

Player types and uses

Player Type Details Use Cases
Flash This option is set via the playerTechnology options when selecting Outstream Video Player Options. desktop, depending on client settings
Inline IOS/Javascript VPAID* The inline player is automatic, unless disabled via Outstream Video Player Options or via Microsoft Monetize or the API. (coming soon) iPhone, iPad
HTML5/JavaScript This option is set via the playerTechnology options when selecting Outstream Video Player Options. iOS/iPad and Android (HTML5), desktop


The JavaScript VPAID player will be included in a subsequent release of Microsoft Advertising video players.