Top reports

On this page you'll find a list of top reports based on various criteria.

Product Maintenance report


  • Dim: Product

  • Metric: Impression Capacity

  • Add’l Dims: Product Type, Product Yield ID

  • Filters: Include Zero Values – Yes, Product Type – Reporting, Rate Card, Product Status: Active, Period – Last Month

  • View: Data Table

  • Display: 500


    Export this report. Look for rate card and reporting products with zero capacity that can be removed from your system. (Send the list of IDs to your Client Services rep). It is recommended to schedule this exercise. Schedule this exercise once a quarter.

At-Risk report

Screenshot that provides details about the At-Risk report.


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Metric: Consumption to Schedule
  • Add’l Dims: Advertiser, Salesperson, Order, Order ID, Order Line ID, Priority, Order Line Current Target Expression, Start Date, End Date
  • Add’l Metrics: Consumption to Schedule (Lifetime), Revenue Against Goal, Revenue Against Goal (Lifetime), Pacing, Pacing (Lifetime)
  • Filters: Period – This Quarter, Inventory Class – Guaranteed
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500


This report is designed to track campaign delivery issues. By comparing C:S to C:S (Lifetime), you can see if order lines are projected to get better or worse between your current time frame and their end dates. Schedule this once per day, or week.

Zombie Order Lines report

Screenshot that provides details about the Zombie Order Lines report.


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Metric: Consumed Imps
  • Add’l Dims: Advertiser, Salesperson, Start Date, End Date, Order Line ID, Order Line Status
  • Filters: Period – this month, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Order Line Status – Pending, Start Date – Last 365 days
  • View: Data Table
  • Sort: Start Date (Ascending)
  • Display: 500


Zombie order lines track campaigns that are past their start date, but still remain in a pending state and are holding inventory.  In most instances, these are campaigns that should be cancelled. Schedule this to run once a week.

Salesperson Scorecard report


  • Dim: Salesperson
  • Metric: Earned Revenue
  • Sec Metric: eCPM
  • Filters: Period – Last Quarter, Salesperson – exclude (blank), Inventory Class – Guaranteed
  • View: Bar Chart
  • Trendline: Avg. eCPM
  • Sort: Primary Metric (Descending)
  • Display: 25


Ranks Salespeople by Earned Revenue and eCPM. Add a direct target attribute filter to - make your analysis specific to a type of targeting (E.g.: Mobile or video sales).

Product Scorecard report


  • Dim: Product
  • Metric: Earned Revenue
  • Sec Metric: eCPM
  • Filters: Period – Last Quarter, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Product Type: Rate Card, Product Group: exclude ‘Entire Network’, Consumption Type: Direct / Contained
  • Trendline: Avg. eCPM
  • View: Bar Chart
  • Display: 25
  • Sort: Primary Metric (Descending)


Ranks Products by Earned Revenue and eCPM. Use Target Attribute setting to limit products to just certain ad sizes, or add a product group filter to make your analysis more specific.

Advertiser Scorecard report

Screenshot that provides details about the Advertiser Scorecard report.


  • Dim: Advertiser
  • Metric: Earned Revenue
  • Sec Metric: eCPM
  • Filters: Period – Last Quarter, Inventory Class – Guaranteed
  • Trendline: Avg. eCPM
  • View: Bar Chart
  • Display: 25
  • Sort: Primary Metric (Descending)


Ranks Advertisers by Earned Revenue and eCPM. Add a direct target attribute or product filter to make your analysis specific to a kind of targeting (E.g.: Audience or specific site sections).

Pricing Benchmark report

Screenshot that provides details about the Pricing Benchmark report.


  • Dim: Product
  • Metric: Sell Through
  • Additional Metrics: Impression Capacity, eCPM
  • Dim Filters: Product - Exclude Analyzed Network, Product Type – Rate Card
  • MetricFilters: Period – This Month, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Product Type: Rate Card, Product Group: exclude ‘Entire Network’,
  • Sort: Sell Through


Displays a product’s sell through rate along with the eCPM and impression capacity. Filter by product groups to make your analysis more specific to a particular set of products.

Accrued Loss by Salesperson report


  • Dim: Salesperson
  • Metric: Consumption to Schedule (Lifetime)
  • Sec Metric: Revenue Against Goal (Lifetime)
  • Filters: Period – This Year, Salesperson – exclude (blank), Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Order Line Status – Complete
  • View: Bar Chart
  • Sort: Secondary Metric (Ascending)
  • Display: 25


Ranks Salespeople by Under-delivered Revenue and % Under-delivery.  Use this to understand which salespeople sell campaigns that under-deliver.  

Pricing Dashboard report


  • Dim: Sold as Product
  • Metric: Consumed Imps
  • Sec Metric: Earned Revenue
  • Add’l Metrics: Contracted CPM, eCPM
  • Filter: Sold As Product – Exclude ‘N/A’
  • Dataset1 – “This Quarter”
  • Filter: Period – This Quarter, Inventory Class – Guaranteed
  • Dataset2 – “This Quarter”
  • Filter: Period – Last Quarter, Inventory Class – Guaranteed
  • View: Data Table
  • Sort: Last Quarter: Earned Revenue
  • Display: 500


Compares the average spend and eCPM by Advertiser for certain products against all other advertisers. Instead of Advertiser, filter by Salesperson or Industry to examine the data in other ways.

STR Decile Data report


  • Dim: Target
  • Primary Metric: Consumed Impressions
  • Group By: Consumption Type
  • Order By: Consumption Type Ascending
  • Additional Dim: Target Expression
  • Addition Metrics: Impression Capacity
  • Dim Filters: Product Status – Active
  • Metric Filters: Date Range – This Month, Inventory Class – Guaranteed
  • Display: 500


Shows how impressions were consumed (Direct, Indirect, Contained) - along with the capacity for all target products. By looking at the STR rate on a more granular level, you can better manage yield for your products.

Unfilled Impressions report

Screenshot that provides details about the Unfilled Impressions report.


  • Dim: Product
  • Metric: Sell Through
  • Add’l Metric: Impression Capacity, Consumed Impressions
  • Dim Filters: Target Attribute – [Include Any – Size – 728x90, 300x250, 300x600, 160x600, 320x50, 300x50, 970x66], Product Type - Reporting
  • Metric Filters: Period – Last Month, Advertiser – Unfilled Impressions
  • View: Data Table
  • Sort: Sell Through (Descending)
  • Display: 500


Ranks Products by % of blank ads (unfilled impressions) served.  1 – 2% is a good target benchmark. Anything higher could be a problem Filter to custom or reporting products for more results.

Targeting Premium - Geo report

Screenshot that provides details about the Targeting Premium - Geo report.


  • Dim: Consumption Date (Monthly)
  • Metric: eCPM
  • Trendline: Avg. eCPM
  • Dataset1 – “Targeted"
  • Filter: Period – Last 12 Months, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Direct Target
  • Attribute – [dma_region – [any] - include any]
  • Dataset2 – “Not Targeted”
  • Filter: Period – Last 12 Months, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Direct Target
  • Attribute – [dma_region – [any] - exclude any]
  • View: Bar Chart
  • Sort: Dimension (Ascending)
  • Display: 15


Shows the power of the direct target attribute filter - by displaying the difference in eCPM by Month for order lines that contained geotargeting vs. those that did not. Consider switching the filter to audience variables, platform (mobile v. desktop), or site section variables for other types of analysis.

Recently Launched 3rd Party QA report


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Add’l Dims: Order Line ID
  • Metric: Discrepancy (3rd Party)
  • Group By: Consumption Date (Daily)
  • Order By: Consumption Date Ascending
  • Sort: Total Discrepancy (Ascending)
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – This Week, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Order
  • Line Status – Booked, Start Date – Last Week, Third Party – exclude ‘Unknown’, ‘N/A’
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500

Click Performance Template report


  • Dim: Product
  • Metric: Consumed Impressions
  • Sec Metric: Consumed Clicks
  • Add’l Metric: CTR %
  • Sort: CTR %
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – This Month, Inventory Class – Guaranteed,
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500


Shows every product with their click-thru rate.  This is valuable for any CPC campaign, or trying to optimize campaigns from low-CTR% to high-CTR% products.

Channel Performance Historical report (only for clients with SSP intergrations)


  • Dim: Consumption Date (Monthly)
  • Metric: Channel eCPM
  • Group By: Channel
  • Order By: Channel Ascending
  • Add’l Metric: Earned Revenue (SSP), eCPM (SSP)
  • Sort: Earned Revenue
  • Date Range: Last 3 Months


Compares the overall eCPM across various SSPs within a certain period of time. Add Product to Additional Dimension to see eCPM by product.

Viewability report (only for clients with Active View integrations)


  • Dim: Product
  • Metric: Viewable Capacity
  • Secondary Metric: Impression Capacity
  • Add’l Metric: Consumed Viewable Impressions, Consumed Impressions
  • Dim Filter: Exclude Entire Network
  • Date Range: This Month


Compares viewable (Capacity & Consumed) impressions to standard impressions by product.

Data Entry Error report

Screenshot that provides details about the Data Entry Error report.


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Primary Metric: Contracted CPM
  • Secondary Metric: Contracted Impressions (Lifetime)
  • Add’l Dims: Order, Order Line Status, Advertiser, Start Date, End Date
  • Add’l Metrics: Contracted Revenue (Lifetime), Scheduled Revenue (Lifetime), Consumed Clicks, CTR%, Contracted CPD
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – This Month, Inventory Class – Guaranteed,
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500
  • Sort: Contracted Revenue (Lifetime) Descending


This report is pulling all line items. Use Contracted CPM & CPD Metric Slider to establish proper thresholds. Evaluate if any of the line items: Contracted revenue, contracted impressions, or contracted CPM - is too high or too low.

Campaign Forecast report


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Metric: Consumed Impressions
  • Add’l Dims: Advertiser, Salesperson, Order, Order ID, Order Line ID, Order Line Status, Start Date, End Date
  • Add’l Metrics: CTR%, Consumed Clicks, C:S, C:S (Lifetime), Pacing, Pacing (Lifetime), Revenue Against Goal, Revenue Against Goal (Lifetime)
  • Sort: Advertiser (Ascending)
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – This Month, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Order Line Status – Booked, Pending
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500


The campaign forecast report is to keep tabs on how your campaigns are performing, as well as how they are forecasted to deliver over their lifetime.

New to Launch report

Screenshot that provides details about the New to Launch report.


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Metric: Consumed Impressions
  • Add’l Dims: Advertiser, Salesperson, Order, Order ID, Order Line ID, Order Line Status, Start Date, End Date
  • Add’l Metrics: CTR%, Consumed Clicks, C:S, C:S (Lifetime), Pacing, Pacing (Lifetime), Revenue Against Goal, Revenue Against Goal (Lifetime)
  • Sort: Advertiser (Ascending)
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – Last Week, Inventory Class – Guaranteed,Order Line Status – Booked, Start Date – Last Week
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500


The new to launch report is helpful to understand what campaigns recently went live in the prior week. This lets you communicate launch status to clients and sales reps without having to go into the ad server.

Order Lines on Deck report

Screenshot that provides details about the Order Lines on Deck report.


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Metric: Scheduled Impressions
  • Add’l Dims: Advertiser, Salesperson, Order, Order ID, Order Line ID, Order Line Status, Start Date, End Date
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – Next Week, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Order Line Status – Booked, Pending, Start Date – Next Week
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500


The on deck report is useful to understand what campaigns are setup and scheduled to start delivering in the upcoming week. This is especially useful for tracking roadblocks or sponsorships that have critical timing.

Failed to Launch report

Screenshot that provides details about the Failed to Launch report.


  • Dim: Order Line
  • Metric: Scheduled Impressions
  • Sec Metric: Consumed Impressions
  • Add’l Dims: Advertiser, Salesperson, Order, Order ID, Order Line ID, Order Line Status, Start Date, End Date
  • Sort: Consumed Impressions (Ascending)
  • Metric Filters: Time Period – Last Week, Inventory Class – Guaranteed, Order Line Status – Booked, Pending, Start Date – Last Week
  • View: Data Table
  • Display: 500

Shows every campaign that was scheduled to deliver impressions and start in the prior week, but delivered nothing. Sort the consumed impressions column - from lowest to highest values. Look at order lines that had some amount of scheduled impressions, but no delivery.

Reporting on Consumption Date report

Screenshot that provides details about the Reporting on Consumption Date report.

Inventory Availability by Month report

Screenshot that provides details about the Inventory Availability by Month report.

Reports Overview