User preferences

You can change your password and change the default page that loads when you log in to the system.

Change your password

You can change the password you use to log in to Yield Analytics:

  1. In the top right corner of any page, click your name, and then click Preferences. The Preferences page loads.
  2. In the Change Password panel, type your current password. Type your new password. Confirm your new password, and then click Change Password. The new password is saved, and you are redirected to your default home page.

Change your default home page

You can change the page that loads by default when you log in to Yield Analytics:

  1. In the top right corner of any page, click your name, and then click Preferences. The Preferences page loads.
  2. In the Set Defaults panel, in the Home Page field, click the link for the current setting (e.g., Availability). Select a different page from the dropdown list that appears.
  3. Click Save Defaults. The page you chose is displayed, and loads by default the next time you log in to the system.