Windows 2016 Remote Desktop Connection Blue Screen

Lei Wang 0 Reputation points

Hello guys. I'm trying to figure out an issue with my remote desktop session host. It's a Dell PowerEdge R730. The CPU is dual Intel Xeon Gold 5220R 2.19GHz(2 CPUs). 256GB memory. 960G*6 hard disk, PERC H370P Adapter Raid controller. Since the update on July 17, when I connected the remote desktop it just entered the system desktop, the connection was broken. View it blue screen from Dell's iDRAC and restart. Here is a screenshot of the blue screen._20240724082654

Also here is the latest crash dump. I am so baffled by what is causing this. The customer is very unhappy and I completely understand. Event logs as far as I can tell aren't showing anything to point to the crashing.

Any help is much appreciated.

*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

        A critical system process died
Arg1: ffffd481c282c080, Process object or thread object
Arg2: 0000000000000000, If this is 0, a process died. If this is 1, a thread died.
Arg3: 0000000000000000, The process object that initiated the termination.
Arg4: 0000000000000000

Debugging Details:

ETW minidump data unavailable


    Key  : Analysis.CPU.mSec
    Value: 1124

    Key  : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 9837

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Other.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Read.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.IO.Write.Mb
    Value: 0

    Key  : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
    Value: 452

    Key  : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
    Value: 3104

    Key  : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
    Value: 84

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.LegacyAPI
    Value: 0xef

    Key  : Bugcheck.Code.TargetModel
    Value: 0xef

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ExceptionCode
    Value: b995b680

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageName
    Value: ntdll.dll

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageOffset
    Value: a9d1a

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageSize
    Value: 1cf000

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.ImageTimestamp
    Value: 666269e8

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.Process
    Value: svchost.exe

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.Symbol
    Value: ntdll.dll!KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher

    Key  : CriticalProcessDied.WERReportId
    Value: 5de6c37e-c0f9-4830-adb5-88cb51366905

    Key  : Failure.Bucket
    Value: 0xEF_svchost.exe_BUGCHECK_CRITICAL_PROCESS_b995b680_ntdll.dll!KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher_IMAGE_ntdll.dll

    Key  : Failure.Hash
    Value: {1c486a0f-60f4-c76f-6309-6e18666e7f9d}

    Key  : WER.OS.Branch
    Value: rs1_release

    Key  : WER.OS.Version
    Value: 10.0.14393.7155


BUGCHECK_P1: ffffd481c282c080




FILE_IN_CAB:  072424-25250-01.dmp

PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe

CRITICAL_PROCESS:  svchost.exe

ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xb995b680 - <Unable to get error code text>

CRITICAL_PROCESS_REPORTGUID:  {5de6c37e-c0f9-4830-adb5-88cb51366905}

IMAGE_NAME:  ntdll.dll


FAULTING_MODULE: 0000000000000000 


ffffae80`a80ee2b8 fffff801`3f897012     : 00000000`000000ef ffffd481`c282c080 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffae80`a80ee2c0 fffff801`3f7b92bf     : ffffd481`c282c080 ffffd481`b995b9a0 00000000`00000000 ffffd481`b995b680 : nt!PspCatchCriticalBreak+0xd6
ffffae80`a80ee320 fffff801`3f648f39     : ffffd481`00000000 ffffd481`c282c080 ffffd481`b995b9a0 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspTerminateAllThreads+0x16f94b
ffffae80`a80ee390 fffff801`3f648cf0     : ffffd481`c282c080 00000000`c0000008 ffffd481`c282c080 ffffd481`b995b680 : nt!PspTerminateProcess+0x101
ffffae80`a80ee3d0 fffff801`3f385a93     : ffffd481`c282c080 ffffd481`b995b680 ffffae80`a80ee4c0 00000000`00000003 : nt!NtTerminateProcess+0x9c
ffffae80`a80ee440 00007ffc`f5086624     : 00007ffc`f10c5400 00007ffc`f132d9a0 00007ffc`f108b601 0000006a`5237d850 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
0000006a`5237d568 00007ffc`f10c5400     : 00007ffc`f132d9a0 00007ffc`f108b601 0000006a`5237d850 00007ffc`f108b361 : 0x00007ffc`f5086624
0000006a`5237d570 00007ffc`f132d9a0     : 00007ffc`f108b601 0000006a`5237d850 00007ffc`f108b361 0000006a`5237f57c : 0x00007ffc`f10c5400
0000006a`5237d578 00007ffc`f108b601     : 0000006a`5237d850 00007ffc`f108b361 0000006a`5237f57c 00007ffc`f10c5458 : 0x00007ffc`f132d9a0
0000006a`5237d580 0000006a`5237d850     : 00007ffc`f108b361 0000006a`5237f57c 00007ffc`f10c5458 0000006a`5237d700 : 0x00007ffc`f108b601
0000006a`5237d588 00007ffc`f108b361     : 0000006a`5237f57c 00007ffc`f10c5458 0000006a`5237d700 00000000`00000005 : 0x0000006a`5237d850
0000006a`5237d590 0000006a`5237f57c     : 00007ffc`f10c5458 0000006a`5237d700 00000000`00000005 0000006a`00004864 : 0x00007ffc`f108b361
0000006a`5237d598 00007ffc`f10c5458     : 0000006a`5237d700 00000000`00000005 0000006a`00004864 00007ffc`f10cdc01 : 0x0000006a`5237f57c
0000006a`5237d5a0 0000006a`5237d700     : 00000000`00000005 0000006a`00004864 00007ffc`f10cdc01 0000006a`5237d850 : 0x00007ffc`f10c5458
0000006a`5237d5a8 00000000`00000005     : 0000006a`00004864 00007ffc`f10cdc01 0000006a`5237d850 00007ffc`f10c532a : 0x0000006a`5237d700
0000006a`5237d5b0 0000006a`00004864     : 00007ffc`f10cdc01 0000006a`5237d850 00007ffc`f10c532a 0000006a`5237d5f0 : 0x5
0000006a`5237d5b8 00007ffc`f10cdc01     : 0000006a`5237d850 00007ffc`f10c532a 0000006a`5237d5f0 00000001`0000001c : 0x0000006a`00004864
0000006a`5237d5c0 0000006a`5237d850     : 00007ffc`f10c532a 0000006a`5237d5f0 00000001`0000001c 0000006a`5237f57c : 0x00007ffc`f10cdc01
0000006a`5237d5c8 00007ffc`f10c532a     : 0000006a`5237d5f0 00000001`0000001c 0000006a`5237f57c 0000006a`5237d5f0 : 0x0000006a`5237d850
0000006a`5237d5d0 0000006a`5237d5f0     : 00000001`0000001c 0000006a`5237f57c 0000006a`5237d5f0 0000006a`5237d600 : 0x00007ffc`f10c532a
0000006a`5237d5d8 00000001`0000001c     : 0000006a`5237f57c 0000006a`5237d5f0 0000006a`5237d600 0000006a`5237d618 : 0x0000006a`5237d5f0
0000006a`5237d5e0 0000006a`5237f57c     : 0000006a`5237d5f0 0000006a`5237d600 0000006a`5237d618 0000006a`5237d660 : 0x00000001`0000001c
0000006a`5237d5e8 0000006a`5237d5f0     : 0000006a`5237d600 0000006a`5237d618 0000006a`5237d660 0000006a`5237d668 : 0x0000006a`5237f57c
0000006a`5237d5f0 0000006a`5237d600     : 0000006a`5237d618 0000006a`5237d660 0000006a`5237d668 0000006a`5237d678 : 0x0000006a`5237d5f0
0000006a`5237d5f8 0000006a`5237d618     : 0000006a`5237d660 0000006a`5237d668 0000006a`5237d678 deadbeef`deadbe01 : 0x0000006a`5237d600
0000006a`5237d600 0000006a`5237d660     : 0000006a`5237d668 0000006a`5237d678 deadbeef`deadbe01 deadbeef`deadbeef : 0x0000006a`5237d618
0000006a`5237d608 0000006a`5237d668     : 0000006a`5237d678 deadbeef`deadbe01 deadbeef`deadbeef 0000001c`00004864 : 0x0000006a`5237d660
0000006a`5237d610 0000006a`5237d678     : deadbeef`deadbe01 deadbeef`deadbeef 0000001c`00004864 0000006a`f10cdc00 : 0x0000006a`5237d668
0000006a`5237d618 deadbeef`deadbe01     : deadbeef`deadbeef 0000001c`00004864 0000006a`f10cdc00 00000000`00000000 : 0x0000006a`5237d678
0000006a`5237d620 deadbeef`deadbeef     : 0000001c`00004864 0000006a`f10cdc00 00000000`00000000 deadbeef`deadbeef : 0xdeadbeef`deadbe01
0000006a`5237d628 0000001c`00004864     : 0000006a`f10cdc00 00000000`00000000 deadbeef`deadbeef 0000006a`5237d6a8 : 0xdeadbeef`deadbeef
0000006a`5237d630 0000006a`f10cdc00     : 00000000`00000000 deadbeef`deadbeef 0000006a`5237d6a8 0000006a`5237d700 : 0x0000001c`00004864
0000006a`5237d638 00000000`00000000     : deadbeef`deadbeef 0000006a`5237d6a8 0000006a`5237d700 00007ffc`f50ae87c : 0x0000006a`f10cdc00

STACK_COMMAND:  .cxr; .ecxr ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0xEF_svchost.exe_BUGCHECK_CRITICAL_PROCESS_b995b680_ntdll.dll!KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher_IMAGE_ntdll.dll

OS_VERSION:  10.0.14393.7155

BUILDLAB_STR:  rs1_release


OSNAME:  Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH:  {1c486a0f-60f4-c76f-6309-6e18666e7f9d}

Followup:     MachineOwner

Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2016
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Remote Desktop
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  1. Hania Lian 11,126 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor


    Stop code critical process died happens, it means the process which was needed to run the system ended due to corrupted or missing system files, bad device drivers, virus attack, compatibility issues, bad sectors, etc.

    Firstly, I suggest that check for update to update the system files to check.

    Fix Error 0xEF: Critical_process_died - Microsoft Support

    The dump file only displayed a system process died, so resulted in a kernel error.

    General troubleshooting tips below may helpful.

    Bug Check 0xEF CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED - Windows drivers | Microsoft Learn

    Best Regards,

    Hania Lian


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