I have an ADF pipeline set up with LS_RestServiceNetSuite.
Within the pipeline there is a web activity "Get_Access_Token" that has started to fail.
In this activity, in the URL field we passed:
This URL is the access token URL which we have stored as a global parameter
Then we are using the POST method of HTTP and sending the below code in the body: "@concat('grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=',pipeline().parameters.Refresh_Token)"
This basically contains the refresh_token which we will be passing as a pipeline parameter.
Currently, we are manually pulling the refresh token via Postman. I am able to pull a authorization code to put in Postman, and generate a refresh token. The refresh token is put in as parameter of the pipeline. When I manually run the trigger it is successful. However, when the scheduled trigger runs with the refresh token, the "Get_Access_Token" web activity fails.
We have been troubleshooting for the past week. Help is appreciated.