Azure SQL PIM like access

Ramil Navares 26 Reputation points

I wanted to set-up something like a PIM access to Azure SQL but upon reading some docs/article, it's mostly adding a user to an AD Group or to the Azure SQL database itself.

Is there a way to do PIM or like that for Azure SQL or any of the Azure Databases?

  1. no user has default access to the database
  2. user need to request access and be removed based on duration automatically
  3. audit of the users requesting access to the database

Looking forward to your reply.

Azure SQL Database
Microsoft Entra
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Accepted answer
  1. Navtej Singh Saini 4,221 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @coderbn-2970

    Currently there is no method for using the PIM for Azure SQL at the moment. Please provide your feedback on Azure SQL user voice . Product team will look into these and provide insight.

    The current methods for connections are 1) Users and logins and 2) AD integration .

    Please review these documents to check the method you can implement. Please let us know if you have further questions about this.

    Navtej S

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