How to send livestream video using UWP app to Azure Web app (.NET core MVC) ?

TANEES AHMAD 21 Reputation points

which is the best way to send live stream video from UWP app to Web MVC application ?
I am doing my Final year project. My 1st task is to send the livestream vedio from raspberry pi using UWP app and display that stream in Web .NET core MVC application ? please guide me..

Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. Fay Wang - MSFT 5,201 Reputation points


    ​Welcome to our Microsoft Q&A platform!

    If you want to send live stream video from UWP app to Web MVC application, you could try to use HttpClient to connect your UWP app and Web server.

    First write your video stream to the HttpStreamContent, pass it and send the post request to the corresponding URI. Here is a similar thread, you can refer to it. And about how to send stream using HttpClient, you can check this official sample.

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