You cannot attach a content database containing the same Site ID to the existing farm. Use the unattached database content approach.
Attaching Recovered content database to site collection
We lost some content recently and I am exploring recovering from a backup of a content database. I created a new web app with a root Site collection the connected the database to the webApp by doing this --> Mount-SPContentDatabase "RecoverDB" -DatabaseServer "MyServer" -WebApplication http://newsite
Then Move-SPSite http://servername/sites/sitename -DestinationDatabase RecoverDB
However, I cannot browse the site collection to see any cotent. I get a 404 error. When I attached the site I noticed that SiteCollection value was 0.
However, I took a peek into the sql tables and it looks like a site is there, in addition to all the other content. Is there something that I am missing?
Is there a different/better way to accomplish what I am trying to do here?
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elpeck 21 Reputation points
2020-09-03T19:58:48.143+00:00 Well I was able to by adding the switch -AssignNewDatabaseID with Mount-SPContentdatabase. However, the content is still not viewable as I get either http 200 connection:close or 404 errors.