Automate daily checks for Azure VMs
Hello, I would like to check the CPU percentage, Disk IOPS, and Memory availability values of Azure VMs daily in an Excel file. I am considering using Azure Automation for this. Is there a script that I can refer to for automating the process of…
Names of Azure Services in the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags JSON File
What are the official names used for the following Azure services in the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud JSON file? Azure Function (AzFunction) Automation Account Azure Batch Analysis Services You can refer to the JSON file…
How to connect to ExchangeOnline to Get-DistributionGroup
Hi Guys, I am trying to create and also get distribution list using a powershell runbook (version 5.1) setup in an Azure Automation account. But am having trouble connecting to Exchange Online. ========= My Script (1):- Connect-ExchangeOnline…
Patching Azure VMSS using Azure update mangement
How to do patching on a azure VMSS using Azure update management , What is the process to do it , we are patching VM's using update management , is it possible to patch VMSS also , and what are the things that we need to take care.
Runbook Jobs Suspended Intermittently
Hi, I am encountering an issue with my runbook jobs. Occasionally, the jobs get suspended after running for approximately 10 minutes, though this behavior is inconsistent. Most of the time, the jobs complete successfully without any problems. To provide…
The command was found in the module, but the module could not be loaded - Azure Automation
When I try to run my script in Azure Automation, I get greeted with the following error (since a few weeks apparently). It simply stopped working, I can't explain myself why. System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException: The…
Connecting VS Code + Azure Automation Plugin to MGGraph Managed Identity?
I loaded my Runbook scripts from my Azure Automation account into VS Code (+Azure Automation Plugin). I am trying to connect to MG Graph via the Managed Identity: Connect-MgGraph -Identity -NoWelcome But I get an error message: Connect-MgGraph:…
Impact and consequence when resetting the password for Microsoft Entra seamless SSO account?
Based on this article: What are the impact when resetting the Kerberos decryption…
How to Fix Runbook Error
I have an error which occasionally appears on my azure automation account runbook. This has only happened twice in the last month, and i'm unable to determine the cause of the error. Any help would be much appreciated. The error I get is "The SSL…
Azure File Share Upload file 403 Error
Hello, I have an azure file share and want wo upload files to it via a powershell in a runbook. I have a managed identity of this automation with storage blob data contributor and storage file data smb share contributor access on the file share. When I…
Unable to fetch disabled users across subscriptions
Hello Team, I'm trying to get list of disabled users across all subscriptions under our tenant. But when I run the below script it is not fetching the data instead loading VS code. If I run Get-disabled users command it is giving the list of disabled…
Is there any way to scale up the application gateway v1 (Increase instances) automatically using powershell commands?
Is there any way to scale up the application gateway v1 (Increase instances) automatically using powershell commands? I attempted to use an Azure Automation Account with a PowerShell Runbook, but encountered errors. Additionally, the available articles…
Alert action should shut down VM, it doesn't
We have an alert rule that monitors the CPU usage of a VM and when it drops below a certain usage, shuts down the VM. – This worked well for a while, but then started working only sometimes. Although the rule was triggered, it didn't shut down the VM.…
Is there any way to scale up the azure webapp vertically (change app service plan) automatically?
Is there a way to automatically scale up an Azure Web App vertically (by changing the App Service Plan)? Has this functionality been completely removed by Azure? I attempted to use an Azure Automation Account with a PowerShell Runbook, but encountered…
How to pass parameter from webhook to a python runbook.
Hi I have a python script which i want to run using Azure automation. I have added a webhook for this runbook and i am able to run the scipt using webhook url from ADF. The problem is I want to pass a parameter to the script. Could someone help on…
How to Traffic Filter of elastic cloud allow runbook in automation account azure executing
I got the error {"ok":false,"message":"Forbidden due to traffic filtering. Please see the Elastic documentation on Traffic Filtering for more information."} when I start runbook in azure automation account. Runbook is used…
Issue when trying to change the auto start/ stop time of Azure VMs
I'm trying to change the automated tasks we have set for our vms to start and stop at different times then are currently set. When i try to edit the tasks or create new tasks i get the below error. This is with all of our VMs linux and Windows same…
How to pass WEBHOOKDATA parameter value in Azure automation Runbook
Hi, Could you please help me out to pass WEBHOOKDATA parameter value in Azure Automation Runbook. for testing using the below code to display the webhookdata parameter value on testpane Param ( [parameter (Mandatory=$false)] …
Are you able to share the PowerShell Script/YAML File codes from a specific YouTube video?
Hello, I recently watched the YouTube video titled "Integrating Power BI Deployment Pipelines into Azure DevOps and Azure Pipelines | OD29" by Microsoft Developer. In the video, the presenter demonstrates two methods for automating Azure…
How to link automation account to Log Analytics workspace
I a have created a new automation account and Log Analytics workspace, but there is no way to link them. I have found some steps, but the option from update management is not availible anymore.