Create and edit data collection rules (DCRs) and associations in Azure Monitor

There are multiple methods for creating a data collection rule (DCR) in Azure Monitor. In some cases, Azure Monitor can create and manage the DCR according to settings that you configure in the Azure portal. In other cases, you need to create your own DCRs to customize particular scenarios.

This article describes the different methods for creating and editing a DCR. For the contents of the DCR itself, see Structure of a data collection rule in Azure Monitor.


You require the following permissions to create DCRs and associations:

Built-in role Scopes Reason
Monitoring Contributor
  • Subscription and/or
  • Resource group and/or
  • An existing DCR
Create or edit DCRs, assign rules to the machine, deploy associations.
Virtual Machine Contributor
Azure Connected Machine Resource Administrator
  • Virtual machines, virtual machine scale sets
  • Azure Arc-enabled servers
Deploy agent extensions on the VM (virtual machine).
Any role that includes the action Microsoft.Resources/deployments/*
  • Subscription and/or
  • Resource group and/or
  • An existing DCR
Deploy Azure Resource Manager templates.

Automated methods to create a DCR

The following table lists methods to create data collection scenarios using the Azure portal where the DCR is created for you. In these cases, you don't need to interact directly with the DCR itself.

Scenario Resources Description
Monitor a virtual machine Enable VM Insights overview When you enable VM Insights on a VM, the Azure Monitor agent is installed and a DCR is created and associated with the VM. This DCR collects a predefined set of performance counters and shouldn't be modified.
Container insights Enable Container Insights When you enable Container Insights on a Kubernetes cluster, a containerized version of the Azure Monitor agent is installed, and a DCR with association to the cluster is created that collects data according to the configuration you selected. You may need to modify this DCR to add a transformation.
Workspace transformation Add a transformation in a workspace data collection rule using the Azure portal Create a transformation for any supported table in a Log Analytics workspace. This transformation is specified within a DCR, which is linked to the workspace. The transformation is then applied to any data sent to that table from any legacy workloads that don't yet utilize DCR.

Create a DCR

To create a data collection rule using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, API, or ARM templates, create a JSON file, starting with one of the sample DCRs. Use information in Structure of a data collection rule in Azure Monitor to modify the JSON file for your particular environment and requirements.


Create your data collection rule in the same region as your destination Log Analytics workspace or Azure Monitor workspace. You can associate the data collection rule to machines or containers from any subscription or resource group in the tenant. To send data across tenants, you must first enable Azure Lighthouse.

Create with Azure portal

The Azure portal provides a simplified experience for creating a DCR for virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets. Using this method, you don't need to understand the structure of a DCR unless you want to implement an advanced feature such as a transformation. The process for creating this DCR with various data sources is described in Collect data with Azure Monitor Agent.


Create your data collection rule in the same region as your destination Log Analytics workspace or Azure Monitor workspace. You can associate the data collection rule to machines or containers from any subscription or resource group in the tenant. To send data across tenants, you must first enable Azure Lighthouse.

On the Monitor menu in the Azure portal, select Data Collection Rules > Create to open the DCR creation page.

Screenshot that shows Create button for a new data collection rule.

The Basic page includes basic information about the DCR.

Screenshot that shows the Basic tab for a new data collection rule.

Setting Description
Rule Name Name for the DCR. The name should be something descriptive that helps you identify the rule.
Subscription Subscription to store the DCR. The subscription doesn't need to be the same subscription as the virtual machines.
Resource group Resource group to store the DCR. The resource group doesn't need to be the same resource group as the virtual machines.
Region Region to store the DCR. The region must be the same region as any Log Analytics workspace or Azure Monitor workspace used in a destination of the DCR. If you have workspaces in different regions, then create multiple DCRs associated with the same set of machines.
Platform Type Specifies the type of data sources that will be available for the DCR, either Windows or Linux. None allows for both. 1
Data Collection Endpoint Specifies the data collection endpoint (DCE) used to collect data. The DCE is only required if you're using Azure Monitor Private Links. This DCE must be in the same region as the DCR. For more information, see How to set up data collection endpoints based on your deployment.

1 This option sets the kind attribute in the DCR. There are other values that can be set for this attribute, but they aren't available in the portal.

Add resources

The Resources page allows you to add resources to be associated with the DCR. Select + Add resources to select resources. The Azure Monitor agent will automatically be installed on any resources that don't already have it.


The portal enables system-assigned managed identity on the target resources, along with existing user-assigned identities, if there are any. For existing applications, unless you specify the user-assigned identity in the request, the machine defaults to using system-assigned identity instead.

Screenshot that shows the Resources tab for a new data collection rule.

If the machine you're monitoring isn't in the same region as your destination Log Analytics workspace and you're collecting data types that require a DCE, select Enable Data Collection Endpoints and select an endpoint in the region of each monitored machine. If the monitored machine is in the same region as your destination Log Analytics workspace, or if you don't require a DCE, don't select a data collection endpoint on the Resources tab.

Add data sources

The Collect and deliver page allows you to add and configure data sources for the DCR and a destination for each.

Screen element Description
Data source Select a Data source type and define related fields based on the data source type you select. See the articles in Data sources for details on configuring each type of data source.
Destination Add one or more destinations for each data source. You can select multiple destinations of the same or different types. For instance, you can select multiple Log Analytics workspaces, which is also known as multihoming. See the details for each data type for the different destinations they support.

A DCR can contain multiple different data sources up to a limit of 10 data sources in a single DCR. You can combine different data sources in the same DCR, but you will typically want to create different DCRs for different data collection scenarios. See Best practices for data collection rule creation and management in Azure Monitor for recommendations on how to organize your DCRs.


It can take up to 5 minutes for data to be sent to the destinations when you create a data collection rule using the data collection rule wizard.

Edit a DCR

To edit a DCR, you can use any of the methods described in the previous section to create a DCR using a modified version of the JSON.

If you need to retrieve the JSON for an existing DCR, you can copy it from the JSON View for the DCR in the Azure portal. You can also retrieve it using an API call as shown in the following PowerShell example.

$ResourceId = "<ResourceId>" # Resource ID of the DCR to edit
$FilePath = "<FilePath>" # Store DCR content in this file
$DCR = Invoke-AzRestMethod -Path ("$ResourceId"+"?api-version=2022-06-01") -Method GET
$DCR.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20 | Out-File -FilePath $FilePath

For a tutorial that walks through the process of retrieving and then editing an existing DCR, see Tutorial: Edit a data collection rule (DCR).

Create a DCR for metrics export

To create a data collection rule for metrics export use the Azure portal, Azure CLI, PowerShell, API, or ARM templates.


To send Platform Telemetry data to Storage Accounts or Event Hubs, the resource, data collection rule, and the destination Storage Account or the Event Hubs must all be in the same region.

  1. On the Monitor menu in the Azure portal, select Data Collection Rules then select Create.

  2. To create a DCR to collect platform metrics data, select the link on the top of the page. A screenshot showing the create data collection rule page.

  3. On the Create Data Collection Rule page, enter a rule name, select a Subscription, Resource group, and Region for the DCR.

  4. Select Enable Managed Identity if you want to send metrics to a Storage Account or Event Hubs.

  5. Select Next A screenshot showing the basics tab of the create data collection rule page.

  6. On the Resources page, select Add resources to add the resources you want to collect metrics from.

  7. Select Next to move to the Collect and deliver tab. A screenshot showing the resources tab of the create data collection rule page.

  8. Select Add new dataflow

  9. The resource type of the resource that chose in the previous step is automatically selected. Add more resource types if you want to use this rule to collect metrics from multiple resource types in the future.

  10. Select Next Destinations to move to the Destinations tab. A screenshot showing the collect and deliver tab of the create data collection rule page.

  11. To send metrics to a Log Analytics workspace, select Azure Monitor Logs from the Destination type dropdown.

    1. Select the Subscription and the Log Analytics workspace you want to send the metrics to.
  12. To send metrics to Event Hubs, select Event Hub from the Destination type dropdown.

    1. Select the Subscription, the Event Hub namespace, and the Event Hub instance name.
  13. To send metrics to a Storage Account, select Storage Account from the Destination type dropdown.

    1. Select the Subscription, the Storage Account, and the Blob container where you want to store the metrics.


    To sent metrics to a Storage Account or Event Hubs, the resource generating the metrics, the DCR, and the Storage Account or Event Hub, must all be in the same region.
    To send metrics to a Log Analytics workspace, the DCR must be in the same region as the Log Analytics workspace. The resource generating the metrics can be in any region.

    To select Storage Account or Event Hubs as the destination, you must enable managed identity for the DCR on the Basics tab.

  14. Select Save , then select Review + create. A screenshot showing the destination tab of collect and deliver page.

After creating the DCR and DCRA, allow up to 30 minutes for the first platform metrics data to appear in the Log Analytics Workspace. Once data starts flowing, the latency for a platform metric time series flowing to a Log Analytics workspace, Storage Account, or Event Hubs is approximately 3 minutes, depending on the resource type.

Verify data flows and troubleshooting

DCR metrics are collected automatically for all DCRs, and you can analyze them using metrics explorer like the platform metrics for other Azure resources. For more information, see Monitor and troubleshoot DCR data collection in Azure Monitor

Metrics sent to a Log Analytics workspace, are stored in the AzureMetricsV2 table. Use the Log Analytics explorer to view the table and confirm that data is being ingested. For more information, see Overview of Log Analytics in Azure Monitor.

Next steps