Create multiple elastic SAN volumes in a batch
To simplify creating multiple volumes as a batch, you can use a .csv with pre-filled values to create as many volumes of varying sizes as you like.
Format your .csv with five columns, ResourceGroupName, ElasticSanName, VolumeGroupName, Name, and SizeGiB. The following screenshot provides an example:
Then you can use the following script to create your volumes.
$filePath = "D:\ElasticSan\TestCsv3.csv"
$BatchCreationList = Import-Csv -Path $filePath
foreach($creationParam in $BatchCreationList) {
# -AsJob can be added to make the operations parallel
# -ErrorAction can be added to change the behavior of the for loop when an error occurs
New-AzElasticSanVolume -ElasticSanName $creationParam.ElasticSanName -GroupName $creationParam.VolumeGroupName -Name $creationParam.Name -ResourceGroupName $creationParam.ResourceGroupName -SizeGiB $creationParam.SizeGiB #-ErrorAction Continue #-AsJob