Artifacts output layout

In .NET 8 and later versions, there's an option to simplify the output path and folder structure for build outputs. All build outputs from all projects are gathered into a common location, separated by project. A common location makes it easy for tooling to anticipate where to find the outputs.

By default, the common location is a directory named artifacts next to the file. The folder structure under the root artifacts folder is as follows:

📁 artifacts
    └──📂 <Type of output>
        └──📂 <Project name>
            └──📂 <Pivot>

The following table shows the default values for each level in the folder structure. You can override the values, as well as the default location, using properties in the file.

Folder level Description Examples
Type of output Categories of build outputs, such as binaries, intermediate/generated files, published applications, and NuGet packages. bin, obj, publish, package
Project name Separates output by each project. MyApp
Pivot Distinguishes between builds of a project for different configurations, target frameworks, and runtime identifiers. If multiple elements are needed, they're joined by an underscore (_). Can be customized using the ArtifactsPivots MSBuild property. debug, debug_net8.0, release, release_linux-x64


The following table shows examples of paths that might be created.

Path Description
artifacts\bin\MyApp\debug The build output path for a simple project when you run dotnet build.
artifacts\obj\MyApp\debug The intermediate output path for a simple project when you run dotnet build.
artifacts\bin\MyApp\debug_net8.0 The build output path for the net8.0 build of a multi-targeted project.
artifacts\publish\MyApp\release_linux-x64 The publish path for a simple app when publishing for linux-x64.
artifacts\package\MyApp\release The folder where the release .nupkg is created for a project.

How to configure

To opt in to the centralized output path format, add one of the following MSBuild properties to your Directory.Build.props file:

  • To use the default output location, set the UseArtifactsOutput property to true.

  • To set a custom output location, add an ArtifactsPath property with a value of $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)artifacts (or whatever you want the folder location to be). If you don't already have a Directory.Build.props file, you can run the following command to automatically generate a file that contains the ArtifactsPath property:

    dotnet new buildprops --use-artifacts

    The generated file looks similar to this:


The "pivot" folder name defaults to a combination of target framework moniker (TFM), configuration, and runtime identifier (RID). Any that aren't present are omitted. To customize how the "pivot" folder is named, set the ArtifactsPivots MSBuild property to your desired string. For example:
