Explore Fabric workspace item events in Fabric Real-Time hub (preview)


Real-Time hub is currently in preview.

Fabric workspace item events allow you to receive notification when certain actions occur on your workspace items. For instance, when a new artifact is created or an existing artifact is deleted. These events can be used to alert on other actions or workflows in Fabric, such as running a data pipeline or sending an email notification using Data Activator alerting capabilities. This article explains how to explore Fabric workspace item events in Real-Time hub.


Consuming Fabric events via eventstream or Data Activator is not supported if the capacity region of the eventstream or Data Activator is in the following regions: Germany West Central, South-Central US, West US2, West US3, West India.

View Fabric workspace item events detail page

  1. In Real-Time hub, select Fabric events.

  2. Select Fabric workspace item events from the list.

    Screenshot that shows the selection of Fabric workspace item events in the Fabric events page.

  3. You should see the detail view for Fabric workspace item events.

    Screenshot that shows the detail page for Fabric workspace item events.


At the top of the detail page, you see the following two actions.

  • Create eventstream - lets you create an eventstream based on events from the selected Fabric workspace item.

  • Set alert - lets you set an alert when an operation is done for a Fabric workspace item, such as a new artifact is created.

    Screenshot that shows actions on the Fabric workspace item events detail page.

See what's using this category

This section shows the artifacts using Fabric workspace item events. Here are the columns and their descriptions shown in the list.

Column Description
Name Name of the artifact that's using Fabric workspace item events.
Type Artifact type – Reflex or Eventstream
Workspace Workspace where the artifact lives.
Source Name of the workspace that is source of the events.

Fabric workspace item events profile

Screenshot that shows the Profile section of the Fabric workspace item events detail page.

Event types

Event type name Description
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemCreateSucceeded This event is activated when a create operation on resource succeeds. For example, an event produced when a new artifact is created successfully.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemCreateFailed This event is activated when a create operation on resource fails. For example, an event produced when a new artifact failed during creation.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemUpdateSucceeded This event is activated when an update operation on resource succeeds. For example, an event produced when a dataflow is updated successfully.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemUpdateFailed This event is activated when an update operation on resource fails. For example, an event produced when a dataflow failed during the update.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemDeleteSucceeded This event is activated when a delete operation on resource succeeds. For example, an event produced when a dataflow is deleted successfully.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemDeleteFailed This event is activated when a delete operation on resource fails. For example, an event produced when a dataflow failed during deletion.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemReadSucceeded This event is activated when a read operation on resource succeeds. For example, an event produced when an artifact is read successfully.
Microsoft.Fabric.ItemReadFailed This event is activated when a read operation on resource fails. For example, an event produced when an artifact failed during the read.


An event has the following top-level data:

Property Type Description Example
source string Identifies the context in which an event happened. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
subject string Identifies the subject of the event in the context of the event producer. /workspaces/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/items/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
type string Contains a value describing the type of event related to the originating occurrence. Microsoft.Fabric.ItemCreateSucceeded
time timestamp Timestamp of when the occurrence happened. 2024-04-23T21:17:32.6029537+00:00
id string Unique identifier for the event. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
specversion string The version of the Cloud Event spec. 1.0
dataschemaversion String The version of the data schema. 1.0
capacityId string Unique identifier for the capacity. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
domainId string Unique identifier for the domain. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

The data object has the following properties:

Property Type Description Example
itemId guid Unique identifier for the item/artifact. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
itemKind string The kind of item/artifact. Item type such as Notebook, Lakehouse, etc. Refer to the notes below for item types not supported by workspace item events
itemName string The item/artifact name. Test Notebook
workspaceId guid Unique identifier for the workspace. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
workspaceName string The name of the workspace. Test Workspace
principalId guid Unique identifier for the user. 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
executingPrincipalType string The kind of user. User


Currently, Fabric workspace item events for the following Power BI item types (itemKind) are not supported:

  • Semantic Model
  • Paginated report
  • Report
  • App
  • Dashboard