IProgressUI::ShowMessage method

In Configuration Manager, the ShowMessage method displays customizable dialog box.


HRESULT ShowMessage(  
     BSTR pszText,  
     BSTR pszCaption,  
     ULONG uType



Data type: BSTR

Qualifiers: [in]

The text displayed in the message box body.


Data type: BSTR

Qualifiers: [in]

The text displayed in the message box windows header.


Data type: ULONG

Qualifiers: [in]

The value corresponding to one of the following possible values for the buttons:

  • 0 - Ok
  • 1 - Ok/Cancel
  • 2 - Abort/Retry/Ignore
  • 3 - Yes/No/Cancel
  • 4 - Yes/No
  • 5 - Retry/Cancel
  • 6 - Cancel/Try Again/Continue

Return values

An HRESULT code. Possible values include, but aren't limited to, the following value. There are no HRESULT values returned that are specific to this method.

The method succeeded.

To evaluate the user's response to the message box, use the IProgressUI::ShowMessageEx method.

See also