Creating and Replicating Web Content Sample
For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.
The following example replicates a Commerce Server Staging (CSS) Web content project from a source computer to a destination computer.
To run this sample, you must configure two computers to run CSS and replace the values of the constants SOURCE_MACHINE_NAME and DESTINATION_MACHINE_NAME with the names of the two computers. You must also create the directory that contains the content files to replicate on the source computer. This directory is named c:\source_directory in the example.
Option Explicit
On Error Resume Next
const SOURCE_MACHINE_NAME = "Source"
dim SourceReplicationServer
dim DestinationReplicationServer
dim SourceReplicationProject
dim DestinationReplicationProject
dim ReplicationInstance
dim ReplicationStatus
set SourceReplicationServer = CreateObject("CssApi.ReplicationServer")
set DestinationReplicationServer = CreateObject("CssApi.ReplicationServer")
WScript.Echo "Creating a project on the source server."
set SourceReplicationProject = SourceReplicationServer.OpenProject("MyProject", 1)
SourceReplicationProject.LocalDirectory = "c:\source_directory"
Wscript.Echo "Creating a project on the destination server."
set DestinationReplicationProject = DestinationReplicationServer.OpenProject("MyProject", 1)
DestinationReplicationProject.LocalDirectory = "c:\destination_directory"
Wscript.Echo "Starting the replication project."
set ReplicationInstance = SourceReplicationProject.Start(0)
do while True
if ReplicationInstance.State = 0 Or ReplicationInstance.State = 4 Or ReplicationInstance.State = 5 Or ReplicationInstance.State = 8 Or ReplicationInstance.State = 9 then exit do
WScript.Echo "Replication in progress ..."
WScript.Sleep 2000
WScript.Echo "Replication end state was " & ReplicationInstance.State
'Release the objects.
set SourceReplicationServer = Nothing
set DestinationReplicationServer = Nothing
set SourceReplicationProject = Nothing
set DestinationReplicationProject = Nothing
set ReplicationInstance = Nothing
set ReplicationStatus = Nothing