OMOperatingUnit::numberOfVacantPositions Method
Calculates the total number of positions that do not have workers assigned to them.
server public static HRMNumberOfVacantPositions numberOfVacantPositions(
[boolean _countChildren,
OMDepartmentRecId _departmentRecId,
utcdatetime _perDate])
Run On
- _countChildren
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that specifies whether to include child departments in the vacancy total; optional.
- _departmentRecId
Type: OMDepartmentRecId Extended Data Type
A record ID value that represents the OMOperatingUnit table for which to calculate the vacant positions.
- _perDate
Type: utcdatetime
An as-of utcdatetime value to base date range selections upon.
Return Value
Type: HRMNumberOfVacantPositions Extended Data Type
The count of the total number of positions that do not have workers assigned to them.
An unspecified _perDate parameter will use the current system utcdatetime value.