HcmCoveredDependentRelationshipTmp.setDependentCoverageDetail Method
Sets the value of the IsCovered field in the instance of the HcmCoveredDependentRelationshipTmp table that is based on the existence of a corresponding record in the HcmCoveredDependentRelationship table.
public void setDependentCoverageDetail(HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId _hcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId)
Run On
- _hcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId
Type: HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId Extended Data Type
The HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId value of the record in the HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefit table with which the covered dependent is associated.