HcmCoveredBeneficiaryRelationshipTmp.saveDesignatedBeneficiaries Method
Saves a record in the HcmCoveredBeneficiaryRelationship table for each record in the instance of the HcmCoveredBeneficiaryRelationshipTmp table that has a Contingent or Primary value in the Designated field.
public void saveDesignatedBeneficiaries(HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId _hcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId)
Run On
- _hcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId
Type: HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId Extended Data Type
The HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefitRecId value of the record in the HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefit table with which the designated beneficiary is associated.