sp_helpdatatypemap (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Managed Instance

Returns information on the defined data type mappings between SQL Server and non-SQL Server database management systems (DBMS). This stored procedure is executed at the Distributor on any database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ @source_dbms = ] N'source_dbms'
    [ , [ @source_version = ] 'source_version' ]
    [ , [ @source_type = ] N'source_type' ]
    [ , [ @destination_dbms = ] N'destination_dbms' ]
    [ , [ @destination_version = ] 'destination_version' ]
    [ , [ @destination_type = ] N'destination_type' ]
    [ , [ @defaults_only = ] defaults_only ]
[ ; ]


[ @source_dbms = ] N'source_dbms'

The name of the DBMS from which the data types are mapped. @source_dbms is sysname, and can be one of the following values.

Value Description
MSSQLSERVER The source is a SQL Server database.
ORACLE The source is an Oracle database.

[ @source_version = ] 'source_version'

The product version of the source DBMS. @source_version is varchar(10), with a default of %. If not specified, the data type mappings for all versions of the source DBMS are returned. Enables filtering the result set by the source version of the DBMS.

[ @source_type = ] N'source_type'

The data type listed in the source DBMS. @source_type is sysname, with a default of %. If not specified, mappings for all data types in the source DBMS are returned. Enables filtering the result set by data type in the source DBMS.

[ @destination_dbms = ] N'destination_dbms'

The name of the destination DBMS. @destination_dbms is sysname, with a default of %, and can be one of the following values.

Value Description
MSSQLSERVER The destination is a SQL Server database.
ORACLE The destination is an Oracle database.
DB2 The destination is an IBM Db2 database.
SYBASE The destination is a Sybase database.

[ @destination_version = ] 'destination_version'

The product version of the destination DBMS. @destination_version is varchar(10), with a default of %. If not specified, mappings for all versions of the destination DBMS are returned. Enables filtering the result set by the destination version of the DBMS.

[ @destination_type = ] N'destination_type'

The data type listed in the destination DBMS. @destination_type is sysname, with a default of %. If not specified, mappings for all data types in the destination DBMS are returned. Enables filtering the result set by data type in the destination DBMS.

[ @defaults_only = ] defaults_only

If only the default data type mappings are returned. @defaults_only is bit, with a default of 0.

  • 1 means that only the default data type mappings are returned.
  • 0 means that the default and any user-defined data type mappings are returned.

Result set

Column name Description
mapping_id Identifies a data type mapping.
source_dbms The name and version number of the source DBMS.
source_type The data type in the source DBMS.
destination_dbms The name of the destination DBMS.
destination_type The data type in the destination DBMS.
is_default Specifies whether the mapping is a default or an alternative mapping. A value of 0 indicates that this mapping is user-defined.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_helpdatatypemap defines data type mappings both from non-SQL Server Publishers and from SQL Server Publishers to non-SQL Server Subscribers.

When the specified combination of source and destination DBMS isn't supported, sp_helpdatatypemap returns an empty result set.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role at the Distributor or members of the db_owner fixed database role on the distribution database can execute sp_helpdatatypemap.