Compartir a través de

Informes Service Manager

Los SDK de .NET, Java y Python de Bing Ads proporcionan clases para acelerar la productividad para descargar registros de informes de rendimiento. Por ejemplo , ReportingServiceManager enviará la solicitud de descarga al servicio de informes, sondeará el servicio hasta que se complete y descargará el archivo en el directorio local. ReportingServiceManager también controla automáticamente los campos de encabezado de solicitud comunes, lo que permite especificar las propiedades Authentication, CustomerId, AccountId y DeveloperToken en el objeto AuthorizationData una vez para cada servicio. Para obtener más información, vea Uso de AuthorizationData y el ejemplo de código Solicitudes de informe.


ReportingServiceManager solo está disponible con los SDK de .NET, Java y Python de Bing Ads. Tanto si usa un SDK como si no, puede usar el servicio de informes directamente. Para obtener más información, consulte Solicitud y descarga de un informe.

Lector de archivos de informe

No es necesario implementar su propio analizador de archivos para leer el archivo de informe. Puede usar el objeto ReportFileReader para leer un archivo CSV en un contenedor de informes .


ReportingServiceManager usa un Objeto ReportFileReader en segundo plano al descargar entidades en lugar de archivos. Los archivos temporales se usan en segundo plano. Para obtener más información, vea Directorio de trabajo y ReportingServiceManager.

Vamos a usar el siguiente archivo CSV como ejemplo. Por ejemplo, supongamos que desea leer el siguiente informe de un archivo.

"Report Name: My Keyword Performance Report"
"Report Time: 2/7/2020"
"Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana"
"Last Completed Available Day: 2/8/2020 10:15:00 PM (GMT)"
"Last Completed Available Hour: 2/8/2020 10:15:00 PM (GMT)"
"Report Aggregation: Summary"
"Report Filter: "
"Potential Incomplete Data: true"
"Rows: 5"

"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","red shoes","123","Computer","35"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","red shoes","123","Smartphone","50"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","shoes delivered","234","Computer","1"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","shoe sale","345","Computer","80"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","shoe sale","345","Smartphone","5"

"@2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. "

Solo tiene que proporcionar reportFileReader con la ruta de acceso del archivo y el nombre de archivo. A continuación, cierre el archivo cuando haya terminado de leer.

ReportFileReader reportFileReader = new ReportFileReader(
Report report = reportFileReader.GetReport();
IEnumerable<IReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.GetReportRecords();
ReportFileReader reportFileReader = new ReportFileReader(
Report report = reportFileReader.getReport();
Iterable<ReportRecord> reportRecords = report.getReportRecords();
report_file_reader = ReportFileReader(

contenedor de informes de In-Memory

El informe es un contenedor en memoria que abstrae el contenido de un archivo de informe descargado, incluidos los metadatos de encabezado, los nombres de columna y los registros de informe. Con estas actualizaciones, puede centrarse más en los requisitos empresariales de la aplicación en lugar de analizar el archivo de informe.

Puede acceder al contenedor de informes en memoria a través de ReportingServiceManager mediante el envío de una nueva solicitud de descarga o mediante ReportFileReader para leer desde un archivo de informe que ya ha descargado.

Por ejemplo, puede obtener un objeto Report enviando una nueva solicitud de descarga a través de ReportingServiceManager. Aunque en este caso no trabajará directamente con el archivo, bajo las cubiertas se envía una solicitud al servicio de informes y el archivo de informe se descarga en un directorio local. Los parámetros de descarga de informes incluyen el tipo de informe solicitado, el ámbito, el período de tiempo y la ruta de acceso del archivo de descarga local.

// The ReportRequest is a ReportRequest object defined by the Reporting API.
var reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters
    ReportRequest = reportRequest,
    ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
    ResultFileName = ResultFileName,
    OverwriteResultFile = true,

Report reportContainer = await ReportingServiceManager.DownloadReportAsync(
// The ReportRequest is a ReportRequest object defined by the Reporting API.
ReportingDownloadParameters reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters();
reportingDownloadParameters.setResultFileDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

Report reportContainer = ReportingServiceManager.downloadReportAsync(
# The report_request is a ReportRequest object defined by the Reporting API.
reporting_download_parameters = ReportingDownloadParameters(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    overwrite_result_file = True

report_container = reporting_service_manager.download_report(

De lo contrario, si ya tiene un archivo de informe que se descargó a través de la API, puede obtener un objeto Report a través de ReportFileReader.

ReportFileReader reader = new ReportFileReader(
Report reportContainer = reader.GetReport();
ReportFileReader reader = new ReportFileReader(
    reportingDownloadParameters.getResultFileDirectory() + "\\" + reportingDownloadParameters.getResultFileName(), 
Report reportContainer = reader.getReport();
report_file_reader = ReportFileReader(
    file_path=reporting_download_parameters.result_file_directory + reporting_download_parameters.result_file_name, 
report_container = report_file_reader.get_report()

Una vez que tenga un objeto Report a través de cualquiera de los flujos de trabajo anteriores, puede acceder a los metadatos y los registros de informe. Si no había datos de informe para las campañas y fechas que envió, el resultado de la descarga será nulo o vacío.

// Output the report metadata

long recordCount = reportContainer.ReportRecordCount;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportName: {0}", reportContainer.ReportName));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportTimeStart: {0}", reportContainer.ReportTimeStart));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportTimeEnd: {0}", reportContainer.ReportTimeEnd));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("LastCompletedAvailableDate: {0}", reportContainer.LastCompletedAvailableDate.ToString()));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportAggregation: {0}", reportContainer.ReportAggregation.ToString()));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportColumns: {0}", string.Join("; ", reportContainer.ReportColumns)));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportRecordCount: {0}", recordCount));

// Analyze and output performance statistics

IEnumerable<IReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.GetReportRecords();
int totalImpressions = 0;
int totalClicks = 0;
HashSet<string> distinctDevices = new HashSet<string>();
HashSet<string> distinctNetworks = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (IReportRecord record in reportContainer.GetReportRecords())
    totalImpressions += record.GetIntegerValue("Impressions");
    totalClicks += record.GetIntegerValue("Clicks");

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Impressions: {0}", totalImpressions));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Clicks: {0}", totalClicks));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Average Impressions: {0}", totalImpressions * 1.0 / recordCount));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Average Clicks: {0}", totalClicks * 1.0 / recordCount));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Distinct Devices: {0}", string.Join("; ", distinctDevices)));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Distinct Networks: {0}", string.Join("; ", distinctNetworks)));

// Be sure to close the report before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.

// Output the reportRequest metadata

java.lang.Long recordCount = reportContainer.getReportRecordCount();
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportName: %s", reportContainer.getReportName()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportTimeStart: %s", reportContainer.getReportTimeStart()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportTimeEnd: %s", reportContainer.getReportTimeEnd()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("LastCompletedAvailableDate: %s", reportContainer.getLastCompletedAvailableDate().toString()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportAggregation: %s", enumCaseToPascalCase(reportContainer.getReportAggregation().toString())));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportColumns: %s", String.join("; ", reportContainer.getReportColumns())));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportRecordCount: %s", recordCount));

// Analyze and output performance statistics

    Iterable<ReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.getReportRecords();

    int totalImpressions = 0;
    int totalClicks = 0;
    HashSet<String> distinctDevices = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<String> distinctNetworks = new HashSet<>();
    for (ReportRecord record : reportRecordIterable)
        totalImpressions += record.getIntegerValue("Impressions");
        totalClicks += record.getIntegerValue("Clicks");

    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Total Impressions: %s", totalImpressions));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Total Clicks: %s", totalClicks));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Average Impressions: %s", totalImpressions * 1.0 / recordCount));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Average Clicks: %s", totalClicks * 1.0 / recordCount));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Distinct Devices: %s", String.join("; ", distinctDevices)));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Distinct Networks: %s", String.join("; ", distinctNetworks)));

// Be sure to close the reportRequest before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.

# Output the reportRequest metadata
record_count = report_container.record_count
output_status_message("ReportName: {0}".format(report_container.report_name))
output_status_message("ReportTimeStart: {0}".format(report_container.report_time_start))
output_status_message("ReportTimeEnd: {0}".format(report_container.report_time_end))
output_status_message("LastCompletedAvailableDate: {0}".format(report_container.last_completed_available_date))
output_status_message("ReportAggregation: {0}".format(report_container.report_aggregation))
output_status_message("ReportColumns: {0}".format("; ".join(str(column) for column in report_container.report_columns)))
output_status_message("ReportRecordCount: {0}".format(record_count))

#Analyze and output performance statistics

if "Impressions" in report_container.report_columns and \
    "Clicks" in report_container.report_columns and \
    "DeviceType" in report_container.report_columns and \
    "Network" in report_container.report_columns:

    report_record_iterable = report_container.report_records

    total_impressions = 0
    total_clicks = 0
    distinct_devices = set()
    distinct_networks = set()
    for record in report_record_iterable:
        total_impressions += record.int_value("Impressions")
        total_clicks += record.int_value("Clicks")

    output_status_message("Total Impressions: {0}".format(total_impressions))
    output_status_message("Total Clicks: {0}".format(total_clicks))
    output_status_message("Average Impressions: {0}".format(total_impressions * 1.0 / record_count))
    output_status_message("Average Clicks: {0}".format(total_clicks * 1.0 / record_count))
    output_status_message("Distinct Devices: {0}".format("; ".join(str(device) for device in distinct_devices)))
    output_status_message("Distinct Networks: {0}".format("; ".join(str(network) for network in distinct_networks)))

#Be sure to close the report.



ReportingServiceManager admite flujos de trabajo de descarga de informes flexibles.

Finalización en segundo plano con ReportingServiceManager

Puede crear una solicitud de descarga y ReportingServiceManager enviará la solicitud de descarga al servicio de informes, sondeará el servicio hasta que se complete y descargará el archivo en el directorio local.

public async Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
    ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

    var reportRequest = GetCampaignPerformanceReportRequest(authorizationData.AccountId);

    var reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters
        ReportRequest = reportRequest,
        ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
        ResultFileName = ResultFileName,
        OverwriteResultFile = true,

    // Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).
    reportingServiceManager.StatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds = 5000;
    // Sets the timeout of the HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000 (100s).
    reportingServiceManager.DownloadHttpTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 100);

    // You may optionally cancel the DownloadFileAsync operation after a specified time interval. 
    // Pass this object to the DownloadFileAsync operation or specify CancellationToken.None. 
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    // The ReportingServiceManager will submit your download request to the Reporting service, 
    // poll the service until completed, and download the file to your local directory.

    var resultFilePath = await reportingServiceManager.DownloadFileAsync(
        parameters: reportingDownloadParameters, 
        cancellationToken: tokenSource.Token
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Download result file: {0}\n", resultFilePath));
ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

ReportRequest reportRequest = getCampaignPerformanceReportRequest();

ReportingDownloadParameters reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters();
reportingDownloadParameters.setResultFileDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

// Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).
// Sets the timeout of the HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000 (100s).

// The ReportingServiceManager will submit your download request to the Reporting service, 
// poll the service until completed, and download the file to your local directory. 
// You may optionally cancel the downloadFileAsync operation after a specified time interval.
File resultFile = reportingServiceManager.downloadFileAsync(
).get(3600000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

System.out.println(String.format("Download result file: %s\n", resultFile.getName()));
    # Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. 
    # The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).


reporting_download_parameters = ReportingDownloadParameters(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    overwrite_result_file = True, # Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.
    timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000 # You may optionally cancel the download after a specified time interval.

# The ReportingServiceManager will submit your download request to the Reporting service, 
# poll the service until completed, and download the file to your local directory.
result_file_path = reporting_service_manager.download_file(
print("Download result file: {0}\n".format(result_file_path))

Enviar y descargar con ReportingServiceManager

Envíe la solicitud de descarga y, a continuación, use el resultado ReportingDownloadOperation para realizar un seguimiento del estado mediante GetStatusAsync.

public async Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
    ReportingService = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

    var reportRequest = GetCampaignPerformanceReportRequest(authorizationData.AccountId);

    var reportingDownloadOperation = await ReportingService.SubmitDownloadAsync(reportRequest);

    // You may optionally cancel the TrackAsync operation after a specified time interval. 
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    var reportingDownloadOperation = await ReportingService.SubmitDownloadAsync(reportRequest);

    ReportingOperationStatus reportingOperationStatus = await reportingDownloadOperation.TrackAsync(tokenSource.Token);

    var resultFilePath = await reportingDownloadOperation.DownloadResultFileAsync(
        decompress: true,
        overwrite: true  // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.

    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Download result file: {0}\n", resultFilePath));
ReportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

ReportRequest reportRequest = getCampaignPerformanceReportRequest();

ReportingDownloadOperation reportingDownloadOperation = ReportingServiceManager.submitDownloadAsync(

// You may optionally cancel the trackAsync operation after a specified time interval.
ReportingOperationStatus reportingOperationStatus = reportingDownloadOperation.trackAsync(
).get(3600000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

File resultFile = reportingDownloadOperation.downloadResultFileAsync(
    new File(FileDirectory),
    true, // Set this value to true if you want to decompress the ZIP file.
    true,  // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the named file.

System.out.println(String.format("Download result file: %s\n", resultFile.getName()));

# In addition to ReportingServiceManager, you will need a reporting ServiceClient 
# to build the ReportRequest.



reporting_download_operation = reporting_service_manager.submit_download(report_request)

# You may optionally cancel the track() operation after a specified time interval.
reporting_operation_status = reporting_download_operation.track(timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000)
result_file_path = reporting_download_operation.download_result_file(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    decompress = True, 
    overwrite = True,  # Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.
    timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000 # You may optionally cancel the download after a specified time interval.
print("Download result file: {0}\n".format(result_file_path))

Descargar resultados con ReportingServiceManager

Si por algún motivo tiene que reanudar desde un estado de aplicación anterior, puede usar un identificador de solicitud de descarga existente y usarlo para descargar el archivo de resultados. Usa TrackAsync para indicar que la aplicación debe esperar para asegurarse de que se completa el estado de descarga.

public async Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
    ReportingService = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

    // You may optionally cancel the TrackAsync operation after a specified time interval. 
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    var reportingDownloadOperation = new ReportingDownloadOperation(RequestIdGoesHere, authorizationData);

    // Use TrackAsync to indicate that the application should wait to ensure that 
    // the download status is completed.
    var reportingOperationStatus = await reportingDownloadOperation.TrackAsync(tokenSource.Token);

    var resultFilePath = await reportingDownloadOperation.DownloadResultFileAsync(
        decompress: true,
        overwrite: true   // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.

    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Download result file: {0}", resultFilePath));
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Status: {0}", reportingOperationStatus.Status));
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("TrackingId: {0}\n", reportingOperationStatus.TrackingId));
java.lang.String requestId = RequestIdGoesHere;

ReportingDownloadOperation reportingDownloadOperation = new ReportingDownloadOperation(


// You can use trackAsync to poll until complete as shown here, 
// or use custom polling logic with getStatusAsync.

// You may optionally cancel the trackAsync operation after a specified time interval.
ReportingOperationStatus reportingOperationStatus = reportingDownloadOperation.trackAsync(
).get(3600000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

File resultFile = reportingDownloadOperation.downloadResultFileAsync(
    new File(FileDirectory),
    true, // Set this value to true if you want to decompress the ZIP file
    true,  // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the named file.

System.out.println(String.format("Download result file: %s", resultFile.getName()));
System.out.println(String.format("Status: %s", reportingOperationStatus.getStatus()));
System.out.println(String.format("TrackingId: %s\n", reportingOperationStatus.getTrackingId()));
reporting_download_operation = ReportingDownloadOperation(
    request_id = RequestIdGoesHere, 

# Use track() to indicate that the application should wait to ensure that 
# the download status is completed.
# You may optionally cancel the track() operation after a specified time interval.
reporting_operation_status = reporting_download_operation.track(timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000)
result_file_path = reporting_download_operation.download_result_file(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    decompress = True, 
    overwrite = True,  # Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.
    timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000 # You may optionally cancel the download after a specified time interval.

print("Download result file: {0}".format(result_file_path))
print("Status: {0}\n".format(reporting_operation_status.status))

Sondear y reintentar

ReportingServiceManager sondea automáticamente en intervalos de 1000 milisegundos los cinco primeros intentos y ese comportamiento no es configurable. La propiedad StatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds determina el intervalo de tiempo entre cada intento de sondeo después de los cinco intentos iniciales. Para obtener un ejemplo, consulte Finalización en segundo plano anterior. El valor predeterminado es 5000, por lo que si no establece este valor, ReportingServiceManager sondeará en la siguiente secuencia: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. Si establece este valor en 10000, ReportingServiceManager sondeará en la siguiente secuencia: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 25, 35, etc. El intervalo de sondeo mínimo es 1000 y, si especifica un valor inferior a 1000, se producirá una excepción.

ReportingServiceManager volverá a intentar automáticamente las operaciones de descarga y sondeo hasta la duración máxima del tiempo de espera que especifique. Puede establecer la duración máxima del tiempo de espera de reintento. Si no se especifica ningún tiempo de espera, ReportingServiceManager continuará reintentar hasta que el servidor devuelva un tiempo de espera o un error interno. Por separado, si va a descargar archivos grandes, considere la posibilidad de establecer la propiedad DownloadHttpTimeout .

Directorio de trabajo e ReportingServiceManager

Con los SDK de .NET y Java de Bing Ads, puede establecer el directorio de trabajo donde ReportingServiceManager debe almacenar archivos de informe temporales. Por ejemplo, al descargar un contenedor de informes, aunque solo trabajará con un objeto Report, se descarga un archivo de informe en el directorio de trabajo. El directorio temporal del sistema se usará si no se especifica otro directorio de trabajo.

Si usa un servicio hospedado como Microsoft Azure, querrá asegurarse de que no supera los límites del directorio temporal. Puede haber otras razones para usar un directorio de trabajo personalizado. Puede especificar un directorio de trabajo diferente para cada instancia de ReportingServiceManager estableciendo la propiedad WorkingDirectory . También es responsable de crear y quitar directorios.


Una vez que haya iterado los registros de informe, puede limpiar los archivos del directorio de trabajo. El método CleanupTempFiles quita todos los archivos (pero no los subdirectorios) del directorio de trabajo, independientemente de que la instancia actual de ReportingServiceManager haya creado o no los archivos.

ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(
    authorizationData: authorizationData, 
    apiEnvironment: environment

var reportRequest = GetReportRequest(authorizationData.AccountId);

var reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters
    ReportRequest = reportRequest,
    ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
    ResultFileName = ResultFileName,
    OverwriteResultFile = true,

// The system temp directory will be used if another working directory is not specified. If you are 
// using a hosted service such as Microsoft Azure you'll want to ensure you do not exceed the file or directory limits. 
// You can specify a different working directory for each ReportingServiceManager instance.

reportingServiceManager.WorkingDirectory = FileDirectory;

// You can get a Report object by submitting a new download request via ReportingServiceManager. 
// Although in this case you won't work directly with the file, under the covers a request is 
// submitted to the Reporting service and the report file is downloaded to a local directory. 

Report reportContainer = await reportingServiceManager.DownloadReportAsync(
    parameters: reportingDownloadParameters,
    cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None

IEnumerable<IReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.GetReportRecords();

// Be sure to close the report before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.


// The CleanupTempFiles method removes all files (but not sub-directories) within the working directory, 
// whether or not the files were created by this ReportingServiceManager instance. 

ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData, API_ENVIRONMENT);

ReportRequest reportRequest = getReportRequest(authorizationData.getAccountId());

ReportingDownloadParameters reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters();
reportingDownloadParameters.setResultFileDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

// The system temp directory will be used if another working directory is not specified. If you are 
// using a hosted service such as Microsoft Azure you'll want to ensure you do not exceed the file or directory limits. 
// You can specify a different working directory for each ReportingServiceManager instance.

reportingServiceManager.setWorkingDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

// You can get a Report object by submitting a new download request via ReportingServiceManager. 
// Although in this case you won't work directly with the file, under the covers a request is 
// submitted to the Reporting service and the report file is downloaded to a local directory. 

Report reportContainer = reportingServiceManager.downloadReportAsync(

java.lang.Long recordCount = reportContainer.getReportRecordCount();

// Be sure to close the reportRequest before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.


// The cleanupTempFiles method removes all files (but not sub-directories) within the working directory, 
// whether or not the files were created by this ReportingServiceManager instance. 


Consulta también

Espacio aislado
Ejemplos de código de api de Bing Ads
Direcciones del servicio web de la API de Bing Ads