Defender for cloud throws vulnerabilities by not correctly recognizing the server operating system version

Joaquin Goncalves Caurel 0 Puntos de reputación

The problem is related to Defender for Cloud for servers, this is deployed in the client subscription correctly, but in the Recommendations panel, Remediate vulnerabilities section, it indicates that there are vulnerabilities, these are related to missing updates and that these updates resolve the vulnerabilities.

The point is that the updates have been installed on the servers, so the vulnerabilities are now resolved, but in Defender for Cloud it still continues to show the vulnerabilities many days after having performed the update.

So, the question would be, why is Defender for Cloud not correctly identifying the operating system version and continuing to throw up the vulnerabilities? Would it be due to a refresh problem in Defender for Cloud, or would it be necessary to apply some other intervention to remedy the vulnerabilities?

Defender is collecting the wrong version of the OS, even when the most current one is installed, it recognizes an old one.

Generally it has correctly updated the information, it has not taken more than a couple of days to refresh the information and show the current versions, but in this case it has already been showing old information for several weeks.

Windows Server
Windows Server
Familia de sistemas operativos de servidor de Microsoft que admiten administración de nivel empresarial, almacenamiento de datos, aplicaciones y comunicaciones.
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