Does Visual Studio Code always debug C# code?
I'm starting to program in C# and decided to install Visual Studio Code as my text editor and installed the extension called C# Dev Kit. When running the code (without debugging) with the following button:
I noticed that the following command was being executed in the Visual Studio Code terminal:
Command: PS C:\Users\User\Desktop\Calculadora> & 'c:\Users\User.vscode\extensions\ms-dotnettools.csharp-2.22.5-win32-x64.debugger\x86_64\vsdbg.exe' '--interpreter=vscode' '--connection=2f353c5843504a368c832105e58f278a'
Apparently, this command is running a debugger called vsdbg.exe located in the C# extension folder. My question is why does this happen if I'm only running my code and not debugging it? Shouldn't It be running a command like "dotnet run" or something similar to just run it and not debug it? When running the code with the debug button, which is the following:
I noticed that it executed exactly the same command.
I have tried with other languages like C or C++, and it also seems that they always debug even when you're just running them without debugging.