Major version upgrade to MySQL 8.0 from 5.7: Fails validation process with error "Usage of removed functions" but it doesn't show any detail on what functions are failing.

SUAREZ SUAREZ GONZALO 0 Puntos de reputación

I am trying to upgrade my Azure MySQL from 5.7 to 8.0 version. I am following the current guide:

The first problem I faced to was than I was unable to install the mysql shell to run the function util.checkforserverupgrade(), (I suppose because I am not inside the mysql as it is mysql as a managed server)

The main problem I am facing with is when I push in the validate button it fails with this message:


The problem is that it doesn't specify which functions are failing or the objects than are causing the issue, and it's very difficult to check all of then reading the document of deprecated functions.

Is there a function or logs to find out more details about this problem?

Thank you very much in advance.


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