Azure Dev TestLabs for Developers and testers…
Azure DevTest Labs provides developers and testers a self-service sandbox environment to quickly create Dev/Test environments while minimizing waste and controlling costs. This lab provides lot of benefits including creating, configuring, and managing developer and test environments in the Azure cloud.
Using this service the developers and testers quickly create environments in Azure while minimizing waste and controlling cost. You can test the latest version of your application by quickly provisioning Windows and Linux environments using reusable templates and artifacts. Easily integrate your deployment pipeline with DevTest Labs to provision on-demand environments. Scale up your load testing by provisioning multiple test agents, and create pre-provisioned environments for training and demos.
You can get it started from here. To create a Dev Testlabs lab, you will need:
- An Azure subscription. To learn about Azure purchase options, see How to buy Azure or Free one-month trial. You must be the owner of the subscription to create the lab.
- An Azure Resource Group for the lab. See Azure Resource Manager Overview and Azure Role-based Access Control.
Hope this helps!!