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How to return the number of bytes required for a subsequent operation

A very common pattern is to allow a caller to ask for the number bytes (or elements) required and then ask for the data, many user mode Win32 APIs (like RegQueryValueEx) and kernel mode (like IoGetDeviceProperty) implement it. You first ask for the number of bytes needed (passing NULL and a pointer to a size), allocate the memory needed, and then ask for the data using the buffer and size to get the data. It is a very useful pattern. So how do you implement it in a driver? Well, there are 2 ways I can think of implementing it, both use IOCTLs.

The first implementation is to define a structure which has a size as its first field and then return the number of bytes/elements required in the first field. For instance,

     typedef struct _MY_ELEMENT {
         ULONG Id;
         UCHAR Name[32];
    typedef struct _MY_ELEMENT_LIST {
        ULONG NumElements;
        MY_ELEMENT ElementList[1]; // open ended array
    // An easy way to figure out how many bytes are in the structure before the list
    // of elements
    size_t length;
    NTSTATUS status;
    ULONG_PTR information = 0x0;
    switch (IoctlCode) {
        //  This will make sure that buffer length is at least sizeof(ULONG)
        status = WdfRequestRetrieveOutputBuffer(Request, sizeof(ULONG), (PVOID*) &pList, &length);
        if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
            // do nothing since buffer length is < sizeof(ULONG), we will break out and return error after the if() clause
        else if (length == sizeof(ULONG) {
            pList->NumElements = [get number of elements];
            information = 0x0;
        else {
            // compute how many elements we can put into the buffer
            length -= MY_ELEMENT_LIST_HEADER_SIZE;

            // check to make sure the buffer is an integral number of MY_ELEMENTs
            if ((length % sizeof(MY_ELEMENT)) != 0) {
                status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            else {
                pList->NumElements = [get number of elements]
                [copy elements into pList->ElementList]
                // compute how many bytes we copied over
                information = MY_ELEMENT_LIST_HEADER_SIZE  + 
                              [num elements copied]*sizeof(MY_ELEMENT);
                status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
    WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation(Request, status, information);

In this example, we return the number of elements required in the list. We first check for the size of the output buffer; WdfRequestRetrieveOutputBuffer will help with the inital check. If it is a ULONG then we know that the caller is asking for the number of elements, so we return this information to the caller in the supplied output buffer. If the size of the output buffer is less than a ULONG, it is an error. If the size of the output buffer is greater than a ULONG, we first make sure that the buffer size is an integral number of elements (what good is a partial element?) and then copy over as many elements as possible. The caller would have the following code to get the data.

    ULONG numElements, listSize; size;

    DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_GET_ELEMENTS, NULL, 0, &numElements, sizeof(numElements), ...);

    listSize = MY_ELEMENT_LIST_HEADER_SIZE + numElements * sizeof(MY_ELEMENT);
    pList = (PMY_ELEMENT_LIST) LocalAlloc(LPTR, listSize);

    DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_GET_ELEMENTS, NULL, 0, pList, listSize, ...);

In the second implementation we do not use a size field at all. Instead we let the I/O manager return the data for us to the caller. In this implementation we return STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW and the number of required bytes (vs. the required number of elements in the previous example, a very important distinction!). The value of STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, 0x80000005, is very important in this implementation. This value will not return TRUE for NT_SUCCESS() or NT_ERROR(), rather it will return TRUE for NT_WARNING(). When an NT_WARNING() value is returned in response to an IOCTL IRP, the I/O manager will copy the value of Irp->IoStatus.Information to the lpBytesReturned parameter of DeviceIoControl (and does not copy anything to the caller's output buffer). This allows you to just have an array of elements as your output buffer.

NOTE:  if Irp->IoStatus.Status is an NT_WARNING() and the output buffer is buffered (e.g. METHOD_BUFFERED), the I/O manager will also try to use Irp->IoStatus.Information as the number of bytes to copy to the output buffer! This means that you should only return the number of bytes required if the output buffer is not present, otherwise the I/O manager can overwrite your process's address space very easily.  Checking for the presence of the output buffer is problematic.  The easiest solution is to avoid using METHOD_BUFFERED in the IOCTL value and use METHOD_IN/OUT_DIRECT instead.  Otherwise, you can check for IRP_INPUT_OPERATION in the IRP's Flags field, see MSDN for details on how to do this.  Thank you to Ishai Ben Aroya for pointing out this subtle problem!

Here is an example implementation (with differences betweent the first and second implementations highlighted in blue), where I am assuming METHOD_BUFFERED is not being used

     PMY_ELEMENT pList = NULL;

    switch (IoctlCode) {
        // This will make sure that buffer length is at least sizeof(MY_ELEMENT).
        // Anything less and we will return a warning and indicate the number
        // of required bytes.
        status = WdfRequestRetrieveOutputBuffer(Request, NULL, (PVOID*) &pList, &length);
        if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
            // do nothing, error will propagate after the switch
        else if (length == 0x0) {
            status = STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
            information = [get number of elements]
        else {
            // check to make sure the buffer is an integral number of MY_ELEMENTs
            // this will also handle the case of length < sizeof(MY_ELEMENT)
            if ((length % sizeof(MY_ELEMENT)) != 0) {
                status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER;
            else {
                [copy elements into pList]

                // compute how many bytes we copied over
                information = [num elements copied]*sizeof(MY_ELEMENT);
                status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
    WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation(Request, status, information);

And the calling code would look like

     DWORD bytesReturned;
    PMY_ELEMENT pList;
    BOOL result;

    // This will return FALSE since the driver will return an NT_WARNING value!
    result = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_GET_ELEMENTS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bytesReturned, ...);
    ASSERT(result == FALSE);

    listSize = bytesReturned;
    pList = (PMY_ELEMENT) LocalAlloc(LPTR, listSize);

    DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_GET_ELEMENTS, NULL, 0, pList, listSize, ...);


  • Anonymous
    December 14, 2006
    Note that the original code for the 2nd implementation changed to account for the I/O manager using IoStatus.Information as the number of bytes to copy if NT_WARNING is returned and there is an output buffer.

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2006
    ...hey I just thought of something else: Just a suggestion, but you could follow this blog entry with another describing how to call any of the three methods' DeviceIoControl calls in a loop, to handle the case where the number of elements in the list changed between the first call and the second.  (sort of combines elements of this entry with your InterlockedXxxxxx entry).

  • Anonymous
    December 15, 2006
    ...I gotta start THINKING before I press submit (either that or STOP thinking after I press it).... That'd also all be a good lead-in to another blog entry on a low-impact method (or a comparison of various methods) for synchronizing the contents of the list between the DeviceIoControl calls and whatever's updating the list elsewhere in the driver. Also, I DID mess up the code above (quite badly) when I typed it into the form: else if (length != sizeof(ULONG) {           *pNumElements = [get number of elements];           information = 0x0;       } should be more like: else if (length == sizeof(ULONG) {           *pNumElements = [get number of elements];           information = sizeof(ULONG);           status = STATUS_SUCCESS;       } ... and I left out the else after: if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ... } Geez, OK, now I'm going home.  I promise not to enter another comment tonight.

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2006
    Thanks for reading.  Yes, the split IOCTLs (one for query for size, one to get thelist) with a single purpose is another alternative.  I considered adding it to the entry, but I thought naively that it was obvious.  My point here was actually to show how to return the number of required bytes in IoStatus.Information, the rest is just structure around that point.   The suggestions for the other entries are good ones.  I already had the synchronization topic in the queue, but having one on how to loop to make sure you get the correct value is a good idea.  You shall see it soon ;) d

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2006
    I think it was obvious, and your point about using IoStatus.Information is indeed an informative and interesting one.  I just couldn't help myself commenting on a blog entry (goes back to the whole poking hornets nests for fun thing). Couple more thoughts I had for which the answers might make interesting blog entries (or might be dead-ends/uninteresting): What else does the I/O manager do with IoStatus.Information? What other applications are there for NT_WARNING()? What applications and tools are there for using and manipulating the other bits in NTSTATUS values? Are there any interesting kernel-level things I can do with the message compiler in addition to what's demonstrated in the DDK samples and documented in "Defining Custom Error Types"? -Tim

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2006
    most of these are one liners, so not much to write about > What else does the I/O manager do with IoStatus.Information I don't know about FS land, but for i/o manager IRPs it will be the number of bytes to copy outside of NT_WARNING being returned.  for other irps, like some sent by the PnP manager, it contains a pointer > What applications and tools are there for using and manipulating the other bits in NTSTATUS values? Not much else is there, esp no tools.  NTSTATUS values typically fall into success of failure, warning and information (which is considered NT_SUCCESS()) are rarely used (again, the case may be different in FS land). > Are there any interesting kernel-level things I can do with the message compiler in addition to what's demonstrated in the DDK samples and documented in "Defining Custom Error Types"? Nope.  You use it to embedd event log error messages and you can use it to define your own NTSTATUS values (KMDF does the latter, see wdfstatus.h) d