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Updated SharePoint 2010 Developer Training Course on Channel 9

Today we released an update to the SharePoint 2010 Developer Training Course on Channel 9. This training course contains 14 training units covering all aspects of developing solutions on the SharePoint 2010 platform using Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010. The update adds a downloadable version of the training course including Hands On Labs (HOLs) for all of the training units. SharePoint 2010 provides the business collaboration platform for developers to rapidly build solutions using familiar tools while leveraging a rich set of out of the box features. Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010 make developers more productive and Visual Studio Team Foundation Server delivers support for application lifecycle management. Developers can integrate Line of Business data in SharePoint 2010 with read/write capability delivered by Business Connectivity Services. Sandboxed Solutions can be deployed to a shared hosting environment to limit the impact of unpredictable code to the other applications in use.


The SharePoint 2010 training kit will cover the following topics.

Getting Started with SharePoint 2010

· What’s New in SharePoint 2010

· All of the PowerPoint decks used in the training

SharePoint 2010 Developer Roadmap

· What’s New in SharePoint 2010

· Major Shifts in the SharePoint 2010 UI

· Getting Started with SharePoint 2010 Development

· New Developer Tools for SharePoint 2010

· SharePoint 2010 Integration with PowerShell

SharePoint Development with Visual Studio 2010

· VS10 SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools

· The SharePoint Explorer

· The Feature Node & Feature Designer

· The Package None and Packaging Support

· Extensibility for Creating Custom SPIs and Context Menus

SharePoint UI Advancements

· The New SharePoint User Experience

· Branding and Compliancy in SharePoint 2010

· Customizing the User Interface

· InfoPath Forms and SharePoint

Designing Lists and Schemas

· New events for SharePoint sites & lists

· List Relationships and Joins

· Unique Column Constraints

· Managing and Querying Large List Support

· Wide List Governance

· List & List Item Validation

· XSL-Based Views

LINQ to SharePoint

· LINQ Primer

· Lambda Expressions

· Anonymous Types

· LINQ to SharePoint

· The DataContext Object

· Creating Typed Data Classes

Client Object Model

· Motivation for a Client Object Model

· The .NET Client Object Model

· The Silverlight Client Object Model

· Astoria Support

· Silverlight Web Parts

· The JavaScript Client Object Model

SharePoint 2010 Workflow

· Business Process Management

· Workflow Foundation

· What’s New in SharePoint 2010 Workflow

· Designing Workflows with SPD

· Developing Workflows with Visual Studio 10

The SharePoint 2010 Services Architecture

· Changes from MOSS 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Service Model

· Service Model Components

· Service Applications

· Service App Proxies and Service App Groups

· OOTB Service Applications

· Creating Custom Service Applications

External Data in SharePoint (BCS)

· Enterprise Landscape

· Business Connectivity Services

· External Content Types

· Creating Applications

· Publishing Applications

· Visual Studio 2010 support

Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

· Web Content Management (WCM) Improvements

· Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

· Advanced Routing

· Metadata Everywhere

· Asset Library

· Document Sets

· In-Place Records Management

Extending Search

· Search “App Taxonomy”

· The Connector Framework

· Creating a .NET Shim

· The Query Pipeline

· Search Center Enhancements

BI Solutions with Performance Point Server 2010

· What is Business Intelligence

· BI Tools in SharePoint 2010

· Performance Point Services

· Excel Services

Sandboxed Solutions

· Application Hosting and Customization

· Site Collection Solutions

· Developing Sandboxed Solutions

· Administrating the sandboxing infrastructure

SharePoint 2010 and Claims-based Security

· SharePoint 12 Authentication

· ACLs and Securable Objects

· Claims-based Security

Other SharePoint Training Resources

The SharePoint MSDN Developer Center

Developers at MSDN

IT Pros at TechNet

Everyone at

The SharePoint 2010 MSDN SDK:

SharePoint MSDN Forums:

SharePoint 2010 Developer Evaluation Guide:

An article on upgrading code from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010:

Details of how to install SharePoint 2010 for developers on Windows 7: