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Blogcast on Virtual Server Migration Toolkit (VSMT) - Part 1

Blogcast, podcast, mini-webcast.... What's in a name - well quite a lot judging by some of the reactions I've had.

Leaving the name issue to one side, I've recorded a series of eight clips which walk through the process of migrating an NT4 server into Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 using the VSMT (Virtual Server Migration Toolkit). Each of these clips is only a few minutes long, with the longest one only 10 minutes. Please feel free to delve in as you want. These clips essentially run through the steps described in a fabulous white paper available on

You will be able to see demo live in Birmingham on January 13th where you can ask me questions in-person.

  • The first blogcast is an introduction to the environment I'm using to perform the migration and can be viewed by clicking here.
  • The second blogcast is using the gatherhw tool to generate an XML manifest cataloguing the hardware in my NT4 Server. This can be viewed by clicking here

Hope you enjoy these - I'll blog about the other recordings over the next few days. Also, if you want to see more of these type of recordings relating to Windows Server environments or Virtual Server, drop me a mail or add a comment.


...added 28th January 2005: Now that they're published, here's the links to the other parts to save you searching.
Part two can be viewed here
Part three can be viewed here
Part four can be viewed here
Part five can be viewed here

Edited by John: 3rd Nov 2005 - Rehosted WMV files