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Talk: The [Async] Future of VB and C#

Talk: The [Async] Future of VB and C#

  • I gave a C#-specific version of this talk at DevConnections in Las Vegas, USA on 2011.11.01
    • This talk is mainly about Async and goes into considerable technical depth. It also covers the new CallerInfo feature, and includes a Roslyn demo.
    • Download slides.pptx [3mb]
    • Download script.docx [29k]
    • Download [42k, requires VS2010 SP1 and Async CTP v3 and Phone Developer Tools]
    • To encourage people to give feedback, I donate to charity for each session eval submitted. I'm looking forward to see how many evals the DevConnections audience hand in.
  • I gave this talk at TechDays11 in Basel, Switzerland on 2011.05.02.
    • This talk is mainly about Async, with a little about Roslyn. At PDC 2010, Anders Hejlsberg delivered talk FT09 on the same topics
    • Watch the talk online
    • Download slides.pptx [6.3mb]
    • Download script.docx [22k]
    • Download [16k, requires VS2010 SP1 and Async CTP]
    • The audience at Basel filled out 89 evals and so on May 20th 2011 the charity "Medecins Sans Frontiers" got $890 half from me and half from Microsoft. Thank you, Basel!
  • I gave a VB-specific version of this talk at TechEd Europe 2010 in Berlin, Germany on 2010.11.11
    • This VB-specific talk covered Iterators in VB, and VB Support for Windows Phone 7, as well as Async above. (The presentation of Async above was better than what I did here...)
    • Watch the talk online
    • Download slides.pptx [8mb]
    • Download for iterators [3k, requires VS2010 SP1 and Async CTP]
    • The audience in Berlin filled out 29 evals and so on on November 11th 2010 the charity "Medecins Sans Frontiers" got $290 half from me and half from Microsoft. Thank you, Berlin!