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Displaying a virtual machine in a PowerPoint presentation

Did you know that you can display your virtual machine from within a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation? Here's how:

  1. On a computer with Virtual Server installed, open Microsoft Powerpoint.
  2. On a PowerPoint slide, click "Insert," and then click "Object."
  3. Select "Create new" (the default), in the list click "Microsoft Virtual Server VMRC Control," and then click "OK."
  4. Double-click the object on the slide. This opens Microsoft Visual Basic.
  5. On the left side of the screen, configure properties, so your target virtual machine displays. A list of what you have to configure is below.
  6. When finished configuring properties, save the changes in Visual Basic and go back to the PowerPoint slide.
  7. Click the slideshow icon and click "Yes" until the virtual machine displays. If the display shows "No connection," click "Remote Control," click "Connect To Server," and then specify the virtual machine.

Properties to configure in Visual Basic:

Height: Height of the virtual machine display space. I started with 400, and it looks OK on my screen.

Left: Space between the virtual machine display and the left side of the slide. I set it at 50.

ServerAddress: Name of the computer running Virtual Server. I tried connecting to a remote instance of Virtual Server and wasn't able to get it to work. If you can figure this out, please post a comment, so we'll all know.

ServerDisplayName: Name of the virtual machine.

ServerPort: VMRC port, 5900 by default.

Top: Distance from the top of the slide for the virtual machine display. I set it at 50.

UserDomain: Domain, if you're in one.

UserName: Your user name.

Width: Width of the virtual machine display. I set mine at 600.

Note: I'm doing this on a machine that has every possible Microsoft product on it. I assume this will also work for you. If it doesn't please let me know and I'll figure out what's up.