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Overtime for mobile mail users?

Was trawling around a few blogs and came across this interesting article on Over-Time Pay For Reading E-mail on Your Blackberry at Home now it does strike me as amusing for the following reasons:


  1. Surely if this is legal advice from am esteemed law professor, then I should be charged for each 6 minute increment I check out the blog? Don't tell me the world is going soft and we are now getting benevolent lawyers - I will see parking attendants in central London hugging babies next!
  2. A very interesting view that an employer providing the ability to work flexibly and remotely should then be charged for that benefit contribution by the very employee they are trying to help...?

Please tell me someone hasn't forgotten the best button on these devices:

you know you want to.JPG

Hmmm seems someone forgot to tell the plaintiff in the above case that a little two way flexibility was a good thing?
