C++ AMP sample projects for download
For some developers, reading code (that fully compiles in a Visual Studio project) is a much better way to learn an API than reading documentation about an API. If that describes you, then you'll be happy to know that in between our blog posts explaining various aspects of C++ AMP, we also post blog entries that have ZIP files attached with VS 2012 projects, representing C++ AMP samples. This blog post will serve as a table of contents (toc) for all such blog posts. We'll come back and update this toc whenever we post a new entry with a VS project attached - enjoy!
This is our current list of public VS 2012 projects using C++ AMP - follow the link (Ctrl+Click) to open a new web page and then browse to the bottom of the new page to download the ZIP file:
- N-body simulation
- Binomial options pricing model
- Convolution
- Matrix multiplication
- Transitive closure
- Ocean simulation
- Bitonic sorter
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) test app
- Passing pointers through C++ AMP
- Mersenne twister
- Using C++ AMP from a CLR app
- Using C++ AMP in a CLR project
- Using C++ AMP from a C# app
- Using C++ AMP from a C# Windows 8 metro-style app
- Measuring performance of C++ AMP
- 2D triangle rotation
- Image blur
- Histogram
- Matrix Transpose
- accelerator_view::create_marker example
- Chunking data across C++ AMP kernels
- Multi-accelerator example
- "Hello World"
- Reduction
- Scan
- Gaussian Blur
- Mandelbrot
- Black Scholes
- Image Effects
- Random Traveller
- Morph
- Using CUDA Libraries from C++ AMP
- Fluid Simulation
- Antenna Radiation Simulation
- String search
- Julia Fractal Generator
Note 1: As we release new versions of Visual Studio and C++ AMP, we'll try to go back and update the ZIP file of each sample to be compatible with the latest Visual Studio and C++ AMP release, i.e. like we did with the Beta.
Note 2: If you have written your own C++ AMP sample, let us know and we can host it on our blog and list it here.
Note 3: For any questions with any of the samples, please post your question on the specific sample page.
- Anonymous
April 24, 2013
Can we have a single Zip for all of them?