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SharePoint Search Runbook - Move Admin Components

This post may be used as a reference to help create or update a SharePoint search runbook.

Move Admin Components

In some environments it is necessary to separate admin components and crawl components. The PowerShell commands below may be used to move the admin components to a new server. This process assumes that search components are already running on the new admin servers and also assumes some search components will remain on the old admin servers. These steps describe the general process:

  1. Verify all search components are healthy
  2. Add new admin components
  3. Verify all search components are running
  4. Remove old admin components (NOTE: Search will be offline for a period of time during this step)

Use the following PowerShell to add the new admin components. Make sure you edit the server names.

# Add new admin components

$AddAdminServer1 = "Server2"
$AddAdminServer2 = "Server1"

$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication

$active = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -SearchApplication $ssa -Active
$clone = New-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -SearchApplication $ssa -Clone -SearchTopology $active

$NewAdminServer1 = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -Identity $AddAdminServer1
$NewAdminServer2 = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceInstance -Identity $AddAdminServer2

# start a new admin component on the new server

New-SPEnterpriseSearchAdminComponent -SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $NewAdminServer1
New-SPEnterpriseSearchAdminComponent -SearchTopology $clone -SearchServiceInstance $NewAdminServer2

Set-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -Identity $clone

It will take approximately 10 minutes for the add command to complete. Once it has finished, refresh the Central Admin Search Application Topology and verify that all components are running.

Use the following PowerShell to remove the original admin components. Make sure you edit the server names. (NOTE: Search will be offline for a period of time during this process)

# Delete old admin components

$RemoveAdminServer1 = "OldAdminServer1"
$RemoveAdminServer2 = "OldAdminServer2"

$ssa = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication

$active = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -SearchApplication $ssa -Active
$clone = New-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -SearchApplication $ssa -Clone -SearchTopology $active

$adminIdentiy1 = (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -SearchTopology $clone | ? {($_.ServerName -eq $RemoveAdminServer1) -and ($_.Name -Like "Admin*")}).ComponentId.GUID
$adminIdentiy2 = (Get-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -SearchTopology $clone | ? {($_.ServerName -eq $RemoveAdminServer2) -and ($_.Name -Like "Admin*")}).ComponentId.GUID

Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -Identity $adminIdentiy1 -SearchTopology $clone -Confirm:$False
Remove-SPEnterpriseSearchComponent -Identity $adminIdentiy2 -SearchTopology $clone -Confirm:$False

Set-SPEnterpriseSearchTopology -Identity $clone

It will take between 15-30 minutes for the remove command to complete. Once it has finished, refresh the Central Admin Search Application Topology and verify that all components are running.

Please leave comments and share your experience. How long did the commands take to finish? How long was the search query experience offline?