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Random Technical Artices By Sachin Filinto

Random Technical Artices By Sachin Filinto

Random Thoughts and Hints on Software Development

Random thoughts by SQL DBA/System Administrator

Random thoughts from a certified geek!

Random thoughts of a dev

Random thoughts of a Premier Field Engineer

Random thoughts of an Exchange PFE

This blog is my effort to document and share interesting details about Exchange Server as I come across them in field, lab and community.

Random Thoughts on SharePoint, BI, and .NET

Random Thoughts on Technology

Emi Baragan's (mostly) technical blog

Random, Happy Dev Thoughts



When a 'z' just doesn't cut it... (Oren Nachman's random notes from Microsoft)

Randy Miller's Blog

Software Development on the Difficult Projects

Randy Young ::: Adopting and Adapting

Service Management, MOF, ITIL ...and some software

Sr. Product Manager in the Operations Excellence Solutions Group.

Randy's Ramblings


Ran's blog

Rant Space

Rants of a Hippie Coder

Rants of a Hippie Coder Reprise

Just another Developer Network site

Raul Garcia's blog

Ravi S.Maniam's Blog

A blog by a relational guy with analytical aptitude….

Ravindra Pamidi's Blog


Ravings of a Microsoft Evangelista

I have been with Polaris Solutions as an ALM Practice Lead since January 2011. As I go about my day to day, I often stumble across things I want to share out with the community. This is my soap box.

Ravipriya De Alwis

Ravi's Blog

Blogging Windows, ConfigMgr, Intune, and anything device management

Rawr es por DeveloBear

Blog de desarrollo con un toque osezno

Razi bin Rais : Curious Thoughts

About software development & stuff ✔

RCormier's SharePoint Blog

Reach What You Cannot

Escape from Hell

Reaching Out to Microsoft Partners in Australia

Reactive Extensions Team Blog

News about Reactive Extensions for .NET & Silverlight

ReactJs NodeJs Azure

Just another Developer Network site

Read, Write, Speak - Azure

My Azure Journal

Real world problems; Real world solutions

Forum to share my experiences supporting IIS, ASP.NET & SharePoint technologies and an attempt to explain how these technologies work below the surface. I discuss some of the issues that we resolved in our support cases.

Recursive Reflection

Red Hat on Azure Partner Network


Red Pill BLOGS

Windows 10 and custom coding. The answer to life, the universe and everything. By Helmut Wagensonner [PFE]

Reddi Madhuri Blog

Madhuri – ASSC Consultant

Reed and Steve Stuff

Reed Fansler’s Office 365 Development Blog

Topics related to Office 365, SharePoint, and UX development

Reed Me

Development schtuff, SQL Server & other random geekness. Now with more [fill in the blank]!

Reenu Saluja

Handling High volume events with Azure Event hub


Reference Point

Reference Source Code Center Team Blog

References for SCOM, OMS, AI, ...

Just another Developer Network site

Refines.Info["Polo Lee"]

You can't control your emotions, but you can master your own story.

Reflection on Software Architecture

Reflections on Microsoft Dynamics AX

Reflections on Microsoft Dynamics, ERP Projects and Product

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