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Various implementations of Rx

I'm starting to lose track of the various ports/implementations of Rx out there. So I figured I'd list the ones I'm aware of here (and please let me know if you know of others!)



This is pretty cool, because effectively we have a cross-platform lingua franca for event processing. The Rx .NET implementation is serving as the reference implementation, but it won't be long before we see some ports innovating at their own pace.

What do people think? Should there be an implementation-agnostic Rx specification? How far away are we from an Rx Summit and a committee for standardization?


 UPDATE (3/18/2013 3:34 PM PDT): Added RxPython
 UPDATE (3/18/2013 3:44 PM PDT): Added Dart, corrected link to Reactive Cocoa
 UPDATE (3/18/2013 9:50 PM PDT): Added Rx.rb