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Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse: Reports aren’t deployed after registering the data warehouse

This is the latest in “Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse” series. The goal of this series is to not only help you troubleshoot specific issues you may be experiencing but also teach you more about the data warehouse. For a complete list of posts in the series, check out Troubleshooting the Data Warehouse: An overview.

The symptom

When you open the console, a dialog box appears indicating that the Reporting Service is unavailable. Or if the Report wunderbar appears, there are no reports in the Reporting workspace and if you look on the Reporting Services server, no reports have been deployed.

All other aspects of the data warehouse deployment seem to have gone smoothly. For example, when you click on the Data Warehouse wunderbar then Data Warehouse Jobs, you see 2 extract jobs, a transform job, a load job and an MPSync job.


The troubleshooting steps

To troubleshoot the above issue, please verify things in the following orders


1. Check the deployment status of your management packs

In the Service Manager Console

· Click on the Data Warehouse wunderbar

· Click on Management Packs and in the search Filter field type report. This will filter to the report related management packs

· Check the deployment status (last column) of the following MPs…none should have Failed

o ServiceManager.ActivityManagement.Report.Library

o ServiceManager.ProblemManagement.Report.Library

o ServiceManager.IncidentManagement.Report.Library

o ServiceManager.ConfigurationManagement.Report.Library

o ServiceManager.ChangeManagement.Report.Library


2. Check the event log for error messages about the assembly Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Reporting.Code.dll

If any of the above 5 management packs failed deployment

· Go to the Data Warehouse Management Server

· Open the Operations Manager Event log

· Filter the events with Event Sources as Deployment and Event Level as Error

· If there are error messages in the event log which indicate “cannot load Assembly Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Reporting.Code.dll”

o Your SSRS installation may be on a different server than the Data Warehouse Management Server. If so, please follow the deployment guide and copy this assembly to the SSRS server then add access permission to it.

For detail instruction please follow the deployment guide.

o If your SSRS installation is on the same server as the Data Warehouse Management Server, restart the SSRS service.

· To restart SSRS

o Log on to the server where SSRS is installed

o Click Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 > Configuration Tools > Reporting Services Configuration Manager

o In the pop up window, click Connect, then click Stop, after that click Start.


3. Redeploy the failed report management packs

In the Service Manager Console:

· Click on the Data Warehouse wunderbar

· Click on Management Packs and in the search filter type report

· For each of the MPs listed in step 1, click Restart Deployment in the right hand Task Pane. Note that if the deployment status of a management pack is completed, click on this management pack, the Restart Deployment is grey out in the Task Pane

Once the deployment status of the report mps turned from Failed to Completed, open the Console again, reports should display in the Reporting workspace. You may need to restart the console to see the reports as the console caches the list of reports.