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Community Technology Preview of Whidbey

Last week was a stressful week as we worked on closing down the Community Technology Preview. We had a small fire drill as we ran up against interesting things that can happen on large software projects, but I'llleave that anecdote for later. As I've been relaxing, I've been looking with interest at feedback on it, both on newsgroups and blogs such as Matt Hawley's.

We on the C# team are super interested in your feedback. Got stuff you like or dont like about the community drop? Can we answer quickly what a specific C# feature does? Let us know over newsgroups, or just send me feedback over my blog (please leave an email address I can contact you at). More detailed answers requiring repros or research might take more time to answer, so have some patience. We hope you like the product.

The MSDN page on the drop is at: The readme is pretty informative too.