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Recruiting in C# land

I saw Erics post on recruiting in Movie Maker and felt the need to blog about our efforts in C# to recruit good people. We take this very seriously - good teams are an important ingredient in the making of good products. Our management prioritize recruiting very highly too and have recently gone all out in an internal campaign to get people interested in coming to C#. So I was sitting around one day, sipping my decaf latte on yet another rainy day in Redmond, when I decided to take my afternoon walk around the corridors. And blammo I start noting that our team has put up recruiting posters in very high visibility areas - entrance to the cafeteria, entrance to the elevators etc. The first poster I see is the one below..not bad I thought.


A couple of weeks later, I exit from the elevator and blammo, I see the post below. I loved it! Creative, geeky - probably instantly appealing to a code focused sort of person who would do well in C# land. Heck, I'd almost slap this on a tshirt and wear it everyday! Look at that code!


Anyway, if you are interested in C# jobs, check out

We have both Dev and Test jobs. We will see all the resumes submitted. Think sharp. C# (in my best Bond imitation).
