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Pie in the Sky (May 16th, 2014)

Back from TechEd, where there were a lot of announcements from Microsoft about working with various open source things. There were so many sessions, it was impossible to attend all of them. Good thing they put the videos online.




  • ASP.NET vNext: There were a lot of interesting announcements about ASP.NET & .NET in general this week at TechEd. Like, ASP.NET vNext apps running on Mono on Mac and Linux.




  • 8 terminal utilities every OS X command line user should know: Some useful commands.

  • PostgreSQL 9.4 beta 1: I don't normally post about database updates, but PostgreSQL has some interesting stuff going on here. Specifically working with JSON data, which is one of the big pulls of things like MongoDB. But JSON as a native type, queryable with honest-to-goodness SQL and side-by-side with relational data? That's pretty compelling.

  • Trash: A cross-platform delete command that puts things in the trash vs. permanently deleting them.

  • In browser RAW image processing: The folks at talk a bit about how they worked out processing for RAW formats.

  • Git for beginners: For folks new to git or that just haven't used it for a few months and need a reminder.

  • vvvv.js: This is some sort of visual programming language, which might be interesting to some of you.

  • Robots, Bluetooth, Windows runtime and LEGOS: This just hit the web this morning, so I haven't had a chance to try it, but sounds fun.


- Larry