Pie in the Sky (November 22nd, 2013)
I'll be on vacation next week for the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, so no blog post next Friday. Here's some links from this week.
Mobile Services team blog: The Windows Azure Mobile Services team has their own blog now. Just an introductory post for now, but probably a safe bet to add it to your feeds to catch future posts.
Responsivecomments A client-side solution for conditional loading in responsive web design.
Apple's iOS7 native JavaScript Bridge: A little history on JavaScript bridges, then diving into Apple's native bridge for iOS 7.
Run more apps and show more tiles on high-dpi Windows 8.1 displays: How to tweak Win8 to show more stuff on things like the Surface 2.
Node.js tools for Visual Studio: Pretty neat, but still alpha quality. Intellisense, debugging, npm GUI.
Litesocket: Real-time server events using Server-Sent Events.
What's new in Node.js v0.12 - Cluster round-robin load balancing: The folks at StrongLoop go over some of the planned features for Node.js v0.12.
npmd: An alternative npm client that caches metadata locally for resolving package dependencies.
Using PHP streams effectively: A couple of real-world uses for streams.
Social network style posting with PHP, MongoDB and jQuery - part 2: Continuing to make a post/like/comment thing for your web site.
Becoming a PHP professional: The missing link: Advice on advancing your PHP skills.
Docstrap: If you're using JSDoc3 to create documentation, docstrap provides some really nice Bootstrap-based themes.
Xcode cheat sheet: For those of you using Xcode.
Weak passwords brute forced: Some GitHub accounts were compromised this week. Check your activity logs and change passwords.
Grunt 0.4.2 released: New version is out, fixes issues for Windows developers.
- Larry