Using scriptable parameter values in a web test
This post will show you how to imbed code into a property value. There are 2 built in macro’s that you can set as the value for a property. They are RandomInt and RandomDouble. These will execute System.Random.Next or System.Random.NextDouble. Here is more info on that class:
To use these macros you would do the following:
1) Open a web test
2) Go to a query or form post parameter
3) Set the value of the parameter to either {{$RandomInt(0,10}} or {{$RandomDouble(0,10)}}
4) Execute the test
5) Then in the result, look for the parameter and verify that the value has been set according to your parameters.
A very useful macro plugin has been written and shared on codeplex. Here is a link to the codeplex site:
This is a very cool plugin allows you to put almost any code block right in the property value. For example, here are some samples from the codeplex site:
- <% = DateTime.Now %> - for the current date and time
- <% = DateTime.Now.ToString ("dd-MM-yyyy") %> - for the current date and time in the specified format
- <% = Guid.NewGuid() %> - for a new GUID
December 16, 2008
This post will show you how to imbed code in a paratmer value of a web test without having to createAnonymous
December 16, 2008
This post will show you how to imbed code in a parameter value of a web test without having to create