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Informal survey..iPhone VS Windows Mobile..


Coming from support, I have seen many different causes for crashes and hangs, memory leaks and BSOD’s. Of course, again I am colored by my experiences and it reflects in the title of my blog “When things go wrong.. “ I only see the bad side of things. But, I have long held the opinion that Windows is a stable OS for the most part, and I know for a fact that many many root causes of cases I saw were 3rd party applications and drivers.

Anyway, to the point. I was rebooting my Samsung Epix ( again ) the other day and was quite frustrated with the experience. I started to think, maybe I have too many applications running.

But isn’t that part of the reason for me getting the WinMobile phones?

 I love the fact that I can RDP to my desktop, watch a ripped DVD , chat on IRC and play games or listen to podcasts all on the same device. I run CORE media player, RDP desktop client, have any number of games and 3 different mobile browsers on my phone. Is the cost for this flexibility, the stability of my phone? If I cannot use it for its core function, a phone, but it works great as a ‘mini computer’ -- Am I OK with that?

Here are my specs – and the apps which are on almost all the time.

· Samsung Epix – WinMo 6.5

· AE button plus ( runs in background )

· Audio Notes

· Google Maps

· CorePlayer

· Live Mesh

· Newsbreak

· Pocket IE

· SkyFire

· Pocket Outlook

· ActiveSync

· BlueTooth on for headset ( runs in background )

· Voice Command On ( runs in background )


Now, I keep hearing about this Apple App store with bajillions of apps – forget the recent report that said no one uses them after the first week or so.

I asked a few co-workers if their iPhones needed to be rebooted and if so, how often. Most of them said almost never – then the follow up questions “ How many 3rd party apps do you run?” Almost none.


So does an iPhone suffer from the same dilemma? How often do you iPhone lovers users have to reboot your phone? Are you a heavy app user or more of a core system user?

Do you feel that you can ( or should have to ) sacrifice stability for extensibility?

random thoughts on a snowy Sunday afternoon...

